9 Feb 2019

Parliament Cyber Attack Was Revenge For Denied Citizenship Bid

Huang and Xi Jinping

Australia recently denied citizenship and blocked permanent residency to billionaire Chinese lobbyist Huang Xiangmo. Huang is a very big donor to both major parties in Australia and was directly responsible for the downfall of Sam Dastyari.

'Mr Huang was also president of a Communist Party-aligned body charged with promoting its interests - the Australian Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China.

One of his companies poured $50,000 into a fundraising organisation linked to former trade minister Andrew Robb, he paid $55,000 to dine with Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, while Mr Huang also helped establish an Australia-China research body headed by former NSW premier Bob Carr.'

To become a billionaire in China requires the total support of the Communist Party. Huang is a high-level communist apparatchik and the totalitarian regime and its megalomaniac dictator Xi Jinping had to send Canberra a clear message. Huang also wants his money back.

The cyber attack on the Australian Parliament was reported on February 8 2019 and China was blamed immediately. This is why:
'Beijing has an entire military unit tasked with carrying out these sorts of actions — the People's Liberation Army Unit 61398, a covert operation blamed in 2014 for stealing secrets from US companies.'

'In 2015, Beijing was blamed for attacking Australia's Bureau of Meteorology. The BOM is a rich vein of data which is directly relevant to this nation's agriculture and wider economy.'
'In 2013, Four Corners reported that hackers using a server in China had stolen the blueprints of domestic spy agency ASIO's new headquarters in Canberra'. We recommend those interested in Australia's national security read the background on Chinese government hacking

Inside Tasmania is convinced the broader reason China broke into the Parliament web servers is because of the Turnbull government's 'foreign influence laws' which came into effect on January 1 2019.

China's goal in Australia and much of the world is to expand influence and ensure the survival of it's grossly unsustainable population of 1.4 billion people.

In Australia we desex cats and dogs to protect the environment, while the unfettered growth of India and China is destroying the environment of the entire planet. We are getting closer to devoting most of our GDP to combating climate change and we are now victims of uncontrolled population growth. Admit it's true?

24 Jan 2019

Fossil Fuel Exports Must Be Included In National CO2 Emissions

The Game Of Hiding The Sources Of CO2 Emissions Is Over

There has been a cynical shell game obscuring the fact fossil fuels are not included in the CO2 emissions of source nations but are included in the CO2 emissions of importing nations. This is the mindless localization of the global climate catastrophe.

Coal exported by Australia has never been included in our total CO2 emissions. But why hasn't it? Coal is exported solely to be burnt. Where it is burnt is insignificant. That's exactly the same as criminalizing drug addicts while totally ignoring drug dealers.

Climate Criminal Australia

We have known for decades we are near or at the top of per capita CO2 emission figures.

Looking at the coal export graph for 2017 Indonesia and Australia are in a class of their own. But on the CO2 emissions per capita for the same year, Indonesia doesn't even appear. This shows Australia is responsible for causing more climate change than anyone else on the planet. It also shows that one of biggest sources of atmospheric CO2 is Australia.


Woodchips Are a Major Source of CO2 Emissions

The woodchip industry in Tasmania and Southern Australia is run by the pseudo-academic Institute of Foresters Australia.

They claim woodchips store carbon which is a lie. For example, does toilet paper and packaging last for a century? Of course not. These products last for months or just weeks. That's why there is no carbon auditing done on woodchips and why Australia escapes blame for cutting-down forests to supply countries that are breeding themselves to annihilation.

Not only don't woodchips store carbon but the oxygen produced by trees is also lost. The Institute of Foresters claim dead trees will be replaced eventually, but why are we seeing complete ecological collapse driven by climate change if this is true? It's another corporate lie. They are cutting forests faster than they are growing.

If you include total land clearing, it would be interesting to know if Australia or Indonesia is doing the most damage to the future of the planet. Lets lay the blame where it belongs?

16 Jan 2019

2019 - A Year Of Chaos

2019 started amid global chaos caused by the bankrupt, hapless and inept elected governments of the World. It looks more and more like democracy doesn't work but hasn't that already been predicted? Here are some issues we thought worth covering.

The real reason a Saudi teen fleeing a brutal theocratic dictatorship was accepted by Canada and not Australia - Liberal arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

There is no way the allegedly 'psychopathic' LNP Australian government was going to jeopardise billion$ in arms sales to the brutal hereditary dictatorship of Saudi Arabia.

Alleged sociopath and overzealous arms dealer Christoper Pyne knows the Saudis can only comprehend tit for tat relationships. Look at how 'prince' Bin Salman ordered a journalist be hacked to death just for criticizing their sick regime? And yet Aussie PM Scott Morrison (who self-identifies as 'Christian') and Christopher Pyne were forced to uphold this extreme Sunni death cult.   

IT covered the arms sales previously and asked why Christopher Pyne, a man who voted to disarm his own country after the Port Arthur Massacre was now selling arms to a bunch of medieval terrorists who still believe in stoning people to death? Remember, 15 of the 19 September 11 terrorists were citizens of Saudi Arabia? So 78% of the 9-11 terrorists were Saudis.
We regard Liberals like Christopher Pyne and Scott Morrison as morally and ethically bankrupt. So please don't vote for them.
Which reminds us. We never did find out who allegedly hacked Pyne's Twitter account and 'liked' a gay porn site. What sort of somnambulistic, basket weaving nation sees a defense minister's computer hacked and is too lazy to hold an investigation.

US Debt Ceiling leads to government shutdown and BigMacs at the White House
The US shutdown is being presented as a conflict over funding for Trump's Mexican border wall but it's actually about crippling debt.

In decades past, economists developed the 'debt is good' idea as well as the 'good debt, bad debt' concept. They didn't imagine that by 2019 US politicians would be using the debt ceiling as a blunt instrument to batter each other over the head with. This one has a way to go before it plays out until the next big shutdown. US government debt is currently close to $22 trillion, a figure nobody in Australia can even comprehend.

Britain's Brexit Blundering
After years of anguish over leaving or staying in the EU it's now close to the March 29 date when the Poms are supposed to leave.
The whole debacle has been a psychological pantomime of self-entitled colonial thieves trying to cover the variables and come out ahead. The Brits looted and raped half the known world and now they appear to be reaping what they have sown.
I am writing this in the full knowledge that it's in the English language, an historic amalgam of mostly invasions long past.

The worse thing about the Poms is their belief in bureaucracy and class. Their idea of Brexit reminds me of a divorce where one partner expects the other to continue with the cooking and cleaning. In Tasmania the Poms exterminated the Aborigines which attracted fascists from Germany and South Africa to live here. The Poms called the landscape 'Crown Land' - what an insult to intelligent people everywhere? I do not accept the royal family as owning this land - it's a brutal lie.

But I'm ending on a positive note. Theresa May's dancing - Hard House remix

30 Dec 2018

Psychopath Of The Year Award For 2018

This year we decided to have a 'Psychopath of the Year Award'. Choosing a worthy winner was harder than we thought. With totalitarian dictatorships in China and probably India, the 2 Asian population monsters are well on the way to destroying life on Earth. But who is even noticing? Certainly not the hopelessly corrupt and compromised 'Western' leaders.

The profoundly arrogant Saudi prince Bin Salman was considered after the dismembering of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, but we see Bin Salman as just a festering sore on the putrid fundamentalist ulcer that is Saudi Arabia. The world can live without religious nutjobs but it will not happen in our lifetimes.

But right behind Bin Salman and refusing to condemn him was fellow sword dancer Donald Trump. Apparently Trump ticks all the boxes on most psychopath personality tests. With his self-centered and dysfunctional performance as 'leader of the free world' we can see why. Here we have a criminal president, bribed by the National Rifle Association to wage war on the children of his own country. The very people he stood to represent. Even worse, Trump is actively destroying the climate of this planet so the children of the US will live their lives in a climatic nightmare. In solidarity with the school children of the United States we are proud to announce President Donald Trump is the Inside Tasmania Psychopath Of The Year for 2018.

18 Dec 2018

Scott Morrison And The 'Battle Of Armageddon' Delusion

The above graphic doing the rounds of social media lifts the veil of illusion from Australia's PM Scott Morrison.
We all know people like Morrison are alleged to believe in an 'end of days' culminating in a 'battle of armageddon' in an illusory 'holy land'.
This is supposed to proceed 'the second coming of jesus christ, when he returns to set up his kingdom on earth'.

We will say categorically that it ain't going to happen. Even after all 'nine specific prophesies' have been met there will be no second coming. Morrison will still be waiting. How do we know this?

Consider this? An alleged 'god' entity creates a planet where almost every creature has to kill and eat other creatures to survive. Then this cosmic butcher somehow loses control of his horrendous little planet to a 'satan' entity that could only have been originally created by the god entity. What an idiotic belief system? No wonder the phuktards are always abusing children?

So it's a myth, and because people who believe in myths have been slaughtering each other for thousands of years humanity needs to call then out in the 21st Century. We don't accept Trump and baby-Trump Scott Morrison's fake Armageddon philosophy. Grow-up idiots and look at the real problems for a change?

22 Nov 2018

Identifying Islamic Indoctrination In The 21st Century

Incredibly, in the 21st century we see stories of mobile phone carrying religious zombies calling for the murder of a Pakistani woman whose only crime was sipping from a cup of water on a hot day.

Asia Bibi and the Blasphemy Ruling.
"Christian farm labourer Bibi, a 47-year-old mother of five, was sentenced to hang for blasphemy in 2010. She had angered fellow Muslim farm workers by taking a sip of water from a cup she had fetched for them on a hot day. When they demanded she convert to Islam, she refused, prompting a mob to later allege that she had insulted the prophet Mohammed."

This month Pakistan's supreme court overturned the 2010 death penalty. The court issued a 56-page ruling that had to be delayed for three weeks after blasphemy campaigners promised to “paralyse” the country and kill the judges if they did not uphold Bibi’s death sentence.
Now the brainwashed Islamist's are hunting 'house to house' for the Bibi family.

Comment. We hold no religious beliefs. Notice the farm workers 'demanded' the woman convert to Islam? Historically this is how most of the Middle East became Moslem - by force. Islam is based entirely on 'voices' heard in the head of a single person 1400 years ago, yet today millions of people still believe it's possible to 'insult' this long-dead individual.

This is a totally flawed belief system because it does not hold up to rational scrutiny whatsoever. What's interesting about Islam compared to the other delusional Abrahamic religions, is that Islam has essentially locked all the psychological doors and captured it's victims using violence, threats of violence and death. This is an important clue that assures us Islam is a fake religion engineered for power and control. Hence we see mass-indoctrination and absolute peer-pressure to conform to ideas that hold no foundation. This is mass brainwashing of a relentless form.

In Australia we see Islam allegedly being 'sanitised' by media personality Waleed Aly. We know Aly criticised Islamic State calling them 'bastards' but we would like to know Aly's position on blasphemy. We would also appreciate Aly's views on 'apostasy' which is supposedly the crime of leaving a religion  

Inside Tasmania is aware Waleed Aly does not engage in debate about his alleged 'religion'.
Condemning terrorism on The Project seems a safe way for Waleed Aly to stay onside with his Islamic peers, but we are sure Waleed never actually chose Islam independently. We are sure he was indoctrinated as a child and cannot leave. How could he when leaving is supposedly a crime?

We are saddened by the multiple problems of the world, but we also acknowledge Australia remained mostly terrorism-free after the colonial invasion and before Moslems began to arrive here in greater numbers. We think people like Waleed Aly need to acknowledge that. Do we really want a world run by corrupt, delusional, medieval religions or do we want an enlightened world guided by science and natural laws?

16 Nov 2018

Corrupt Trump Covers-Up Causes Of California Wildfires

At present 63 people are dead and 631 are unaccounted for in the California 'Camp Fire' that destroyed the towns of Paradise, Magalia and Concow.

"More than 9,700 homes have been destroyed, along with a total of 118 multi-family residences and 290 businesses. The fire has destroyed 11,862 structures."
"More than 52,000 forced to evacuate because of the fire, which is the deadliest and most destructive in California’s history".

Will Trump win 'Psychopath of the Year' in 2018? 
Trump tweeted:
There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor.

How does a spoiled brat who lives in a New York apartment know anything about forest management on the other side of continental US? How many times has Trump tried to change forest management in California? (leave a comment if you know of one example) This is more bullshit from Trump, and we along with the world's competent media are calling the slime-ball out.
Notice Trump provides no explanation on how forest management in California should change? Thats not good enough for the world's adults. But what is Trump really trying to bury here?

Climate Change is pushed along by the combined forces of too many people burning too much fossil fuels and Trump is right there causing it with his psychopathic Saudi friends and his deafening silence on world overpopulation.
Trump finds time to imitate a disabled reporter and call a porn star 'horse face' yet has never mentioned overpopulation and the over-consumption of fossil fuels.

Trump is the front-runner for the Inside Tasmania 'Psychopath of the Year' award in December 2018. The other contender is psychopath Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The CIA decided bin Salman killed reporter Jamal Khashoggi yet bin Salman is about to murder some of his own followers for obeying his orders. What sort of sick, distorted message will that send to the brainwashed idiots who keep this nut-job in power? The truth is bin Salman is as 'royal' as a heap of camel dung because 'royalty' is a carefully crafted delusion maintained by self-declared 'royals'. The fact bin Salman presides over the massive illusion that is Mecca could put him in front of Trump.

Our challenge to Trump. Explain what you think is wrong with forestry management in California.

17 Oct 2018

The Hodgman-Courtney-Whittington Trade Mission To China

In September 2018, Premier Will Hodgman and Primary Industries Minister Sarah Courtney led a delegation to China. Will Hodgman had to take 3 days off parliament because he thought representing China was more important than representing Tasmania. Also on the trip was Dr John Whittington, head of DPIPWE  who was allegedly in a relationship with his boss Sarah Courtney.
Today we see Hodgman fending-off questions about the relationship in parliament.

Yet again, Hodgman will be holding a navel-gazing inquiry into his own government.
Problem. Hodgman  and Courtney are unable to conclude an inquiry anyway so why have one? Hodgman is still investigating his ex-mining minister Adam Brook's company emails. 2 years ago in June 2016, Hodgman announced a two-week audit by the Crown Solicitor of the emails to consider if there was a conflict of interest.
Nothing happened.

Falling in love while covering-up the deaths of 16 prize polo ponies
Courtney and alleged partner Dr Whittington were supposed to be investigating the deaths of 16 prized polo ponies gassed to death on the Spirit of Tasmania
That happened over 8 months ago. The owner of the ponies has lodges a $639,000 dames claim against TT Line and Qube Holdings. We can guess how this will end. A fat cheque will be handed-over on the steps of the court house.
Just like the hefty payout over the 'Cricket Tasmania Abortion Sacking' caused by some loose cannon in Will Hodgman's office.

So whose money did Cricket Tasmania use to payout Angela Williamson?
It was Tasmanian taxpayers money of course. "Cricket Tasmania receives a $560,000 grant each year from the state government that has been unchanged for a number of years".
Will Hodgman has been riding the gravy train for too long. It's time for a change of government in Tasmania.

12 Oct 2018

Liberals Plan To Flood Tasmania With Asians

Previously we covered the criminal activities of China in Australia. Now we find most of Australia's immigrants are from India and China. How did the two overpopulated behemoths manipulate the hapless Liberals into letting them flood Australia in such huge numbers?

October 2018 and acting PM Scott Morrison and immigration minister Alan Tudge are both talking of forcing new arrivals to settle in rural areas for 5 years. This is because 86% of migrants are squashing themselves into cities, mostly Sydney and Melbourne.

This plan specifically refers to Tasmania.

Tasmanian premier Will Hodgman is 100% locked-on to this policy. Hodgman has been groomed by ruthless Chinese dictator Xi Jinping to implement Chinese policy in Tasmania. Do you think we are joking?

Life-long Chinese dictator grooming Will Hodgman
Will Hodgman has made many trips to China and has just taken a week off parliament to spend more time in his adopted country.
Hodgman wanted to be in China while the Tasmanian health system imploded. Hodgman cannot comprehend China is an unsustainable, hostile, rogue state. Put simply, India and China are reproducing themselves into oblivion and they will take millions of innocent people down with them.

China has just arrested the head of the global law enforcment agency Interpol yet lawyer Will Hodgman failed to notice? Obviously Hodgman is so compromised by China he can't understand that Interpol is fighting global drug cartels, weapons trafficking and organised crime. And that's just a slice of the action. The main game is infiltrating and then controlling all of the West's defense and technology capabilities using covert methods such as this:
"a specialist unit of the People's Liberation Army secretly slipped computer microchips into the servers being manufactured by an American company, SuperMicro Computer Inc Servers are the heart of the internet."

The China-Tasmania relationship is total exploitation. They have 1,400 MILLION people, yet tiny Tasmania is forced to destroy our unique ecology just to keep the hordes in toilet paper.
Hodgman is also selling China huge chunks of Tasmania, but what will they do when they get here?
They will take over. But first they will start fighting the Indians that Morrison will also flood-in to Tasmania.

Hodgman and Morrison represent the same imperialist regime that committed an almost complete genocide of Tasmania's original people. Nether has ever apologized for the genocide yet they want to flood Tasmania with Asians from the 2 most over-populated countries on Earth. Why? We all know conservatives have very limited IQ's so we are sure they can't answer that question.

Maybe they think that a lot of Indians and Chinese will defend us from a lot of Indians and Chinese? That's how smart Liberals are.
We don't want tens of thousands of Asians in Tasmania. We also no longer want half-wit Liberals destroying Australia around us.

7 Oct 2018

Neanderthal State Conference Votes To Withdraw From Paris Climate Agreement

As usual the media are not reporting the Neanderthal Tasmanian Liberals voted to  'call on the government to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement'.

Sure, ignoring climate change is a crap idea but these are crap people. We are sure that was Tasmania's alleged 'environment minister' Elise Archer in Southern Cross Television's clip obediently vote to leave the Paris accord. From what we saw, the Liberals are total conformists when it comes to voting in front of their peers.

The comforting thing about the Neanderthal State Conference is the knuckle-draggers are still tearing themselves apart. They are divided on the GST, with Hungarian treasurer Josh Frydenberg believing the Tasmanian lie they are a booming economy and don't need more GST revenue than other states. We still maintain Frydenberg is a dual-national and knows it. Tasmania deserves to be whipped with the GST because they have shamelessly rorted the Australian taxpayer for decades. Look at how they collect $800 per shipping container with the Bass Strait freight subsidy with logs and woodchips stuffed in shipping containers?

On an overpopulated planet, the half-wit Liberals want to grow the Tasmanian population, but they don't know why. They believe 'more is more' but we guarantee most of their sober supporters don't want car jackings, home invasions and imported gang warfare. Incidentally, the Melbourne 'Sudanese gang problem' was caused by Liberal Philip Ruddock. Now the Victorian Liberals are out to blame anybody but their own party.

And of course the Liberals are divided on climate change. Isn't this why they had to get rid of Turnbull? All we can say to the lowest IQ politicians in Australia is 'keep at it phuktards'.

25 Sept 2018

Dutton Wants To Install Spyware On Mobile Phones

Today we read 'homeland security' minister Dutton is introducing a law that would install spyware on all mobile devices, potentially crashing the internet.
This is from somebody who is sitting in parliament illegally. Somebody who lied to parliament and breached the constitution by holding a pecuniary interest with the Commonwealth concerning his child care centres.
Dutton is possibly also a psychopath because he thinks flooding Pacific islands with rising sea levels is funny. 

 "Criminal syndicates and terrorists are increasingly misusing and, indeed, exploiting these technologies," Mr Dutton said in a speech last week introducing The Assistance and Access Bill 2018 to Parliament.

But isn't Duttons family trust a 'criminal syndicate' and didn't the LNP all obediently vote to enable Dutton to lie to parliament?

What about the big threat from a tax-exempt religion?
So what church or mosque does Islamic State go to anyway? They go to regular Sunni mosques because Peter Dutton's government insists they should be tax-exempt charities. This is a big lie because it's based on something that doesn't exist - 'beliefs' are not 'facts' yet Dutton's government is in the business of peddling belief over fact and then protecting us from the insane consequences.