It's been a cold winter in Tasmania with overnight temperatures in Launceston going below zero for many days at a time. Nice if you have a warm house but sadly there are many homeless people sleeping in tents and vans around the city.
The weird thing is Launceston is full of empty churches all pushing slightly different versions of the same primitive Abrahamic brainwash. They also peddle the 'god tells us not to commit adultery but he had sex with Joseph's wife' to prove some idiotic lesson about sexual exploitation. We've done our research and found the iron age lies in Genesis will destroy the human race. The old testament is a 'trojan horse'.
There are at least 8 churches in the Launceston CBD that home nobody overnight as far as we know. Instead, the clergy discovered it's more lucrative to leave the homeless in tents and collect tax free donations from the public to spend on themselves and some on people in tents.
Above ^^^ a staged add from the Salvation Army who own a lavish tax-free 'Citadel' 200 metres away from tents in Brickfields Reserve. The Catholic Church of the Apostles is also close to tents in that reserve.
This church hosted a state funeral for a pedophile on land that also houses a primary school. Consider that? The Liberal government used taxpayer funds to celebrate the life of a serial pedophile at the same location as a primary school. Minister Ferguson was aware that was the case but let it go ahead.
But why do we think the clergy are living off the homeless? Thanks to opportunists like Scott Morrison and Donald Trump we investigated the tax-exempt religious charities that have flooded our towns and cities with empty churches.
What we found was much worse than we expected. Iron Age Jewish herdsmen wrote Genesis and said god told them humans can 'rule over' everything else in the World. This is a recipe for the total ecological disaster that is happening right now. Nothing exists on this planet just for itself not even humans. Humans contain millions of non-human micro-organism that we can't 'rule over' even if we wanted to.
They lied about god creating us in his image because not a single person has ever seen god in the entire history of life on Earth. Look at the untold misery religious liars have made of our World? Their 'message' is death, destruction and the annihilation of humanity.
According to the Genesis scammers, it was god who made cuttlefish that can display a female form on one side and a male form on the other to give it better mating opportunities. God was able to do things like that in 6 days across the entire universe according to the Genesis liars.
We need to haul these liars before scam watch and fact check all of their inventions. We need to stop them peddling garbage to our children and traumatising children with their torture images.
Evolution is what made us and the 2-sided cuttlefish and the unbelievable diversity of nature. Seeing the universe as a multi-dimensional evolving entity reduces religion to just another parasitic life form. And here's the thing, parasitism has been part of biology since life evolved on this planet.