24 Dec 2019

Was The Virgin Birth A Sexual Assault?

The brainwash goes like this. A 'god' entity creates a planet where the majority of species survive by killing and eating something else. Somehow god loses control of this carnivorous nightmare to a 'devil' entity.

To prove a point about this devil entity, god who informed humans he has male sex organs, decides to impregnate a teenage virgin who is already married. So he chooses a virgin and makes her pregnant.

God's plan is to force Mary to give birth to gods son who will act as some kind of messenger before being killed to act as a deterrent to something we haven't worked out.

Look at the complexity of this outlandish plan? Look at the obsession with genitalia? God didn't need to have sex to create a son because he could have created one ready made. No, he had sex with an underage girl who was married without losing her virginity but why?

Why was not losing her virginity important? Did the son have to do this by being born or not? Why did 'Mary' have to worship her own son? How much of this myth was real and how much happened on a metaphysical level? Why was a shape-shifting sex act the basis of a religious teaching? Why was the moral lesson one of bullying, exploitation and sexual desire?

Take a look at the power imbalance of god and a teenage girl? Was Mary in a position to refuse? Of course not. This was coercion and exploitation at it's worst. It was also pedophilia. Is it any wonder the highest catholic in Australia is in prison today? Is it any wonder every christian denomination in the world has been and is involved in child sexual abuse?

They will say this article is the work of the devil, but isn't the pedophilia-virgin birth myth the work of the devil and objective science the work of god?

21 Dec 2019

Matt Canavan The Minster For Growing India's Population And Burning Australia

This month the Nationals Matt Canavan told Australia 'The fires have not started due to climate change'.

How does Canavan, an economist, know anything about climate change? What gives him the right to broadcast blatant propaganda for commercial interests? Canavan and the Liberal-Nationals are running a climate disinformation campaign. Canavan's real agenda is to disconnect coal mining from the nightmare climate change is unleashing on Australia.

Canavan thinks it's his duty to support Adani for a few Aussie jobs in a totally automated industry. Canavan is actually growing India's population which will produce unlimited catastrophic climate change in Australia. Canavan is caught in an economic death spiral and we are about to tell you how he got there.

This is Matt Canavan's economic apocalypse in plain English.

FACT. Australia's National Government debt is now approaching one trillion dollars. Amazing for a country of only 24 million people.
FACT. Australia actually went broke supplying the two biggest population explosions in the history of planet Earth - China and India.
FACT. Australia's colonial 'Westminster System' doesn't work. Why? Because it has been subverted into a vehicle for personal career building by politicians using your taxes. They use your money to fund handouts to get themselves re-elected
FACT. Generations of politicians spent your money on pork barrelling schemes, grants, sports grounds, free lunches and the most lucrative parliamentary pension scheme in history using your taxes. When the money ran out they borrowed billions more.
FACT. Interest rates are low because if they were any higher all of your taxes would go to paying interest on Federal government loans. The more debt the government racked-up the lower interest rates went.
FACT. Australia is an economic basket case and it's getting worse.

Now do you see why a totally insane project like a coal mine to grow India's obscene population of 1.36 billion people looks good to Canavan? Does Mathew Canavan like seeing Australians burn to death?

Canavan thinks reducing just a fraction of Federal Government debt is better than growing it further. They all think that. Deep down Matt knows another coal mine will increase government debt because the real price of coal just keeps getting higher and higher.

As his half-assed debt-repayment scheme goes into production, the cost to insurance premiums, dead towns, dead rivers, catastrophic fires and flooded Gold Coast water frontages will soak-up all of Adani's rupees and reduce them to dust. The Morrison Cabinet is stacked with smug, over educated but unintelligent conservative wankers who reinforce each others retarded and disconnected thinking. 

Another LNP member, Michelle Landry (seriously) represents the dry land where Adani want to mine. She has said 'the project was necessary to stop women in India from being forced to cook with cow dung in poorly ventilated huts'.
Why is Landry being paid by the Australian taxpayer to analyse cooking methods in India? Does Landry know why there are 1.36 billion Indians? Obviously cooking with cow dung has not stopped Indians reproducing like rabbits? For Landry to pretend Indians can only cook with dung or Queensland coal proves she is a corrupt imbecile.

The National Party are cow dung specialists. Acting Prime Minister (seriously) Michael McCormack told reporters bushfires are caused by 'self-combusting manure'.
So why are the same farmers McCormack represents burning down Australia with manure? Phuk knows.

One way or another Australia will free itself of these corrupt, conservative maggots and intellectual slime. The process started with Morrisons media blunders and his ham-fisted agenda to slaughter the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Those golden eggs were our forests, rivers, productive farmlands and breathable air. Morrison and his snide buffoons have phuked Australia.

13 Dec 2019

Brazil Must Remove Jair Bolsonaro

Countries Blocking Climate Progress - US, Brazil, China, Australia. The same countries Inside Tasmania has been attacking in 2019.

It's obvious the people of our planet now act as an 'immune system' to stop the complete destruction of the Earth's ecosystems.
Corrupt dictators who have declared war on the environment are in the cross hairs of the masses. The foremost of those dictators is evil fascist German-Italian Jair Bolsonaro.

Bolsonaro claims to be a conservative christian (many of them do) but is actually a corrupt opportunist exploiting the illiterate and gullible Brazilian population.

That makes him similar to other narcissistic dictators around the globe like Xi Jinping, Putin, Trump, Duterte, and Morrison. Even Adolph Hitler was 'democratically elected' so how these dictators got there is insignificant. It's what they do that counts.

At left we see pompous half-wit Bolsonaro. With a 'distinguished' military career in a country that has never been at war, except with itself, he has declared war on the Amazon basin and the indigenous people that live there. As usual, Bolonaro is doing this for economic reasons so he can sell the timber and convert jungle into beef paddocks for the communist Chinese swarm. These eco-fascists are as 'capitalist' as Chairman Mao aren't they? They routinely prop-up debt-ridden 'democracies' with the brutal totalitarian regime of China.

People like Bolsonaro often attack women and the weak. He called Greta Thunberg a brat so we are working to have him removed from office. There has already been one assassination attempt made on this piece of far-right garbage but to us it seems appropriate he dies by poison blow pipe. What do you think? After all, the 'lungs of the earth' are more important than one wealth-crazed fascist. 


6 Dec 2019

Scott Morrison's Total Failure Of Leadership During The Drought And Fires Of 2019

In 2019 the island continent of Australia had experienced years of catastrophic drought and then burned for months on end. Prime Minister Scott Morrison could give no explanation of why this was happening. He was abused by the public on a rare visit to a bushfire evacuation center. He has retreated into his Hillsong Church world of delusion.

On track for Psychopath of the Year 2019

As 'leader' of Australia, Morrison has a duty of care to the people of Australia. Instead Morrison spreads lies and misinformation about climate change and bushfires without expertise in these areas. He claims there is no link between the nations greenhouse emissions and the severity of fires.

That is a complete lie because Australia's emissions include all the coal we export because that coal is mined only to be burned. Where it is burned makes no difference to the Earth's climate.
Morrison is a total liability for Australia. He has very corrupt and dubious operatives in his government like Angus Taylor, Mathias Conman and the member for Beijing Gladys Lui.

What is unbelievable about Morrison is why the hell did he have to join a church founded by a pedophile?
In the 'Me Too' era this is a step too far. Like Tony Abbott visiting convicted pedophile George Pell in prison. Do these nutjobs live in the 21st century or in the Middle Ages?

Morrison looks like our choice for 'Psychopath of the Year 2019'. Stay tuned.

28 Nov 2019

Xi Jinping - The Worlds Biggest Hypocrite 虚伪 伪善


虚伪 伪善
This hypocrite is ruthlessly crushing a 'democracy movement' in Hong Kong yet claims he was elected for life in a democratic poll.
Have a look at the results:
That's nearly 3,000 votes for and only 2 against. This is what the Maoist 'picture writers' call an election? China failed to develop a 'symbolic alphabet' and are stuck with a hieroglyphic writing system like the ancient Egyptians. 

This is why Communist Chinese can't communicate complex ideas or even emotions. It's a matter of time before Communist China destroys itself because they have no ecological or moral conscience. Their language is so narrow it prevents them from feeling responsible for the planet they are polluting with shear numbers. All they believe in is 'eat, reproduce and die '. 

Name one thing Communist China invented in the modern era? 

All of communist China's thinking was stolen from the West including communism itself. In trying to bury China's real heritage, the communists became obsessed with Western culture. Their military parades are inspired by early 20th Century European fascism. Communist Chinese are too dull to have invented communism themselves and are the last to know it doesn't work. 

But what of their fake emperor Xi Jinping? Have the Chinese people put a price on his head yet? With a lifetime term as emperor of China the only way they can get rid of him is to shoot him. You can bet none of those android soldiers at Xi's infantile parades carries a loaded gun?

The problem for the human race is there are too many Chinese. 1.4 billion people in any country is beyond the carrying capacity of this planet. They have changed our climate and sucked-up our resources. This era of mindless totalitarian cancer must be bought to a close.

Everybody who supplies the retarded communist Chinese regime is anti-life and anti-civilisation.
Here's looking at you Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman. You thought you could prop-up your bankrupt state using a totalitarian dictatorship but that strategy looks more like treason. 

Look at the guy on the left? The mindless pawn of a dictatorship of 1.4 billion communists. No brains, no conscience, no values. This is the face of overpopulated totalitarianism. 

They exploit cash-strapped democracies around the globe to further their regime. Places like Tasmania that have been bankrupted by it's own government pension scheme are the communists hapless victims.

19 Nov 2019

We Don't Have To Appease These Murderous Dictators - Wake Up Australia

Both of these dictators have tried to flood Australia with narcotics, they hacked nearly all our government computer systems, they compromised many of our politicians, they are buying our land and businesses with currency only they can trade in. Have we had enough of their expansionism or will we accept a complete take-over? The threat is real.

Chinese Communism hypocritically used capitalist democracies to fund their totalitarian empire. Unlike the insular Soviet Union, Chinese Communism exploited globalisation to build it's dominance. Only after Communist China has subjugated the entire planet will it implode like the Soviet Union did. There is no human need to be a worthless totalitarian automaton. But why are we waiting for all this to happen?

Why isn't there a strategy in place to remove two dictators and replace them with honest and reasonable people? Why? If democracy has been essential to building Communist China why aren't we ensuring democracy is embraced in China and North Korea?

At present we have the weakest and dumbest politicians in our history. It's left up to us to do the thinking in our national interest. China will undermine our democracy at every chance and in Australia democracy failed the population decades ago. Half-wits are elected who use public money to boost their own popularity, re-election chances and careers leaving the nation bankrupt. As our Federal debt soars we are right where China wants us to be. They can manipulate our economy and buy our assets but we can never buy land or assets in China.

Democracy is worth fighting for. The 'head of the snake' 'Xi Jinping must be removed by his own countrymen as soon as possible and the same for the North Korean dynasty of tin-pot despots.

20 Oct 2019

Scott Morrison's Severe Drought

Still Feelin It - The Morrison Drought Update
Scott Morrison told Sky News 'But most importantly the people who are experiencing it [are] feeling it.'
Classic Morrison.
He went on 'What matters is not how we feel but what we do'.
One of the things the Morrison government are doing is hiring a $190,000 'empathy consultant'.

Morrison told a Liberal conference that drought 'is the biggest call on the budget because it is the most pressing'.
Morrison has banned himself from saying those dreadful words 'climate change' because that exposes him as a half wit who is actively causing the 'most pressing' problem Australia has.

So he's destined to yabber on about how bad the drought is, but don't rainfall statistics feed directly into climate models that clearly define human induced climatic changes? So wouldn't Scott Morrisons really bad drought be climate change spelled backwards?

No doubt about it Scott Morrison is the archetypal manipulative Liberal half-wit. 

15 Oct 2019

While Chinese & Indians Flood Australia Aborigines Are Being Killed In Prison

Another day and another coroners report into yet another Aboriginal death in custody.

So what gives? Are Aussie racists making room for 3 billion Asians in Australia? Looks like it. We know Chinese are fleeing Hong Kong to escape brutal megalomaniac dictator Xi Jinping.

And of course the Indians are raping and breeding their way to 1.4 billion people. They have never comprehended the word 'sustainable' when applied to population have they?

The planet is dying and the corrupt, broken-down quasi-democracy of Australia is part of the problem. Who ever heard of a democracy with a hereditary monarch at it's head?

Talking about Poms, nobody is linking the Hong Kong bloodbath to the British trafficking narcotics during the 2 Opium Wars that caused the cultural divide between 'Commie' China and 'Free' China.

Karma. So swine flu is decimating China's pig population during the 'year of the pig'? Imagine if half a billion Chinese died of starvation? Then they would hang their national dictator from the Great Wall. Specially after the Maoist Maniac said he would 'crush the bodies of seperatists'.

Who the hell gave Xi the power to 'crush' people? What an arrogant piece of detritus? If Xi doesn't like his grossly overpopulated empire split-up then why is he undermining every other country around the globe?

Why is Xi hacking computers and stealing data? Most of all, if democracy is so bad in Hong Kong, why is Xi trading with every democracy on the planet? Why is trade siloed from democracy just to please one grubby little opportunistic dictator?

So Aussies, isn't it time you valued your original people because the alternative is a billion times worse?

6 Oct 2019

Why Did We Go Into Debt Carbon Polluting The Planet?

It's no secret that as atmospheric carbon increased, so did the national debt of the 'developed' countries causing the pollution.
Countries like Australia, the US, Britain and Canada have hundreds of thousands of academics educated at prestigious institutions, yet these people created an ecological and economic nightmare for the rest of us to deal with. Why?
Saw-tooth waveform caused by Northern Hemisphere winter tree dormant cycle


We doubt if these 'academics' and 'leaders' can explain what they have been doing. Wrecking the climate will cost our economies trillions in lost revenue, yet the so-called 'developed countries' went into debt while they were doing it. The real costs of climate change have only begun. There is no 'up-side' to this insanity.

Eventually people will want to hold someone to account. Those still advocating a system that produces ever more debt and ever more climate change are the obvious targets.