1 Aug 2024

While People Freeze In Tents In Launceston The Churches Are Always Empty

It's been a cold winter in Tasmania with overnight temperatures in Launceston going below zero for many days at a time. Nice if you have a warm house but sadly there are many homeless people sleeping in tents and vans around the city.

The weird thing is Launceston is full of empty churches all pushing slightly different versions of the same primitive Abrahamic brainwash. They also peddle the 'god tells us not to commit adultery but he had sex with Joseph's wife' to prove some idiotic lesson about sexual exploitation. We've done our research and found the iron age lies in Genesis will destroy the human race. The old testament is a 'trojan horse'.

There are at least 8 churches in the Launceston CBD that home nobody overnight as far as we know. Instead, the clergy discovered it's more lucrative to leave the homeless in tents and collect tax free donations from the public to spend on themselves and some on people in tents.

Above ^^^ a staged add from the Salvation Army who own a lavish tax-free 'Citadel' 200 metres away from tents in Brickfields Reserve. The Catholic Church of the Apostles is also close to tents in that reserve. 

This church hosted a state funeral for a pedophile on land that also houses a primary school. Consider that? The Liberal government used taxpayer funds to celebrate the life of a serial pedophile at the same location as a primary school. Minister Ferguson was aware that was the case but let it go ahead.

But why do we think the clergy are living off the homeless? Thanks to opportunists like Scott Morrison and Donald Trump we investigated the tax-exempt religious charities that have flooded our towns and cities with empty churches.

What we found was much worse than we expected. Iron Age Jewish herdsmen wrote Genesis and said god told them humans can 'rule over' everything else in the World. This is a recipe for the total ecological disaster that is happening right now. Nothing exists on this planet just for itself not even humans. Humans contain millions of non-human micro-organism that we can't 'rule over' even if we wanted to.

They lied about god creating us in his image because not a single person has ever seen god in the entire history of life on Earth. Look at the untold misery religious liars have made of our World? Their 'message' is death, destruction and the annihilation of humanity.

According to the Genesis scammers, it was god who made cuttlefish that can display a female form on one side and a male form on the other to give it better mating opportunities. God was able to do things like that in 6 days across the entire universe according to the Genesis liars.

We need to haul these liars before scam watch and fact check all of their inventions. We need to stop them peddling garbage to our children and traumatising children with their torture images.

Evolution is what made us and the 2-sided cuttlefish and the unbelievable diversity of nature. Seeing the universe as a multi-dimensional evolving entity reduces religion to just another parasitic life form. And here's the thing, parasitism has been part of biology since life evolved on this planet.

24 Jul 2024

Don't Vote For The Old Guy........


Donald Trump's shallow and populist position on guns has backfired. He failed to protect himself from America's insane proliferation of guns that he helped create. Low IQ Republicans will blame the Secret Service but Republicans made sure any adolescent video game sniper can upgrade to a semi-automatic assault rifle.

Why not change the Second Amendment? Just because it was written a long time ago doesn't make it rational and fit for purpose in 2024. It just proves current generations are being controlled by dead people from beyond the grave.

We regard opposing Trump as fighting fascism. Lets be clear about that? If it looks and sounds like a dictator, it's a dictator. Isn't authoritarianism just the default system for any human population that has failed? We have fascists here but we observed that they are empowered by dictators like Trump and Putin.

19 Jul 2024

Trump Selling $300 Assassination Attempt Sneakers Within Days

 Sneakers for the golf club elites.

Vance And Trump Are Both Working For Communist China And Russia

Trump has said he doesn't care what happens to Taiwan and he will return all confiscated assets to Putin. Do you remember any time the US was run by traitors? All the stars and stripes at the Republican Convention are a smokescreen for the hammer and sickle of the old USSR and Communist China. 

Comment. How stupid are Republicans? Some are wearing blocks of cheese on their heads and some have 'tribute ear bandages'. What they believe in are sexual assaults, fraud, lies and making Russia and China greater than America has ever been. What traitors they really are.

15 Jul 2024

Trump Made Sure Any Nut Case Can Get An Assault Rifle

Trump's political career has been a partnership with the NRA to flood America with guns. The US has more guns than people. Trump-appointed Supreme Court judges overturned the ban on bump stocks the NRA and Trump imposed after the Vegas mass shooting. The NRA knew a conservative majority Supreme Court would lift the ban. Have you ever heard Trump mention reversing the 2nd amendment? We haven't either. 

screengrab from here

Trump made sure the Supreme Court was stacked with conservative slow learners some totally corrupt like Clarence Thomas.

only 4 weeks ago?

After learning the assassination attempt was done by a Republican, the Republicans (slavery party) revealed they were told of another assassination attempt by Iran. This remains unsubstantiated.

Dead People Made It Impossible To Amend Constitutions

Inside Tasmania's position on the 2nd Amendment. We hold that dead people are controlling the World from beyond the grave with old Constitutions that are impossible to amend. More on this to come.

The idea that some moldy piece of paper written in the 1700's has to define the current era is as sick as saying the Old Testament defines modern values. Wake-up idiots! We know you only hold these positions for self gain.

11 Jul 2024

Are Putin And Netanyahu Working Together?

UPDATE July 16. After Houthi's attacked 2 Russian tankers bound for China in the Red Sea, Israel destroyed a major oil storage facility in Yemen. Israel is securing Russian oil deliveries to China through the Suez Canal because Putin is overstretched due to his failed invasion of Ukraine.

Houthis use sea drone to attack Russian oil tanker bound for Communist China. Netanyahu carries-out revenge attack on Houthis

Putin and Netanyahu are both killing children as they carry-out ethnic cleansing operations in Ukraine and Palestine.

Both their invasions of neighboring countries are based on pure fantasy. Netanyahu's fantasy is that Judaism is an actual belief system, rather than an unsubstantiated iron age scam intended to fool illiterate herdsmen. 'Promised Land' eh? Did the sky fairy promise you a tropical island as well?

It's nonsensical God would order a shepherd to circumcise himself and then tell the shepherd God created man in his own image. But somehow God was circumcised and man was not. Or was it the other way round? Thousands of years latter Netanyahu's rabbis still can't explain it. 

Ancient rabbis wrote on mud tablets that God approved of slavery but only if the slaves were circumcised. Sure. But what a demented God they made? Judaism is pure scam. All religions are scams set-up to enslave humanity and enrich the bloated clergy.

4 schools in 4 days - not a coincidence but the systematic destruction of future generations of Palestinians based on primitive Jewish dogma.

An insane and desperate Putin targeted the main children's hospital in Kiev. This was a blatant war crime and the international community will stop Putin committing more war crimes. Look how many people Putin has killed with Polonium and Novichok? Putin is not the only man in Russia who would do this. How long before Russians realize the real enemy is Putin? Putin also uses the Russian Orthodox church to sanction his bloodlust.

So what do Putin and Netanyahu talk about when they meet or phone? All of their grievances are imaginary and exaggerated in line with their indulgent egos. Israel has no right to be in Palestine because it's somebody else's country and Judaism is not a race or a religion. They have failed to produce a shred of evidence they are a race and their 'teaching' is subhuman rubbish invented by primitive tribesmen. Israel is the most anti-Semitic nation on Earth. Look-up 'Semite' and see what we mean?

Putin is blames the rest of the World for being born in a failed communist experiment that only ever produced misery. Russians could not invent communism themselves. It came from a German who was told he was Jewish.

Above. Look at Putin's costumed scammers peddling illusion? His church is as evil as Netanyahu's.

8 Jul 2024

Putin Slapped-Down Hard In The French Election


Le Pen is a Putin ally and wanted to limit the use of French weapons against Russia. That won't happen now but it shows how the 'far right' need dictators and mass-murderers to define themselves. Putin lives-on in the corpse of the communist soviet union and has no policies, but all the far right crave is authoritarianism. Any authoritarian will do apparently.

Putin also lost in the British election because they voted-in a staunch NATO supporter in Keir Starmer. Putin has now forced South Korea into the arms of NATO by wooing Kim Jong Un. Putin is now so desperate he's undermining himself. On day 867 of his invasion the Neanderthal maggot attacked a children's hospital. Another day another war crime for very small man Putin.


Incredibly, Ukrainians are able to blow-up sections of the Trans Siberian railway in central Asia transporting North Korean munitions to Russia. Consider that for a moment? One of the most disgusting, totalitarian prison farm nations on Earth is an ally of Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Xi Jinping and a few fat-ass dictators waiting to be hauled before war crimes tribunals. 

Russia Spends $250 million Blowing-Up A Children's Hospital


Watching Jake again. There are some phuktards on this planet eh? A children's hospital tried to invade Russia? Another war crime committed by Putin.

Melania and Donald's Fake Marriage

Trumps number 1 enabler is Melania Trump. She is an insult to all women everywhere.

The 'attack on our country' was only Trump getting busted cheating on his wife yet again and misappropriating campaign donations to pay-off Stormy.

30 Jun 2024

Exclusive: Trump Running Mate 2024

According to most of the Slavery Party (Republicans) being a convicted rapist, fraudster, scammer and trying to overthrow your own government and hang your last Vice President means you are not 'leftist'.

Yes, it's a strong and coherent argument and hard to disagree with. The great news is another victim will assume the $35 Trillion Federal debt, the largest debt in the entire history of life on Earth. 

America has never been great, mostly just a few steps in front of organized crime. The wealth came from colonization funded by money lenders and debt grew to fund their ever larger egos. This is typical of all English-speaking nations. They never achieve financial independence because they carry so much intellectual baggage. How did they invade entire continents and end-up bankrupt almost instantly? The cornerstones of the American dream are just delusions. 

Trump picks an argument with his hat

Trump claimed multiple times he won the 2020 presidential election and was the 46th president. His baseball cap thinks otherwise.

Putin's Lapdog = Trump

Putin desperately wants to end his invasion of Ukraine. With Russian soldiers getting blown-up by faulty North Korean munitions Putin wants out. Putin spent two and a half years and killed half a million people just to invade 24 kilometers of Ukraine. We recommend this video by Jake Broe. It covers fat slob Viktor Orban's visit to the Kremlin and the Kremlin contact with Donald Trump. Strange the MSM missed that one?

Trump's jet sits next to Russian government plane for two days in 'isolated' area. Details here.


27 Jun 2024

Simon Birmingham's Party Covers-Up War Crimes While Signing Treaties Against War Crimes

On June 26 2024, Julian Assange was released from a UK prison by another country, a country trying to cover-up war crimes. On the same day a pompous, over-entitled South Australian senator did a media whinge about PM Albanese simply phoning Assange.

Birmingham needs a history lesson. Julian Assange spent years in prison because Simon Birmingham's party of half-wit Neanderthals thought Iraq may have weapons of mass-destruction. John Howard's party of war criminals were 100% wrong but continued to murder and torture tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and commit multiple war crimes for no reason. John Howard made Australia a terror target and shredded our global reputation. Today we find the 911 terror attacks in the US were carried-out by Saudi Arabia. Why is Simon Birmingham and the Liberals trying to protect Islamic terrorists?

The US's Iraq invasion broke international law and their Guantanamo Bay concentration camp resulted in just 8 convictions and 9 deaths. Now the US has used time spent in a foreign prison as punishment for Assange charged with spying for Australia, which is a lie.

After Iraq the blood-thirsty Howard government helped invade Afghanistan, a 20 year strategic failure that financially drained Australia for decades and caused more Australian war crimes. John Howard has never been held to account for his disastrous religious wars.

Looks like Simon Birmingham's position is 'because Australia signs global treaties against war crimes we should hide our war crimes and punish people for exposing them'. If so Birmingham is a manipulative, corrupt hypocrite in our view.

Why didn't Birmingham complain how a nation can release a prisoner from a different country and why this prisoner was charged with spying for a non-existent country? Why is time spent in a different countries prison considered a punishment in the US?  

Simon Birmingham must reveal his position on all these questions or shut up. Birmingham served under Tony Abbott, a close friend of a convicted pedophile and who attended the funeral of a convicted pedophile. Birmingham's party leader today attended the funeral of a convicted pedophile. No public outcry from Birmingham on that was there?

Birmingham also served under Scott Morrison, a probable psychopath who turned everything he touched to effluent. The guy who sold the tip of North West Tasmania and Darwin Harbor to Communist China. Then Scott tried to get the US and the UK to arm him with nukes to protect us from his commie friends. No doubt that all made sense to Simple Simon?

Note to Simon Birmingham. Many Australians are a lot smarter than you. Why not run your brainwashed ideas past an actual thinker before making a public fool of yourself? 

22 Jun 2024

Dictator Small Talk 2



no seatbelts no worries we execute whoever we like in N Korea

Recently discovered Jake Broe's YouTube channel. It will be listed in the links above. It's good to see credible people commenting on the Ukraine invasion. 

Putin is a psychopath serial killer living in the carcass of the USSR and pretending it still exists. Soon Putin won't exist either. How long before Russian patriots solve the 'mentally ill president' problem?

20 Jun 2024

Tax-free religion has crippled our economy. Their wars will complete the job

People are in denial about what really caused the Israel-Palestine conflict. It's another 'dogma war'

Did you know religion is 100% tax-deductible in democratic countries but science is not? Peddling an iron age 'faith' and you live tax free. It explains so many small churches pushing the same lies and all living off the exploited taxpayer.

It explains why religious salesman Scott Morrison attacked the unemployed while protecting the revenue stream of multi-millionaire pedophile cults. Cults like the Anglican Church who were forced to sell most of their churches to compensate their victims. Most of their victims were children.

'spiritual beliefs' that are supposed to be helping humanity

The current Middle East crisis is caused 100% by religion, yet in Australia both sides of the conflict are tax-free. No wonder Anthony Albanese looks uncomfortable? Populism means more votes but the votes come from increasingly brainwashed nutters who are undermining our economy.

Lets look at the intellectual basis of the Middle East conflict for a moment? One side is an abusive, threatening teaching where just questioning it's validity could end in your death. The other side is an Neanderthal dogma where an imaginary god creates humans in his image, thus proving god is un-circumcised. This fake god then orders humans to circumcise babies. The fact Judaism is unable to explain this contradiction reveals how primitive they are. Judaism is just as corrupt as I$lam.

Corrupt mullahs decide to hold the Hajj on the Summer Solstice, the longest and hottest day of the year. Christianity had already grabbed the Winter Solstice for their big day of delusion. 'Each person wears a single piece of unstitched white clothing, walks counter-clockwise seven times around the Kaaba (a cube-shaped building and the direction of prayer for Muslims), kisses the black stone mounted on the corner wall of Kaaba, walks briskly back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwah seven times, then drinks from the Zamzam Well, goes to the plains of Mount Arafat' etc,etc.

So what caused these deaths? god, climate change, the Saudi oil industry, the timing of the Hajj or just brainwashing? The Saudis don't even need to hold an inquest.

The Rise of Theocracies

Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Israel, the UK, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc, etc.  This is worrying. The theocracies deny science but can't wait to use the inventions of science like nuclear weapons to destroy each other. Nobody questions it and Albo mindlessly keeps funding all of them because a church that is also a state is tax exempt in Australia.

Britain Is a Theocracy

The same guy is head of state and head of the state church in Great Britain. So it's impossible for the UK to present an example to any of the other '3rd World' theocracies is it?

Why this makes sense for Tasmania

The Jewish Bible condones slavery because god accepted slaves as long as they were circumcised. The British monarchy copy and pasted this Jewish lie into the Anglican Church dogma and then used slave traders to ship convict slaves to Tasmania. All OK because it's in the Bible. So was the Tasmanian genocide because god made Jews in his image therefore white or coffee-colored people can kill and abuse everything and everybody else. 

Religion is criminal and evil and you are funding it. Congratulations.

What needs to happen next

Any religion that is also a country cannot have tax-free charity status in Australia. Why must the hard working Australian taxpayer fund foreign countries that mean nothing to Australia and have zero interest in Australia? 

Countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel. Why do we fund them? In our view their religions are a huge invention and an outright scam. Prove your gods even exist and prove it beyond reasonable doubt. Also 99% of religious charities are duplicates of each other and only work to partially fix problems they create. Problems like alcoholism and homelessness that they create by using alcohol as a sacrament. I$lam even condones the use of narcotics and dopey Australians make them a tax-exempt charity?

12 Jun 2024

Republican says Jesus committed the same crimes as Trump

With people as unhinged as Trump, barely a day goes by without a brand-new stuff-up. Now Republicans want to start worshiping him.

Trump actually killed close to a million Americans in his first term by regarding COVID as a minor illness. Today the Republican (slavery) party has based a messianic cult on him.  According to Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jesus had the same criminal record as Trump.

Every Republican (slavery party) voter knows Jesus paid-off porn stars and distorted his assets.

The 'rigged trial'

Being found guilty of falsifying records to hide payments to a porn star he didn't have sex with is clearly 'election interference'. What else could it be? Why can't Trump make secret payments to a porn star without everyone knowing? These payments helped make America great again before Trump lost the next election. 


Stormy and Melania 

Stormy advised Melania to leave Trump due to his criminal record. We don't think that's possible. Think about the theory that Melania is a Kremlin asset who works for Putin? She is not going to leave Donald because Putin will poison her with novichok. In or out of the White House Putin could destroy her if she leaves Trump. Donald is more valuable to Putin than Melania.


4 Jun 2024

Tasmanian Minority Government Faces Colonial Paradigm Shift

How the minority government handle situations like Jim Everett-puralia meenamatta telling the World he doesn't recognise the colonialist regime in Tasmania will be interesting.

screengrab from ABC

Tasmanian Aboriginals have many reasons not to recognise the corrupt, slave-trading British monarchy who dumped 85,000 convicts onto their island. Then the corrupt slave trading monarchists started ethnically cleansing the indigenous people for purely commercial reasons. Britain deserves every bit of misery it's experiencing today. They are a nation of liars with a shocking history of cruelty.

Current Premier Rockliff and his predecessors studiously avoided an apology for the genocide their imperialist government wreaked on Tasmania. Past Premier Lennon apologised for the 'stolen generation' but not the genocide.

The Tasmanian Aboriginals now have many new friends who have never been part of the colonial regime. Some came to Tasmanian knowing there had been a genocide here and seeking permission from the indigenous owners to live here.

What has the colonial regime created by wrecking Tasmania's ecology? Not much. A minority government clutching at the memory of centuries of corruption.

Why Is Jeremy Rockliff Dumbing-Down Tasmania?

Foreign companies get the red carpet treatment while Tasmanians die in our dysfunctional 'health' system. Populist Premier Rockcliff wastes his days promoting football and alcohol and hasn't realised emergency departments are full of injured drunks and footballers. Where was Jeremy when everybody else learned alcohol is carcinogenic and causes brain atrophy?

The Monarchy

Nobody can prove King Charles really is a 'king'. Why is his DNA different to Richard III? Why is Camilla 'queen' when she effectively disposed of Diana Spencer? Why is Charles running a fake religion that sexually abuses children and used slave labour? The hapless Tasmanian government is left pushing state-sponsored brainwashing and using football and alcohol as cover.

We can make Tasmania a good place for the first time in it's modern history. People don't want to be at war with nature and they don't need a government tying to bury them in lies and a distorted reality based on delusions.