is he president when the $36 trillion debt defaults?
Chinas Toilet Roll - Tasmania
Islam as a mental illness
Liberals Love Communism
Koala Massacre By FSC
mentally crippled by religion

20 Oct 2024

Donald Trump Is Suffering From Dementia

Trump's mental confusion and allegiance to kleptocracy and state sponsors of terrorism is a symptom of his advancing dementia. 

Example. As North Korean troops deploy to try to invade Ukraine we ask 'why is a New York-born socialite and presidential candidate dedicated to the worst war criminals and human rights abusers on Earth? North Korean soldiers don't get paid and don't get rations. They are slaves in the Worlds biggest 'open air prison'. Kim Jong Un will collect their wages and they will probably go wild in Europe. All Ukraine has to do is drop candy bars on them by drone. They have started defecting and Putin has himself to blame.

Trump's mental illness. In March this year Newsweek claimed 'There is overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump is suffering from dementia'. According to Dr. Lance Dodes, a supervising analyst emeritus of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society 'unlike normal aging, which is characterized by forgetting names or words, Trump repeatedly shows something very different: confusion about reality.'

New York psychologist Suzanne Lachmann said Trump, 78, would 'seemingly forget how the sentence began and invent something in the middle' resulting in 'an incomprehensible word salad' a behavior she argued is observed 'frequently in patients who have dementia.'

Donald Trump’s nephew, Fred Trump III, sees worrying signs of dementia in his uncle. Fred Trump noted Trump’s father, Fred Trump Sr., died eight years after his own Alzheimer’s diagnosis in 1999. Fred Trump noted 'dementia runs in the family'.

Over the last few days evidence of Trump's unraveling brain is increasing. 'Trump’s abrupt decision to play DJ is a sign of ‘accelerating cognitive decline’ says Cornell expert'. Harry Segal a senior lecturer in the Psychology Department at Cornell University says: 'What’s alarming is how the rate of Trump’s bizarre speech and political decisions have been increasing. He gave an answer about childcare to the Economic Club of New York so incoherent that even his supporters were concerned. 

Last week he got cognitively lost in a rally and began to talk about the ‘eight circles’ that Biden filled up with journalists. No one on his staff has been able to explain the reference.'

We don't think the fact Trump is mentally incapable of being President of the US will deter him from running. For him the presidency is like a new scooter for an 8 year old. He craves the attention.

The future. If Trump were elected president but became completely unstable he can be 'immediately removed from office via the 25th Amendment as dangerously unable to fulfill the responsibilities of office'. Should this happen JD Vance would be president - a man who agrees with all of Trump's delusions. But the entire Republican Party also agrees with the delusions of a candidate with obvious dementia. 

We researched this story as a result of  Donald Trump describing 6 January 2021 as a "day of love" when asked about the US Capitol riot during a campaign event just weeks before this presidential election. That's concerning. Killing public servants and first responders after inciting mob violence by Trump is a 'day of love'? Trump is mentally ill.

From the Kiev Independent

Putins role. Putin has had a lot of contact with Trump over the years. Putin is one of the most unbalanced despots on Earth. Imagine his thinking while arranging a surface to air launcher is dragged into Ukraine to shoot-down MH17? Loved ones gone forever but just another false flag operation from the psychopath whose entire life is a series of false flag operations. And poisonings. Anybody who doesn't agree with the delusions of a psychopath is eliminated - often with nerve agents. Has Putin messed with Trumps brain as well?


15 Oct 2024

Total Hypocricy At Kerry Stokes Channel 7

Just watched a 7 nightly news story on Kerry Stokes Channel 7 (Stokes owns 43% of Channel 7). Channel 7 did a hit job on PM Anthony Albanese for buying a $4.3 million house. The next day Chris Reason was sent out to look at who lives in Albos' old housing commission unit. They never turn the cameras on Stokes or Dutton's mansions do they?

Channel 7's cocaine-dealing propaganda unit claimed Albo buying the house during a housing crisis was similar to Scott Morrison holidaying in Hawaii during a bushfire crisis. They asserted Albanese needs a home for when he loses the next election. Nice work from a network that funds rapists?


Channel 7 owner Kerry Stokes lives in a US $20 million house and that was at 2009 prices and only one of his houses.

In 2009 the value of the house was estimated at US$ 20 million. He also owns a home in Broome WA

 Compare Stokes palatial mansion to Albanese's ordinary Australian home?

 Channel 7 are in the real estate business 

Seven West Media holds equity in View Media Group via Seven West Ventures. They also own West Real Estate. If anyone is in a position to lower real estate prices it's Seven West Media. So why don't they? Instead some over-entitled billionaires attack a working-class PM busting his guts to put roofs over heads rather than grow unimaginable wealth.  
Why no declaration of a 'conflict of interest' from Seven? Because if Albo was corrupt he would be in the Liberal Party and they would be promoting him.
What we see on Stokes Channel 7 News is relentless pro-LIberal, pro-Trump and anti-Labor propaganda spewed onto Australian airwaves by WA billionaires.  

Channel 7 appears to be propped-up by AFL concussion, brain damage and drug use. Why was Channel 7 never charged with supplying narcotics to Bruce Lehrmann? Why does 7 screen 'Border Security' apprehending drug importation yet buys drugs for a story? 

The stadium

In our view Tasmania's dysfunctional Liberal government is a Channel 7 franchise and it's main function is to deliver Channel 7 an AFL stadium at taxpayers expense. If that's not true then why doesn't Stokes insist the Hobart stadium is funded entirely from AFL ticket sales?

Is Stokes obsessed by the military?

Odd that Kerry Stokes has life membership of the RSL and sits on the council of the Australian War Memorial but has never been in the armed forces? Channel 7 likes discussing everybody else's business but never their own. Is secrecy a cult at Channel 7?

We think Albanese's House Is Better Than Stokes

It has a better location, looks brighter and more open than the brooding enclave of Stokes.

10 Oct 2024

The Actual Reason Putin Is Trying To Invade Ukraine

It's Not What You Think

Putin is running a kleptocracy-mafia state and he and his cronies have stolen so much money from the Russian people that he needed to invent a nationalist distraction to stop Russians hanging him from a lamp post. 

Putin has just completely bulldozed a $1 trillion palace because he thought Ukrainian drones could blow it up. The details of this palace are unbelievable. Putin now suffers from extreme paranoia. How could anyone kill so many civilians including children just to stay in power?

Thanks to Jake Broe for this link.

It's October 7 which means fascist dictator Putin turns 72. Not many birthdays left for the mass-murderer.

Earlier in the year he won a medal from Fat Jong Un of North Korea. Fat proudly presented Putin with the 'successfully killed all opposition' medal.

A Globalized Kleptocracy

If you look at the dictators and career criminals who support Putin they all have two things in common. They pretend to be the embodiment of nationalism in whatever country they are in. They also use religion as an excuse and cover for criminal activity.

 Putin has called the systematized murder of civilians including children a 'sacred war'. Trump and Vance use Christians as a means to install a kleptocracy in the US.

Behind them is a conga line of tin pot dictators and fascists like Lukushenko, Fat Jong Un, Nicolás Maduro, Viktor Orban and many more. All working the 'Putin method' of psychopathic crime.

Netanyahu is another one but in his case he's attacking other kleptocrats like Ali Khamenei and Putin. That means the kleptocrat model is so successful they are forced to parasitize each other.

4 Oct 2024

Did Putin Accidently Cause World War III ?

From the Kiev Post October3

Israel Bombs The Russian Khmeimim Air Base In Syria

Breaking - Confirmed but covered-up by Russian and Australian media.

Israel's armed forces have hit Putin's main air base and ammunition dump in the Middle East with a devastating missile strike. 'At least 30 Israeli naval missiles smashed into the Russian air base at Khmeimim near the Syrian port city Latakia'.

Why did this happen? Why have these wars merged?

Israel has been colonizing Palestine since 1947. The local people are Shia Moslems. The main Shia country is Iran, so it was inevitable that Israel and Iran would eventually be at war.

Israel has nuclear weapons and Iran doesn't. A nuclear strike on Tehran by Israel would be decisive but so would an Iranian nuclear strike on Tel Aviv. Iran has been supplying Russia with Shahed drones since 2022. Putin now manufactures Shahed drones in Russia and Iran is now supplying ballistic missiles to Russia.

Apparently Tehran asked for Su-35 fighter aircraft and S-400 air defense missile systems from Russia. The question Israel would love to know is 'does Iran have Russian nuclear armaments'?

Remember North Korea and China are already supplying Putin with ammunition and arms? All of NATO is assisting Ukraine as well as most of the free World. Putin's 'Special Military Operation' has spilled-over into Africa.

We have equilateral triangles and we kill our neighbors

Trade is fully globalized and so is communication and disinformation. The mainstream media are not going to call this 'World War III' because they want their advertisers to keep selling you stuff until you are dead. They also want you to pay to be advertised at.

We read the Kyiv Post and the Kyiv Independent for free while the insipid propaganda media of News Corp and Nine charge you for disinformation.

27 Sept 2024

Trump & Putin Are Running A Global Ponzi Scheme

Rapists like Trump bring all men into disrepute. Why are we putting-up with these criminals? It's time to stand-up against the destruction of our civilization by criminals like Trump and Putin.

Looking at The Kyiv Post today and see Trump has blamed Biden and Zelensky for the invasion of Ukraine. Victim blaming is normal for the imbecile who thinks the pets of Springfield have more value than human beings.

uses politics and the legal system like a Ponzi scheme

Why hasn't Trump ever criticized convicted war criminal Putin? No, he's going after those who were democratically elected because Trump is a criminal only standing for election to enable global crime networks. This is one giant Ponzi scheme he's trying to pull over honest citizens.

Trump wasted millions trying to cover-up his adultery with a porn star and then groveled at the feet of brainwashed Christians for their dirty votes. They should vote for him again because they deserve more pain. Note, Melania never mentions Trumps adultery because she is a disgrace to all women on this planet. Stand-up to the rapist Melania! Or won't the Kremlin let you?

Putin is a wanted war criminal and his allies North Korea and Iran are built on massive human rights abuses. Like killing women for not wearing a scarf or cutting the entire nation off from global news and internet. Putin's Communist China partnership 'without limits' doesn't even make sense. Two empire building despots with no plan for their nation except international condemnation. So how do you feel America's Republicans and Australia's Conservative's for aligning with Iran and North Korea?

We don't like that every scammer and career criminal in Australia supports Trump. The people who crippled us economically by denying the science of climate change for decades. The people who let every known pathogen onto an island and yet got paid for biosecurity and border security. Fire ants, varroa mites, covid, rabbits, deer, foxes, gorse, you name it they bought it into Australia.They also bought racism, fascism, imperialism and profound stupidity to our shores.

“Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!”

25 Sept 2024

Zionism - The Fictional Ideaology Behind Jewish War Crimes

 God visited Abraham late at night to talk about Abraham's penis. Why did the Jewish god only appear to lone men? Why no witnesses?

As atheists we reject the fraudulent, self-serving Jewish dogma. They invent a 'god' who happens to favor Jews over everybody else?  That's too convenient and unlikely. How can Israel impose it's bronze age deception in the modern era?

The US and it's allies need a balanced view of the colonization of Palestine by Israel. Parachuting Zionism into another nation is unreasonable and Biden knows it. Remember Hezbollah is supplied by Iran and Iran is sending ballistic missiles to Putin. The Russian invasion and the Israeli invasions remain mostly disconnected.

Latest information on who produced the exploding pagers and 2-way radios.

We have no Jewish friends. Hooray!

 'Zionism is an ethno-cultural nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century and aimed at the establishment of a Jewish state through the colonization of a land outside of Europe'. 'From 1897 to 1948, the primary goal of the Zionist movement was to establish the basis for a Jewish homeland in Palestine'.

Problem is there has never been any legal, cultural or ethnic basis for simply injecting a bronze age cult onto another country. The Jews have no right to be there.

One man's promised land is another's holocaust.

Netanyahu and his ultra-unorthodox religious zombies assumed an imaginary right to commit genocide of the population of Palestine. We agree there have been tribes that self identify as Israelite or Jewish in this area since the bronze age when the Genesis script was written by primitive tribesmen who founded a male genital mutilation cult.

Sadly for Netanhayu's zombies, none of this is substantiated. A 'god'? What god, nobody has ever seen it. Jews drafted a myth about an imaginary god who promised them land. 

Lets unpack that? A god entity was claimed to have 'created' the entire universe in 6 Earth days, yet somehow became obsessed with just a fraction of one planet in one solar system and one tribe of self-serving opportunists.  So obsessed that they claim dumb-assed god promised them land. If you look at the proceeding link this land goes from the Nile to the Euphrates River.

Stupidly, this land title includes, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Saudi Arabia. For the Jews to implement their promise will cause a World War where killing the women and babies of Palestine is only a precursor. It's not going to happen.

The imaginary religion of Judaism uses ballistic missiles on tents.

30 Aug 2024

Trump To End Ukraine Invasion In One Day With a Blow Job

WARNING. This story contains ugly people.

Nobody predicted that with 66 days to go Trump would drag the campaign down to his level. Anyone can play Trumps game. 

Kamala Should Sue The Dirt-Bag For Defamation

Why are the Republican Party helping this pathetic egomaniac avoid reality? Trump (below) looks evil and distorted we think.

From the Guardian

If the over-entitled man baby thinks he's getting back into the White House after trying to overthrow the US government, he's wrong. Inside Tasmania says 'Kamala sue the bastard for defamation'. After-all, Trump likes losing court cases, he loses them all the time.

We caught this Trump lie 'You can’t walk across the street to get a loaf of bread, You get shot. You get mugged. You get raped, you get whatever'.

Let's unpack that? Trump has never bought a loaf of bread in his life. Being born a multi-millionaire means other people shop for you. Imagine Trump going to the supermarket by motorcade with a huge security detail to buy a loaf of bread? Trump has to ask ChatGPT how people buy bread because he has never done it.

Is Rupert Murdoch A Sucker For Punishment?

Below - Trump fanboy Rupert Murdoch at the Republican National Conference with Russian Elena Zhukova who's daughter is married to 'one of Russia's most recognizable oligarchs'.  Why do Trump and Murdoch have what appears to be 'Kremlin brides'?

In our opinion, Rupert has the mental age of a 14 year old although he's 92. Why is somebody born in Australia still fighting the American Civil War which his side lost?

why so many Kremlin brides at the Republican Conference?

Murdoch got cleaned-out by 2 vote counting machine makers because he believed Trumps 'big steal' lie. How can a media tycoon have the mental capacity of the village idiot?  Murdoch is so retarded he hacked phones just to line his pockets. 

Why isn't he behind bars? The Murdochs even got hammered by If these 'fascists' think they will use the dead civilians of Ukraine and Palestine to top-up their free-falling bank accounts they are going to be proved wrong at the ballot box. 

Is Elon Musk An Early Victim Of Autism?

Musk has moved further right since buying Twitter and now funds Trump and is insulting Kamala Harris. Musk has contradictory positions like co-founding OpenAI and then claiming 'artificial intelligence poses the greatest existential threat to humanity'. We think Musk is 'autistic'. People like Musk could end-up posing a greater threat to humanity than AI and climate change. Why doesn't Musk resolve his inner conflicts before going public and expecting everybody else to fix them? This is typical autism in our opinion. 

Why should the rest of us put-up with centuries of  'Musk meteorite showers' when all his SpaceX and Starlink junk falls back to Earth?
We refuse to waste time figuring out people who have no moral compass or coherent World view. If he hasn't developed them yet he never will. The autism epidemic is real, man made and is a bigger existential threat than AI. Autistic man babies are leading humanity around in ever smaller circles. Look at Elon's vacant stare ⇊
go to Mars and stay there

“Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!”   

19 Aug 2024

We Bet You Missed The Kursk Submarine Disaster Anniversary?

As Ukraine invades the Kursk Oblast region of Russia, remember the Kursk submarine disaster that happened 24 years ago almost to the day as the Kursk invasion. Back in August 12 2000, the Russian navy managed to destroy and sink the 'unsinkable' nuclear-powered Kursk when one it's own torpedoes blew-up the vessel. The Russian navy killed 118 of it's sailors in this blunder.

full article here

Putin's role in the disaster

It was obvious Putin is a psychopath 24 years ago. He tried to blame NATO for the incompetence of the Russian Navy and used drugs to silence a distraught mother of a dead sailor. Patterns he has repeated continuously since. Putin should have been overthrown decades ago.

quoting from Wikipedia here.

While the rescue crews repeatedly failed to attach to the rescue trunk and to contact potential survivors aboard the submarine, President Putin was shown on TV enjoying himself on a summer holiday at a villa on the Black Sea. His seeming indifference outraged the families of the Kursk sailors and many other Russians. Amelia Gentleman in The Guardian wrote:

For President Vladimir Putin, the Kursk crisis was not merely a human tragedy, it was a personal PR catastrophe. Twenty-four hours after the submarine's disappearance, as Russian naval officials made bleak calculations about the chances of the 118 men on board, Putin was filmed enjoying himself, shirtsleeves rolled up, hosting a barbecue at his holiday villa on the Black Sea.

Putin eventually met with families of the dead sailors but this had to be completely covered-up by Russian media including the forced sedation of one of the mothers at the meeting. It's hard to read this story without realising Putin is a complete f_ckw1t.


Opposition Leader Dutton Is Antisemitic

Dutton should not rely on Sky News for his facts because Wikipedia is accurate and Sky is garbage.

the facts are here Peter

 'About 1,200 Israelis were killed and 250 taken hostage when Hamas launched its 7 October attack and almost 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's counteroffensive in Gaza.'  Peter Dutton is only sympathetic to the Israeli side of this conflict and they have taken-over almost all of somebody else's country. The Israeli settlers caused this conflict because they are voracious about other people's land.

Denied Extinction

whoops! another screengrab malfunction

14 Aug 2024

The Lost Generations Of Autistic Boys Spells Doom For Society

An Inside Tasmania Exclusive.

Researchers have discovered hard evidence of what causes the autism explosion in males. They discovered prenatal exposure to a common plastic. They discovered higher levels of bisphenol A (BPA) in pregnant mothers who gave birth to sons with autism. It's excellent research but it's also very sad for the victims, their families and society as a whole.

Of course, the fatal link was discovered by female researchers.

Autism doubled in 10 years. It's now higher than 2020 and this is only reported autism.

The stats confirmed what everybody knows. A previously unknown disability has exploded and is still growing. The graph above will eventually reach 100% of male births. This is exposure to just one common plastic, but we suspect all males born since 2000 have some exposure to BPA. What about other plastics, PFAS and thousands of pesticides combined with BPA? If up to half of boys are 'on the spectrum' then autism is the new normal for a whole generation. 

The Chemical Industry Mass Experiment On Humans Has Come Home To Roost

Since the 1960's people opposed the chemical and biotech industries carrying-out a massive experiment on the human race. Warnings were ignored, research was suppressed and exposure to untested chemicals increased. Media companies protected their big advertisers. Today females are playing football and working on building sites. They are also carrying society and we all know it.

How Functional Is An Autistic Male?  

It's hard to find stats on this but going on feedback from many sources the results are not good.

 The 'good doctor' portrayal of a BPA-exposed male suggests enhanced abilities in positive ways for humanity. If only this was the case? Everyday experience contradicts the chemical industry hype. The media constantly reports on 'skills shortages' caused by people who can't develop skills and consistently falling behind females academically.

Dr Shaun Murphy played by Freddie Highmore

We see a youth crime wave of mostly males committing random crimes. Crashing a car now means running away. Add-in crystal meth, online porn and smartphone addiction and we have a lost generation at war with the society that created them. 

A Victorian woman disappeared for ever while jogging and a young man is refusing to disclose where he hid the body or why he did it. Also in Victoria a 16 year old in a stolen car thought it was funny to run-down cyclists while his mate videoed. It's time the authorities revealed whether these guys are psychopathic, autistic or something else?

If autism is the new normal for young men, they are unaware of it in themselves and their peers. It's easy finding an accomplice for an idiotic scheme when your friends are as dysfunctional as you are.

We observed the same teens on ultra loud trail bikes going up the same hill every day for 2 years. They appear unable to develop any further and progress to something new. The fact they are destroying other people's quality of life is not a consideration. Today, Australian army recruitment has to pretend joining the army is the same as joining a computer game club.

In the meantime females have to take-on all social responsibility and manage a generation of vacant males. We hope the chemical industry chokes on it's BPA-packaged caviar. They have turned all of us into their victims.

On a brighter note (if that's possible) the term 'neuroplasticity' has a brand new meaning. It also desrcibes the plastic contaminated neural development of autism.

7 Aug 2024

Why Is The Launceston Examiner Promoting Russian Crypto Scams?

Hard to believe one of Australia's fake 'community newspapers' the Launceston Examiner is advertising a Russian crypto scam that steals the identities of Australian media personalities. People like gameshow host Larry Emdur.

Actual screen-grab from the Examiner August 7 - 2024

It appears completely stupid of the Examiner to be so desperate they would host this garbage. Especially when democracies are at war with Putin. This is where the Examiner ad takes you.

This ad would take you to and here's what the ACCC says about 'personality scam's.

The Examiner is published by Australian Community Media who just spent months whinging about Facebook not paying them for their 'news'. Like Channel 7 a lot of the ACM 'news' is Liberal propaganda. Interesting that Facebook started life as a dating app and now over-entitled zombies like ACM claim they can't survive with it?

To us is looks like ACM is breaching sanctions on Russia and funding the bombing of Ukrainian children and civilians by insane serial murderer Putin. 

Don't bother subscribing to the amateurish garbage Launceston Examiner. Owners Antony Catalano and Alex Waislitz need to lift their game or be reduced to media insignificance. Did these guys help cripple the Australian housing industry or does it just look like that?

1 Aug 2024

While People Freeze In Tents In Launceston The Churches Are Always Empty

It's been a cold winter in Tasmania with overnight temperatures in Launceston going below zero for many days at a time. Nice if you have a warm house but sadly there are many homeless people sleeping in tents and vans around the city.

The weird thing is Launceston is full of empty churches all pushing slightly different versions of the same primitive Abrahamic brainwash. They also peddle the 'god tells us not to commit adultery but he had sex with Joseph's wife' to prove some idiotic lesson about sexual exploitation. We've done our research and found the iron age lies in Genesis will destroy the human race. The old testament is a 'trojan horse'.

There are at least 8 churches in the Launceston CBD that home nobody overnight as far as we know. Instead, the clergy discovered it's more lucrative to leave the homeless in tents and collect tax free donations from the public to spend on themselves and some on people in tents.

Above ^^^ a staged add from the Salvation Army who own a lavish tax-free 'Citadel' 200 metres away from tents in Brickfields Reserve. The Catholic Church of the Apostles is also close to tents in that reserve. 

This church hosted a state funeral for a pedophile on land that also houses a primary school. Consider that? The Liberal government used taxpayer funds to celebrate the life of a serial pedophile at the same location as a primary school. Minister Ferguson was aware that was the case but let it go ahead.

But why do we think the clergy are living off the homeless? Thanks to opportunists like Scott Morrison and Donald Trump we investigated the tax-exempt religious charities that have flooded our towns and cities with empty churches.

What we found was much worse than we expected. Iron Age Jewish herdsmen wrote Genesis and said god told them humans can 'rule over' everything else in the World. This is a recipe for the total ecological disaster that is happening right now. Nothing exists on this planet just for itself not even humans. Humans contain millions of non-human micro-organism that we can't 'rule over' even if we wanted to.

They lied about god creating us in his image because not a single person has ever seen god in the entire history of life on Earth. Look at the untold misery religious liars have made of our World? Their 'message' is death, destruction and the annihilation of humanity.

According to the Genesis scammers, it was god who made cuttlefish that can display a female form on one side and a male form on the other to give it better mating opportunities. God was able to do things like that in 6 days across the entire universe according to the Genesis liars.

We need to haul these liars before scam watch and fact check all of their inventions. We need to stop them peddling garbage to our children and traumatising children with their torture images.

Evolution is what made us and the 2-sided cuttlefish and the unbelievable diversity of nature. Seeing the universe as a multi-dimensional evolving entity reduces religion to just another parasitic life form. And here's the thing, parasitism has been part of biology since life evolved on this planet.

24 Jul 2024

Don't Vote For The Old Guy........


Donald Trump's shallow and populist position on guns has backfired. He failed to protect himself from America's insane proliferation of guns that he helped create. Low IQ Republicans will blame the Secret Service but Republicans made sure any adolescent video game sniper can upgrade to a semi-automatic assault rifle.

Why not change the Second Amendment? Just because it was written a long time ago doesn't make it rational and fit for purpose in 2024. It just proves current generations are being controlled by dead people from beyond the grave.

We regard opposing Trump as fighting fascism. Lets be clear about that? If it looks and sounds like a dictator, it's a dictator. Isn't authoritarianism just the default system for any human population that has failed? We have fascists here but we observed that they are empowered by dictators like Trump and Putin.