We could not believe the dysfunctional Oval Office press conference on YouTube. Musk has a 4 year old who rides on his shoulders into Mar-a-Lago banquets and White House Oval Office press briefings. The kid is called 'X' a shortening of 'X Æ A-12'. Reminds us of 'Moon Unit Zapper'.
Maybe the kid was just there to distract from an un-elected oligarch with multiple citizenships and no government experience purging the entire US bureaucracy?
President Dump seemed distracted by the kid at first and looked like a grandfather approaching 80 who is struggling to keep up with the times. Dump claimed little X has a 'high IQ' although our googling found there is no IQ test for 4 year olds. (Probably none for 80 year olds either, at this stage it's an alzheimers test).
As X practiced his Hitler salutes, Musk revealed the US is technically bankrupt and struggling to pay interest on their $36 trillion debt. (we predicted that 4 years ago) Musk got hammered by a reporter with his claim the US spent $50 million on condoms for Gaza, when the money really went to Mozambique to fight HIV. (Remember anti-virus software Elon, Americans can catch HIV).
Some of Musk's blatant lies were that the World's richest elite was 'making bureaucracy answer to the people'. Also that this administration had a 'strong mandate from the people' although he was spending a million dollars a day buying votes.
Musk made the astonishing claim that the public would have to police his personal 'conflicts of interest' due to his multiple government contracts.
Musk claimed they had uncovered a lot of fraud, kickbacks and dodgy deals in government departments at which convicted felon Donald Dump nodded agreement. Cooking the books is not child's play.
What impressed us most was how long young X spent picking his nose. Most of the last part of the video was devoted to X excavating his nose.
Although he was about a metre away from President Dump, the poor, senile fascist failed to notice. You really could not follow the video at this stage because it was so sickening. Looks like Sky News realized they had broadcast a massive footshot and tried to cover it up with 'informed commentary' but too late. Burn in hell Rupert you manipulative bastard.
Was Invading Canada Musk's Idea Because Of Grimes And Edison Trucks?
It looks like Canadian performer Grimes has moved-on from Musk and doesn't want their son used as a MAGA stage prop. So why is Musk using boy X as a distraction from his purge of the US public service?
Grimes is a non-Afrikaner from British Columbia Canada. We are glad she dumped Musk. Who could be in a relationship with a fascist? Most of them are bitter loners.
Edison Trucks
Something else from British Columbia is Edison Motors. We watched the development of the diesel-electric Edison trucks thanks to Rich at Deboss Garage. He's contributing to a production diesel-electric pick-up truck. These are very cool and use the same tech as railway locomotives. A big diesel engine only runs a generator which drives the vehicle. Who doesn't want their own power station?
They have a huge range compared to Musk's pathetic Tesla trucks. The corrupt Dump administration is buying $400 million worth of Musk's Tesla garbage. Musk must really hate Canada for building real trucks?
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diesel-electric Edison that's a power station on wheels |
If Musk is calling the shots in the Dump-MAGA coven, then was invading Canada his idea? Was higher tariffs on Canada his idea? He would be a beneficiary on both calls. Musk didn't become the Worlds richest person through altruism.
Lastly, how did Musk get a failed Dragon capsule stuck in the cargo bay of the International Space Station and then forgot about it while he purged the entire US government with a 4 year old on his shoulders?
The US Is Bankrupt Because Of Climate Change And Corrupt Politicians
Elon Musk kept stressing that massive government fraud is causing the US to begin defaulting on it's MASSIVE $36 trillion debt to Japan and China. We disagree.
Look at the cost of climate change? With most of a country becoming uninsurable and agricultural production failing, wildfires and hurricanes smashing America and everywhere else is going to add-up. Politicians have always used treasury to build their careers by bribing the electorate with popular policy gifts. The money is easy to get but impossible to repay with interest.
Notice Dump and Musk are not interesting in punishing any of the alleged 'fraud' in government departments? Why would they? They are both fraudsters and liars. Dump has stacked law enforcement agencies with people trained to look the other way and are much more corrupt than the people they replaced.
Dump actually encourages and condones criminal behavior. He rewards it since his dementia got so bad he became an international disgrace.
Notice the new 'DOGE CLOCK' above? These are not actual savings but projected savings that Musk claims to be making. The predictions are that US National debt will be no better when Musk has finished purging the bureaucracy.
Dump Could Not Possibly Have A High IQ
This clip reminded us of how Dump likes to say he has a high IQ, without ever presenting any proof. One of the signs of a high IQ person is they get ALL of the available information BEFORE deciding on a position on important matters. Matters of life and death like wars.
Dump has formed the opining that Israel has an imagined 'right' to 'own' Palestine although zero evidence has ever been presented that they have rights to anywhere in the Mid East.
Similarly on Ukraine Dump claims he doesn't need to negotiate with Zeleinsky because Zelinsky has not had an election since the attempted Russian invasion. Dump negotiates with Putin who murdered ALL his credible opponents before 'winning' his sham elections. The fact President Dump can't see past these fabrications proves he is an imbecile. Everything Dump has ever said is a lie. He has less brains than the people who collect your garbage - a role Dump pretended to play when he told us people were eating pets in Springfield.
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Looks more like a geriatric gargoyle than a smart person |