with a $36trillion debt they elected a career criminal
Chinas Toilet Roll - Tasmania
Islam as a mental illness
Liberals Love Communism
Koala Massacre By FSC
mentally crippled by religion

12 Feb 2025

Musk's Over-Entitled Son Picking His Nose In The Oval Office

We could not believe the dysfunctional Oval Office press conference on YouTube. Musk has a 4 year old who rides on his shoulders into Mar-a-Lago banquets and White House Oval Office press briefings. The kid is called 'X' a shortening of 'X Æ A-12'. Reminds us of 'Moon Unit Zapper'.

Maybe the kid was just there to distract from an un-elected oligarch with multiple citizenships and no government experience purging the entire US bureaucracy?

President Dump seemed distracted by the kid at first and looked like a grandfather approaching 80 who is struggling to keep up with the times. Dump claimed little X has a 'high IQ' although our googling found there is no IQ test for 4 year olds. (Probably none for 80 year olds either, at this stage it's an alzheimers test).

As X practiced his Hitler salutes, Musk revealed the US is technically bankrupt and struggling to pay interest on their $36 trillion debt. (we predicted that 4 years ago) Musk got hammered by a reporter with his claim the US spent $50 million on condoms for Gaza, when the money really went to Mozambique to fight HIV. (Remember anti-virus software Elon, Americans can catch HIV).

Some of Musk's blatant lies were that the World's richest elite was 'making bureaucracy answer to the people'. Also that this administration had a 'strong mandate from the people' although he was spending a million dollars a day buying votes.

Musk made the astonishing claim that the public would have to police his personal 'conflicts of interest' due to his multiple government contracts.

Musk claimed they had uncovered a lot of fraud, kickbacks and dodgy deals in government departments at which convicted felon Donald Dump nodded agreement. Cooking the books is not child's play.

What impressed us most was how long young X spent picking his nose. Most of the last part of the video was devoted to X excavating his nose. 

Although he was about a metre away from President Dump, the poor, senile fascist failed to notice. You really could not follow the video at this stage because it was so sickening. Looks like Sky News realized they had broadcast a massive footshot and tried to cover it up with 'informed commentary' but too late. Burn in hell Rupert you manipulative bastard.

Was Invading Canada Musk's Idea Because Of Grimes And Edison Trucks?

It looks like Canadian performer Grimes has moved-on from Musk and doesn't want their son used as a MAGA stage prop. So why is Musk using boy X as a distraction from his purge of the US public service?

Grimes is a non-Afrikaner from British Columbia Canada. We are glad she dumped Musk. Who could be in a relationship with a fascist? Most of them are bitter loners. 

Edison Trucks

Something else from British Columbia is Edison Motors. We watched the development of the diesel-electric Edison trucks thanks to Rich at Deboss Garage. He's contributing to a production diesel-electric pick-up truck. These are very cool and use the same tech as railway locomotives. A big diesel engine only runs a generator which drives the vehicle. Who doesn't want their own power station?

They have a huge range compared to Musk's pathetic Tesla trucks. The corrupt Dump administration is buying $400 million worth of Musk's Tesla garbage. Musk must really hate Canada for building real trucks?

diesel-electric Edison that's a power station on wheels

If Musk is calling the shots in the Dump-MAGA coven, then was invading Canada his idea? Was higher tariffs on Canada his idea? He would be a beneficiary on both calls. Musk didn't become the Worlds richest person through altruism.

Lastly, how did Musk get a failed Dragon capsule stuck in the cargo bay of the International Space Station and then forgot about it while he purged the entire US government with a 4 year old on his shoulders?

The US Is Bankrupt Because Of Climate Change And Corrupt Politicians

Elon Musk kept stressing that massive government fraud is causing the US to begin defaulting on it's MASSIVE $36 trillion debt to Japan and China. We disagree.

Look at the cost of climate change? With most of a country becoming uninsurable and agricultural production failing, wildfires and hurricanes smashing America and everywhere else is going to add-up. Politicians have always used treasury to build their careers by bribing the electorate with popular policy gifts. The money is easy to get but impossible to repay with interest.

Notice Dump and Musk are not interesting in punishing any of the alleged 'fraud' in government departments? Why would they? They are both fraudsters and liars. Dump has stacked law enforcement agencies with people trained to look the other way and are much more corrupt than the people they replaced.

Dump actually encourages and condones criminal behavior. He rewards it since his dementia got so bad he became an international disgrace.

Notice the new 'DOGE CLOCK' above? These are not actual savings but projected savings that Musk claims to be making. The predictions are that US National debt will be no better when Musk has finished purging the bureaucracy. 

Dump Could Not Possibly Have A High IQ

This clip reminded us of how Dump likes to say he has a high IQ, without ever presenting any proof. One of the signs of a high IQ person is they get ALL of the available information BEFORE deciding on a position on important matters. Matters of life and death like wars.

Dump has formed the opining that Israel has an imagined 'right' to 'own' Palestine although zero evidence has ever been presented that they have rights to anywhere in the Mid East.

Similarly on Ukraine Dump claims he doesn't need to negotiate with Zeleinsky because Zelinsky has not had an election since the attempted Russian invasion. Dump negotiates with Putin who murdered ALL his credible opponents before 'winning' his sham elections. The fact President Dump can't see past these fabrications proves he is an imbecile. Everything Dump has ever said is a lie. He has less brains than the people who collect your garbage - a role Dump pretended to play when he told us people were eating pets in Springfield.

Looks more like a geriatric gargoyle than a smart person

11 Feb 2025

How Bad Will It Get Two..

Dump has declared war on civilization and cvilization is fighting back

Bad for Palestinians, they are the victims of Israel's Evil Bible* and fascism. Bad for anyone living in the US with the country going from superpower to 3rd World dictatorship within weeks. Dump has fully endorsed the Jewish ethnic cleansing of Palestine, a stone age idea lifted from their perverse, self serving Old Testament.

Donald Dump's Deep Ethnic Cleansing And Property Laundering Of Palestine

This could be a high point of Dump's advancing dementia - he formulates policy after listening to a convicted war criminals' interpretation of the fraudulent, racist Bible.

'No serious discussions have so far taken place in the Pentagon or the state department regarding how the US could legally or logistically handle the task proposed by Dump'. They will fail because Dump will be charged by the ICC for ethnic cleansing. 

There are a lot more people on this planet than a a few over-entitled, fascist billionaires. Sanctions will be slapped on the US and Israel. The US is already a zombie state with no hope of paying the interest on it's debt. MAGA should prepare for everything doubling in price in the US this year. Nobody wants to do business with fascists. Australians need to stop buying American. We also need to help Google move out of the US into a more rational jurisdiction. 

On Sunday, the UN’s top investigator on human rights, Navi Pillay, told Politico that Dump’s plan for the “forcible displacement of an occupied group is an international crime, and amounts to ethnic cleansing”. So Dump will become an outlaw of the ICC like his blood-thirsty friend Netanyahu?

Dump Never Calls Mass-Murderers 'Terrible' But That's What He Called Meghan

Senile, geriatric Dump couldn't come-up with one reason why Meghan is 'terrible'. Lets guess? She's a black woman. What Dump and Musk hate more than dictators, mass-murderers and war criminals.

She's actually a nicer mum than Dump's trophy wife Melania, who we believe is a KGB agent. (who would call their son Barron?) Dump has never, ever questioned why Putin killed ALL his political opponents and started shooting-down commercial aircraft. Dump never called Putin, Assad or Netanyahu 'terrible'.

Back in his last term Dump heaped praise on Putin continuously. Just one grab from there: 'Dump defends Putin when O’Reilly calls him a killer. “There are a lot of killers,” Trump says. “Do you think our country is so innocent? Dump deflected to protect a serial killer.

Elon Musk - Afrikaner Hypocrite

Elon Musk is an Afrikaner. They are European immigrants into South Africa, yet Musk opposes African immigrants into Europe. 

That's hypocrisy. Refugees into the EU are escaping either religious violence which Musk and Dump are creating, or wars caused by arms sales to African dictatorships. Syria is the largest source of illegal immigration into Europe. This was caused by Putin arming the brutal dictator Assad. Musk supports Putin and therefore Assad. Musk also heaped praise on the anti-immigrant, pro-Kremlin AfD. 

Musk is obviously a confused, racist hypocrite. This exposes his other business interests as possible frauds. He filled near-Earth orbits with deadly space junk, his space missions fail frequently, he has people trapped on the International Space Station with a broken-down SpaceX Dragon capsule stuck in the cargo bay. Starlink is slower and more expensive than high-speed terrestrial internet and his electric vehicles have been reversed engineered and under-cut by Communist China. Musk actually caused that problem by failing to build Teslas in the US, the country he pretends to support.

Starting at $139 a month - you suckers!


Australia Must Apply A 35% Tariff To All US Products

Trump has said he would put tariffs on Australian metal exports to the US, then he said maybe. Why should Australia put-up with a senile dictator in the US?

Don't go soft on these fascists, slap a 35% tariff on everything MAGA produce.

The Evil Bible*

Full of contradictions, lies and racist propaganda. The Jews never fact-checked this unholy rubbish yet used it to slaughter tens of thousands of civilians.

I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God,  Deuteronomy 5.9 

I am God, the only God there is.               Isaiah 45:5

Claims it's a 'jealous' god but also 'the only' god. What has it got to be jealous about? Itself? We're calling that monotheism/polytheism contradiction lies.

Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there  Deuteronomy 5:15

Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised.          Genesis 17:10-13

Here the corrupt, lying god saves the Israelites from slavery, then lets the lying Israelites own slaves as long as they are circumcised. This is the primitive, base level of reality the Israelis were never able to evolve out of. Judaism is an evolutionary dead end.


Why Is Australia's ABC Trying To Cover-Up War Crimes And Genocide?

The Australian 'national broadcaster' is pathetic. Who gave these white supremacists permission to force a casual journalist into silence? She only had 5 days work at your sleazy, corrupt network. Do you over-entitled elites think you own her after giving her 5 days work? Grow a brain ABC.

Has the corrupt ABC investigated if the arson attack on the Adass Synagogue in Melbourne was carried-out by MOSSAD? After-all Israel was the main beneficiary of this attack after their PM was found guilty of war crimes. Does the ABC now support war criminals or not? Does the ABC support Netanyahu and Dump destroying the ICC or not?

Have a guess what the colonialist fascists at the ABC accused Lattouf of?

She shared a post from Human Rights Watch on Instagram on December 19, 2023. and added the words: “HRW reporting starvation as a tool of war.”

It's not even a war, it's the systematic genocide of an entire nation because the evil Jews think they are the 'chosen ones' which is a Jewish lie.

6 Feb 2025

Societal Breakdown How Bad Will It Get?

Image below is a 19 year old that Elon Musk is using to run the United States Government. Six young men between 19 and 24 with no government experience have been named. They are Akash Bobba, Edward Coristine, Luke Farritor, Gautier Cole Killian, Gavin Kliger, and Ethan Shaotran. Pathetic!

While a president with serious mental issues mindlessly signs orders that are often withdrawn the next day, the US is run by an un-elected South African citizen. Musk banned the above image from X yet insisted on retaining the violent religious stabbing of a Sydney religious leader.  Pathetic!

We watched a video this week from a retired economist who thinks the US is a 'zombie state' because they are borrowing money to pay interest on government debt. A debt of $36 trillion. The money is owed to Japan and Communist China, which itself is in financial trouble. Dumb Australia is paying billions to AUKUS to protect us from the main financier of the United States Of America.  Pathetic!

Was The Terrorist Attack On Melbourne's Oldest Synagogue Carried-Out By Israel?

Important Questions for Victoria Police and the AFP to consider. 

Why were 'a few people' in the Adass Synagogue at 4am on Friday December 6 2024? Why were different reasons given for them being there? Is it true there are no 'Friday morning prayers' at this synagogue due to the Sabbath starting on Friday night? 

Why were arsonists also 'inside the building'? Who let them in? Why was the arson attack used instantly by convicted war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu to carry-out election interference in Australia? Why was the attack also used a week later as religious propaganda?

The most important question is 'why was it universally assumed this was not the work of the same people who sold explosive cell phones to Lebanese civilians'? This could easily have been a MOSSAD false flag after Netanyahu was found guilty of war crimes.

Why has nobody been charged after 2 months? Were there any suspects? Why no public update from Victoria Police?

We are opposed to any attack on places where religion is marketed. However, Australia's tax system is funding war crimes and ethnic cleansing based on lies in the Old Testament. There is zero difference between Judaism, the state of Israel and Jewish tax-exempt charities. They are the same.

In Australia Albanese and Dutton are gearing-up for an election but on the issue of the Palestinian Genocide they both landed on the same policy. Mandatory 6 year prison sentences for vandalism of synagogues. The synagogues represent a theocracy that has just slaughtered 48,000 civilians and been convicted of war crimes. The Australian tax system funds these murderers as tax-exempt charities.

Netanyahu re-runs Exodus but with more blood courtesy of the US

The Two Big Frauds In The Old Testament

Israel thinks it can invade Palestine and anywhere else in the Middle East because of lies in the old testament (Torah). One says 'Jews are the chosen people' Of course, this is unsubstantiated with just one Jewish figure (Moses) claiming God told him this lie and there were no witnesses. Moses was also multiple people through history as they kept changing the story over centuries.

Another lie is that God told Abraham he could have a 'promised land' in return for getting everybody circumcised. Again, no witnesses and again no proof it even happened. They always say 'God' as if it were an actual being rather than a mental projection that has never been substantiated.

Interesting that Biblical fraud has been incorporated into the Australian legal system?

If anyone has any proof Jews are the chosen race and have a God-given right to parts of the Middle East then produce it. If not, accept that Judaism is a fraud.

Convicted Rapist And Felon Sanctions The International Criminal Court

Notice the senile president never explains why Israel has a right to be in Palestine? Notice the senile president never even whispers the $36 trillion US government debt?

Two Psychopaths Commemorate Exploding Pagers

Gifted by a convicted war criminal to a convicted fraudster and rapist.

Dr Phil Develops Serious Mental Illness

Dr Phil McGraw claims he endorsed Dump in an 'act of rebellion' against Kamala Harris because her campaign snubbed him. We're calling that a lie. Why did he have to be in somebody's presidential campaign but didn't care whose?  

Please don't watch this idiot on TV. He's just a parasite feeding on other people's misery while enabling mental illness such as the psychopath who tried to overthrowing his own government. That makes Dr Phil a traitor to the USA. It's time for Dr Phil to retire.

This week McGraw 'joined the US border czar, Tom Homan, in a choreographed immigration raid in Chicago'. Other than filming it for TV McGraw hasn't explained why he tagged along. Because he's a parasite with nothing better to do than support a mentally ill president?

Why Does The ABC Support Jewish War Crimes?

There is a sick attitude from people like Dutton, the ABC and the LNP that wiping-out 48,000 people because an old book lied about a loner talking to an imaginary sky fairy is somehow self evident. It's not. Most of us believe in science and verifiable claims. Jews are not forced to colonize other people's countries just because they are Jewish.

The ABC exists to report the news not manufacture it by censoring anti-Jewish opinion on social media. Wake-up idiots you are enabling war criminals.


Kash Patel Took Money From Russian Propagandist

'Kash' the name says it all really. We saw the story here. Remember when Dump said 'is she black or Indian?'  To us Kash looks Indian. That means Dump only likes subservient Indians.

If you want to know more about Kash read about him here.

3 Feb 2025

Russia's Desire To Rebuild The USSR Is Delusional

Many find it hard to believe Putin's hybrid war and invasion of Ukraine had popular support in Russia. Russians are told they deserve a big empire like the one Hitler left them after World War 2.

Russians are dumb. All they needed to do was re-occupy the countries invaded by Hitler in Eastern Europe. Check-out the Nazi empire and the USSR empire a young Vladimir Putin helped control?


The USSR that Putin wants to rebuild failed economically in spectacular fashion. It was corrupt and there was no way for individuals to succeed except by oppressing and controlling others. 

The communists worked minority groups and intellectuals to death in Siberian concentration camps. Stalin is one of history's worst mass-murderers. 

The fact the USSR did well in the 'space race' can be attributed to the 'cold war' they invented for domestic reasons. Why the US gave them nuclear weapons is a story for another day.





Russia Already Is The Largest Land Mass On Earth

Russia has 144 million people and comes in at 9 on the population list by country.

It is sparsely populated and 181 on the list of 194 countries by population density. So a country with half the population of Indonesia with the largest land mass of any country wants to own more land? Why? One answer is national pride. This is a rich vein for dictators to mine because it always delivers popular support. Economic problems caused by corruption and theft are explained as 'the lack of an empire'. 

Russia Has No Historic Right To Ukraine

For many people this has not been explained properly. In researching this we came across a map of Ukraine from 1796. The language was Ukrainian and it was called 'Ukraine'. Australia was owned by Aborigines just before this time and it gives a solid identity to the country of Ukraine.

Putin is an unhinged psychopath and convicted war criminal. He murders all his opponents and anyone he sees as a threat. He murdered innocent Australians on MH17.

The fact Putin wants to negotiate with the US president over Putin's invasion of Ukraine is a sick joke. It's really because Putin is losing. He killed 800,000 Russians and spent 3 years trying to invade 10kms of Ukraine. The Ukrainians could not be part of Russia because they are much smarter than the sub-human supporters of a brutal dictator. Putin has now destroyed Russia's economy by wanting more land.

31 Jan 2025

LA Wildfires And DC Aircraft Collision Both Caused By Diversity Hiring

Call it 'senility on display'. With no evidence whatever Donald Dump blamed a DC plane collision on diversity hiring.  He 'variously pointed the finger at the helicopter’s pilot, air traffic control, his predecessor, Joe Biden, and other Democrats'.

Is Dump trying to cover something up here? Does he suspect his MAGA dim-wits can't run the Pentagon? Why are they training at a busy international airport and not in Nevada?

notice the fixated but vacant stare?

That news conference looks more like an unraveling mind than a coherent press update.

According to Dump the LA wildfires were caused by exactly the same thing and a small fish.

what can happen when Republicans buy slaves

A question for the 'Confederate' Republican Party: 'if you don't like diversity then why did you buy African slaves from Britain who were using the evil Jewish bible to pretend slavery was accepted by god'? 

Today Dump is 100% behind Israel and it's delusional 'chosen race' and 'promised land' biblical lies. He should start fact checking his own lies because if air traffic controllers run on misinformation there will be many more aircraft crashes during his term. 

A big problem for subsequent inquiries into this collision is that Dump publicly identified causes that fit his mental turmoil. Those giving evidence could be pressured into agreeing given the MAGA regime is paying their wages. 

Make America North Korea Again

Dump stopped climate change by censoring government reference to it. Dump now uses the same methods as North Korea to manipulate public opinion. It won't work.

How far down will America go? Don't worry, we will track every idiotic chapter in America's descent into irrelevance.

27 Jan 2025

Dump & Muck


How apartheid created the 'PayPal mafia'  - the interesting story of South African fascism in the US.


Melania entered the US legally but then worked illegally

More hypocrisy from a serial liar that nobody can trust. 

Day one of Dump's 'exporting migrants to somewhere else' got off to a bad start with Mexico and Colombia refusing to let US military aircraft land. Dump got around that by threatening a 50% rise in tariffs and Colombia rolled over.

At the same time as Dump is exporting migrants out of the US he's asking other countries to accept Palestinians 'cleaned-out' of Palestine. The US president said he would like hundreds of thousands of people to move to neighbouring countries, either “temporarily or could be long-term”. Destinations could include Jordan, which already hosts more than 2.7 million Palestinian refugees, and Egypt, he added.

We pointed out that Israel has no 'biblical rights' to Palestine at all.  What this means is that a senile US president is trying to rearrange the Middle East based on one Jewish lie in the Old Testament. Rather than floating in the mists of senility the president must produce one piece of substantiated evidence that God gave Palestine to the Jews. There is none.

How long before this president is removed from office on mental illness grounds?

25 Jan 2025

This Is What Mainstream Australia Thinks Of Rupert And Lachlan Murdoch

 Big fan of fellow Tasmanian Grace Tame, she's inspirational.

She's spot-on with the t-shirt. The Murdoch's spent $AU2 billion just to lose a $12.3 million payout to Prince Harry after a court found the Murdoch's spent decades spying on him, tapping his phone and intruding into his life. In other words, manufacturing fake news content and selling it.

The Murdoch's trading as Fox Corp were forced to pay Dominion Voting Systems $US787 million for a Dump-Sky conspiracy to deny the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. 

Electronic voting systems company Smartmatic has hit them for US$2.7 billion in defamation over the 2020 election. This one is still going.

Whats wrong with the Murdoch's mental capacity to make so many self-destructive business decisions? They spent decades denying climate change and bankrupting most of the Western World just to make a Saudi prince a billionaire?

After his media assets denied the 2020 US presidential election Rupert showed-up at the 2024 Republican Convention but wait a minute? If Dump won in 2016 and 2020 then he's used-up his 2 terms and there is no 3rd. So why did Murdoch even go?

At least Rupert is on the same page as mass-murderer Putin who also thinks Dump won in 2020. Putin doesn't have 'stolen elections' because he murders his opposition in cold blood. But that's what you would expect of a convicted war criminal isn't it?

If you think our World is fucked, part of the blame has to be the Murdochs.

22 Jan 2025

The Big Problem With Israel's 'Biblical Rights' To Palestine Lie

According to Jews, God is happy about the mass murder and destruction of Palestine because God charged the Jews ALL their male foreskins into perpetuity in return for Palestine. But not any foreskins, God only wanted Jewish foreskins because their God is one SICK cookie. Of course that was written by Jews and there were NO witnesses of it ever happening. They called it 'The Abrahamic Covenant'.

Today Jews are so embarrassed by their barbaric mutilation cult they can only bleat the word 'antisemitism'. They hope you never find out about Jewish compulsory circumcision of 8 days old male babies. This practice MUST BE BANNED IN AUSTRALIA as a violation of basic human rights.

Jews did this because they convinced themselves it was OK

Today the news looks like it was written 3,000 years ago. What happened? It's like this; devious, corrupt people decided to uphold the Abrahamic Covenant and pretend it's real. Problem is it was never real because there was not one witness. Only the lies of a lonely old shepherd who claimed God dropped in one night to talk about his penis.

The Abrahamic Covenant will never be upheld in a court of law because it's a primitive myth about God swapping land in return for circumcising babies. It's 100% unsubstantiated. But that's the covenant - you circumcise your babies and you can have land. As if the creator of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE would fixate on complete stupidity and get hung-up on one backward tribe and their penises?

Israel's 'rights' to any of Palestine come from a single shepherd 3,000 years ago who claimed God told him he had to circumcise himself because God was re-working penises. You see, God had previously said he made man and women 'in his image'. No only does that make God bisexual but it proves GOD IS NOT CIRCUMCISED.


We wanted to say that again because they hate it so much. According to their Bible God told people he made humans in his image yet we are not born circumcised. In the Abrahamic Covenant God implies he bungled penises and tells Abraham Jewish male babies had to be circumcised at a few days old. God made sure there were absolutely no witnesses so it's just hearsay and can be ignored for ever. So how did it become the official state policy of Israel and the United States of America?

We've been writing about this 'covenant' for a few years because we couldn't believe how stupid it is. On the balance of probability the covenant is a lie and was invented by bronze age priests to exploit illiterate herdsmen. The fact it is US government policy today is unbelievable and proves the US has entered a downward spiral. 

If you were to apply something like the Abrahamic covenant to Australia, the whole Australian continent would be owned by Aborigines. Aboriginal rock art proves this country was owned by Aboriginals 60,000 years ago, way before Abraham started the penis cutting cult. Palestinians also circumcise males so why can only Jews steal their land?

Donald Dump's 2 sexes only policy contradicts the Jewish word of God who said he/she was bisexual. It's in Genesis and proves MAGA only pretend to be Christians but would rather wear clown costumes than research the Bible. 

The Future Of Judaism

 The word 'antisemitism' also applies to Arabs. It's ironic Jews keep using the term 'antisemitism' when their cult did everything it could to differentiate themselves from other tribes. The 'Abrahamic Covenant' tried to make Jews the favorite of a theoretical 'God' and so more exclusive than the other Middle Eastern tribes.

The complete failure of the Abrahamic Covenant to be accepted by modern thought is because it's based in the early development of writing and the magical power of the written word. Thousands of years later and humanity has evolved to the stage where just the written word is not enough. It has to be evidence-based, substantiated and fact-checked to be usable in today's World.

Slavishly hanging-on to a bronze age dogma and using it to hypocritically control science-based weapons systems in the 21st century is a recipe for disaster. Smart Rabbis would adapt Judaism to the World rather than forcing the World to adapt to Judaism. After all, Judaism is just unsubstantiated junk philosophy.

The costumed architects of the Palestinian Genocide

21 Jan 2025

Musk Loses Arm During Far-Right Rally

He may have launched his arm on a Mars mission or into near-Earth orbit as more of his space junk. We don't know...


Millions of people saw images of Elon Muck making nazi-like 'gestures'. Publishing images of these gestures is illegal in Tasmania and other parts of Australia.

The image is important because it shows Muck doing h1tler salutes behind the seal of the President of the United States. So we have a fascist government in the US? .

Muck's Face

This is the face of over-entitled white supremacy and fascism. Make no mistake, Dump is government by billionaires for billionaires. Dump himself has never done a days work in his life. He never had to. We believe the Dumps bribed doctors to get him out of the Vietnam War draft. They probably bribed a NE university to get Dump a degree  because Dump is clueless. He didn't know where Finland is and he thinks 'asylum seekers' escaped from a mental asylum.

18 Jan 2025

Albanese And Dutton Want To Fact Check Social Media But Not The Bible And Koran

Dutton and Albanese are amplifying religious extremism by kicking religious fraud down the road for another 4 years. Each too scared to lose a few unhinged religious votes at the next election. Instead of an evolving society the rest of us have to live in an idiocy of imaginary pseudo-facts mixed with science and presented as a functioning civilisation. We have to compete with Israel to elect our government, because Israel manipulate foreign politicians into supporting their iron age brainwashing.    

Both Dutton and Albanese are almost at the point of outlawing all theological debate just to protect the religious extremist vote. The fact is, most of us have evolved to atheism. Also, Australian Aborigines pre-dated Abrahamic religions by 55,000 years and today we share the same continent.

If Albanese and Dutton really believe god gave Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir Palestine (Canaan in Genesis) then prove it. Every other Australian has to prove their income is sourced legally and their goods and services are advertised honestly. 

Not religions. They can promote any imaginary theory, monetize it and it's 100% tax-free. Albanese and Dutton are actually enabling fraud on a massive scale in Australia and they think nobody will notice. They are also enabling extremism by making it tax-exempt. Albanese and Dutton should decide if they want to live in reality or stay in the dark ages.

Dutton and Albanese need to explain why evidence and proof presented to an Australian criminal court is the opposite of the apparitions presented to the Australian Tax Office to gain tax-exempt religious status? Are Albanese and Dutton happy standing for election in a childish and dysfunctional system?

Fact-Checking Social Media But Not The Tax System

Both Albanese and Dutton support fact-checking social media but not fact-checking thousands of churches scamming the tax system. Our position is that religion is an ideological product and must meet the same requirements as any other product. The amount of tax-free money flowing thru thousands of churches marketing imaginary products must be astronomical? No wonder it has bankrupted the Australian economy and left the major parties to focus on debt, interest rates and their personal careers over the 4 year electoral cycle?  

Theocracies Can Easily Manipulate Australian Elections

Colonial Britain is a theocracy with the King head of the church. Israel is also a theocracy with the boundaries between church and state moved as required. If Judaism is 100% tax-free in Australia it means Israel is 100% tax-free as well. Money can flow seamlessly from church to state in Britain and Israel. It's interesting Britain played a role in the creation of Israel isn't it? No wonder King Charles studiously ignores the Palestinian genocide?

15 Jan 2025

The Queen Of Greenland Is Australian - Let's Unite To Keep Dumps Dirty Hands Off It

Queen Mary of Denmark is Tasmanian. How many Australians, members of the EU and other enlightened nations would be ready to defend Greenland against a convicted criminal, rapist and fascist with dementia?


Russia Forged A Letter Claiming The US Wanted to Buy Greenland

This is hitting the internet right now and blows-up the story Dump wants Greenland for national security. In 2022, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service determined that the 2019 letter was a forgery, likely orchestrated by Russia. 

Again Vladimir Putin trying to destabilize NATO to rebuild his sh1t empire. Putin made Donald Dump a traitor to the United States and a Kremlin asset.

Putin can stick his 'Soviet Union 2.0' up his butt. The phuker killed 700,000 Russians to gain 25kms of Ukraine? Russians couldn't  manage a 2 week military operation without crippling their entire nation.

We got the screengrab from here.  As Jake Broe points out 'name one country that poses a security threat to the US '? The answer is none. Every radical dictatorship on Earth is a friend of Musk and Dump.

We're sick of over-entitled billionaires that live in palaces making this planet unlivable for everybody else. People like Dump and his social media, space junk oligarchs and Putin. When the meet president Dump should make a citizen's arrest of Putin for thousands of crimes against humanity.

If Dump shows one ounce of leniency towards Putin it proves Melania is a KGB agent and Dump works for Putin. Dumps last term could be a nightmare for him as Americans realize they have been scammed by a Kremlin agent posing as their president.

Is that 'Occupy Trump' or 'Keep Trump Occupied'? The geriatric half-wit needs to be kept entertained.

Check-out The Shovel.


Why only 3 ambassadors and why no females? There were females in movies what happened?  'Duties remain unclear' like Dump's brain.

Who watches these rubbish movies anyway? You would have to call them B-Grade Actors.

9 Jan 2025

Donald Dump's Dementia - The Biggest Story Of 2025

As the second largest city in the US burns, president-elect 'Word Salad' makes a list of countries to invade.

Notice Dump's face now looks gaunt but vacant? This is typical of people suffering dementia a disease that runs in his family. This will be the biggest story of 2025, how self-serving billionaires pandered to Dump's mental illness to extract even more money from the US taxpayer. Dementia is progressive and everything will get worse for the US if Dump even makes it the end of his term.

Yesterday Dump was planning to annex Canada, Greenland and Panama but today he 'sympathises with the Russia that Ukraine should not be part of Nato' and 'he understands Moscow’s feelings about having somebody right on their doorstep'. This is delusional because Ukraine was a peaceful country before Russia committed multiple war crimes attempting to destroy it. Russia is the largest land mass on Earth containing 11% of  the planet and they are winging about a country on their doorstep? Alaska is also on their doorstep so when will Dump return Alaska to Russia? 

The real question is 'why is a US president supporting convicted war criminals like Putin and Assad?

Melania Was Born And Raised In The Soviet Union

While Donald rails against the 'radical left' his wife is a product of the USSR, her father a member of the local communist party.

We want to understand why Dump is so important to Vladimir Putin. Putin is trying to re-build the USSR and his failed invasion of Ukraine is part of that crazy plan. Now in 2025 the future of Putin's Soviet empire depends on a New York felon who conned his way into the White House. How did that happen?

Melania was born in Slovenia then part of Yugoslavia in 1970.
When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 she was 19. Today she is 55 years old. Melania's father was a member of the Yugoslav communist party. Apparently he looked like Donald Trump.

In 1989 Putin was working for the Soviet KGB in East Berlin. His job was to use terror and violence to enforce the Soviet Union. Putin was distraught when the Soviet empire collapsed. He was lucky to get out of East Germany alive.

After the Soviet Union collapsed state-owned assets (like oil and gas) were sold to oligarchs and Russia became a kleptocracy. The KGB became the Russian Mafia. All the while Putin dreamed of re-creating the Soviet Union. He is backed by Russian ultra-nationalists who are some of the worst fascists and psychopaths anywhere on Earth. The same human scum that supported Hitler in WW2.

Putin's war is going badly. The Ukrainians have out maneuvered him at every turn and today are invading more Russian territory. The fact Putin was forced to use North Korean slave soldiers in his dirty war proves how divorced from reality Putin has become. An example is the North Korean propagandists who agreed that Putin was waging a 'sacred' war in Ukraine, although all religion is banned in North Korea. The 'hermit kingdom' is only allowed to worship the Kim family.

Russia has lost over 3/4 of a million soldiers in Ukraine with 430,000 in 2024 alone. Putin's 'meat assaults' have been catastrophic for Russia and he has also destroyed the Russian economy. For some strange reason Putin has to steal as much territory as possible by the time Dump gets back in the White House. Is Melania part of this bizarre plan by Putin? Is she still a Soviet asset? Does she control Donald? We will find out soon.

Melania and Putin in Helsinki 2017

Another Soviet Bride?

“Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!”