4 Nov 2020

Kleptomaniac Sets-Up Anti-Corruption Commission

The Australian Liberal-Nationals have decided to have an anti-corruption commission that holds secret hearings.

30 Oct 2020

National Party Claim To Be Australia's 'Moral Compass'

original image by Alex Ellinghausen

Time to call out these idiots again. Yesterday agriculture minister David Littleproud (Little-To-Be-Proud-Of) gave a press conference about a bank's climate policy 'issues of policy and morality should be left to representative government'.

'Banks are not, and should not try to become society's moral compass and arbiter. The Australian people decide that by who they elect'. Mr LittleToBeProudOf said. So he thinks he is Australia's moral compass WTF?

These are the same corruptoids that produced the Barnaby Joyce water fraud scheme and Bridget McKenzie's sports rorts theft of public money for election purposes.

LittleToBeProudOf is so drunk on his own arrogance he thinks he is the morality and policy director of Australian banks. The backblocks Queensland hayseed is a joke.

Actually, with interest rates at almost zero because of his government's unbelievable and unlimited dept appetite, it's good to see a bank doing something for the future of the human race for a change.

For too long thief's like McCormack and LittleToBeProudOf have stolen taxpayer funds and re-directed it into their election campaigns. The LNP are definitely Australia's biggest dole bludgers by far. Australians don't pay taxes to further the  political careers of LNP half-wits. Remember that next time you give us a little parable about morality.

LittleToBeProudOf Responds To The Bushfire Royal Commission

What a pathetic joke to have this half-wit pro-coal apparatchik respond to the Royal Commission into the worst bushfires in Australia's history, as minister for Drought and Emergency Management?

Inside Tasmania implores all Australians to dump all relationships you have with the LNP and their supporters.

18 Oct 2020

How China Tried To Destroy Google And Failed

China Is Engaged In Subversion

A Google Cloud Team report released a few days ago details the largest distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack ever carried-out on the planet.

The Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) said the attack which happened in 2017 came from China, originated in a network of four Chinese internet service providers. The 2.54Tbs attack was the culmination of a six-month campaign that utilized multiple methods to hammer Google's server infrastructure.


We ask 'why did the Maoist totalitarian dictatorship of 1.4 billion people spend 6 months trying to bring-down the Earth's leading search engine'? 

China also attempted to destroy Amazon (the company and the rain forest) with a 2.3 Tbps DDoS attack. This is obviously hostile behavior and is an attack on free speech and information.

Again we will point-out some high-profile Communist enablers operating in Australia. 

Scott Morrison, Andrew Forrest of FMG, Gina Rhinehart, Rio Tinto, BHP, Sustainable Timber Tasmania and local Communist agent Guy Barnett, The Institute of Foresters Australia for legitimising the Australia-China woodchip conveyor belt and Daniel Andrews and his 'Belt and Road' lapse of consciousness.

Childishly believing Communist China is a benefactor and cash-provider to Australia is bordering on insane. Communist China and it's depraved dictator Xi Jinping are out to control the internet and the entire World economy. They are 70% on their way to enslaving Australia.

China - Get The Hell Out Of Our Forests And Aboriginal Sacred Sites

It's time to stop sleazy, pandemic-ridden Communist China from buying Australian wood chips and iron ore. You've rejected Australian wine, barley, coal and now its time to reject our wood chips and iron ore. We don't want to build your nightmare dictatorship anymore. We will expose your agents in Australia and limit your mindless expansionism.

2 Oct 2020

Australian Iron Ore Is Building The Chinese War Machine

According to the Minerals Council 80% of Australia's iron ore exports are to Communist China. (80% of our wool exports are also to China)

Iron ore is Australia's largest export commodity worth over $60 billion annually.

Global iron ore supply is not unlimited and is apparently tight according to the FIN Review. That's why China is still importing shiploads of it from Australia. BHP, Rio Tinto and Fortescue pay around $3 billion pa each in Federal taxes.

No wonder 'Maoist Morrison' is very quiet about the blowing-up of Aboriginal archaeological sites to supply the Communists?

So why are we primarily an iron supplier to a Communist Dictatorship? How did Australia go so far off track? 

Incompetent Australia

We often wonder why we are forced to theorize foreign policy when there is an army of public servants being over-paid to do it. It seems the buffoons are absolutely useless and unable to act in the national interest and incapable of long range and strategic thinking. In 2020 iron ore exports and Communist Chinese expansionism are identical to Europe in 1939 and the rise of Hitler as well as 'Pig Iron Bob' and the rise of Japanese fascism.

Why Is the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance all English-speaking White Men? This is worse than the Bachelor on TV for lack of racial diversity. It's worth thinking about because it's part of the lazy, incompetent, retarded World view Australia has inherited from it's colonial slave-trading masters.

23 Sept 2020

China Cannot Crush Tibetan Buddhism AND Host The 2022 Winter Olympics

Chamdo Golden Sunshine Vocational Training School

Today we read China has imprisoned half a million Tibetans.

Maoist dictator Xi Jinping has implemented a large-scale mandatory "vocational training" program in Tibet, imprisoning more than half a million Tibetans into concentration camps in the first seven months of 2020.

If the Maoist dictator thinks he can re-program Tibetan Buddhists AND host the Winter Olympics he is in for a rude awakening. His propaganda event will be globally boycotted. 

Xi's 'Joyful Rendezvous Upon Pure Ice and Snow 2022 Winter Olympics' (纯洁的冰雪 激情的约会) Will not go ahead. What sports person would support this blatant Communist propaganda? None.

Chinese Communists are so backward they think religion makes Tibetans lazy, forgetting the Tibetan Plateau is so high it has very low oxygen levels. Being lazy in Tibet is a rational survival strategy.


Aerial view of a Maoist re-education camp in Chamdo

How China Was Trapped By It's Own Duplicity

Communist Chinese 'scholars' studied the fall of the Soviet Union in order to avoid the same thing happening to them. Because stagnation is inevitable in a communist system, they tried to evolve a hybrid system. The idiots ended-up with a system where Chinese workers are exploited by bourgeoisie capitalists and bourgeoisie communists at the same time. 
There is no doubt communist Chinese spent decades trying to reuse an antique European social system. 'Despite admitting that globalization developed through the capitalist system, the party's leaders and theorists argue that globalization is not intrinsically capitalist'.
They were simply grafting their ideological baggage onto the World economy. Their 'dictatorship of the proletariat' was attempting to exploit capitalism and innovation in other countries to keep their totalitarian dictators in power. They created their own 'dictatorship of the bourgeoisie' because that's exactly what Xi Jinping is - a bourgeoisie.

China has constructed a massive Ponzi Scheme on the blood of it's workers and peasants.
If Communist Chinese thinking is so clear why are their workers being exploited by the bourgeoisie who run Apple, Tesla, Wynn Resorts and Qualcomm?

Las Vegas Communism 

Tibetan Buddhists Must Believe In This?

Wynn Resorts based in Las Vegas Nevada generates 75% of it's profits in China. ($5billionUS). Where in the writings of Marx does it say workers should be robbed by foreign-owned gambling casinos?
After crushing democracy in Hong Kong, 'cartoon communist' Xi Jinping tolerates this level of ideological duplicity? No wonder Communist China is imploding?
They have created a hybrid anarchy of contradiction and stupidity. Now the World is choosing to isolate them and their corrupt, expansionist, virus-infected dictatorship.

15 Sept 2020

7 Dictators That Have To Go

The planet has entered a death spiral at the hands of a few dictators. Not only are these corrupt dictators blocking the evolution of the human race but they are routinely murdering innocent people.


Lukashenko and Putin

The KGB-trained operative who never emerged from the cold war. He is still poisoning people who speak the truth or murdering innocent airline passengers just to win some obscure regional power struggle. 
He is using the Soviet-era nerve agent Novichok to stay in power. Is clinging to power so necessary? Do these tinpot dictators get addicted to it? Obviously. Putin is just another small-minded, self-serving dictator.


The Belarusian dictator ticks all the boxes. Still lives in the Soviet era like Putin, anti-semitic, homophobic, praises Hitler etc, etc. Claims vodka will prevent Coronavirus, is an adulterer. Is Belarus's only president and is addicted to power.  Recently won a staged election and 'disappears' his opponents. Like Putin, this cadaver from the past has got to go.


Burning the Amazon basin to supply the Communist Chinese population crisis with beef is this small-minded dictator's biggest crime. His complete failure to protect his nation from COVID-19 due to his infantile and self-serving thinking compounds the fact. Bolsonaro has to go.





A small-town nutjob and thug who manipulated his way to presidency of the Philippines. Has killed tens of thousands of civilians in extra-judicial (no trial) murders. His karma alone dictates he will die violently.







Almost a case study in narcissism, sociopathy and psychopathy. This spoilt brat conned his way to the White House. His wealth originally came from grand daddy Fred's brothels and saloons in the Klondike gold rush. Incredibly, Fred died of Spanish flu in the pandemic of 1918.

We have a message to Trump supporters: One day he will be gone and and you will have to survive without him. Get used to it.


Xi Jinping

Maneuvered his way to the top of a Maoist dictatorship. Tried to become an emperor for life or so he thinks. Spends his time enforcing an obsolete European political system on an over-populated disaster of a country.

Maoist China exploit weaknesses in other countries to prop-up their outrageous and unsustainable population. The environmental footprint of 1.4 billion Chinese makes Xi Jinping a bigger threat than Adolph Hitler to all human life on this planet.


Mohammad bin Salman

This human garbage has merged fake royalty and fake religion and produced toxic evil.

Killed the rest of his family who were rivals to the Saudi 'throne' he maintains one of the most barbaric and primitive religious cults ever known.

The compulsory pilgrimage to Mecca actually contains a mock stoning. These people are mentally ill.


Dictators Suggested In Comments

Thanks guys.
Boris Johnson - Looks like he never quite recovered from COVID. Labour leader Keir Starmer is tying Boris in knots apparently. Why are there different laws for Dominic Cummings than everybody else in the UK? (except maybe Prince Andrew)
Scumo - He really belongs on this list. He uses News Corp as the propaganda arm of the Liberal Party and lets them pay no tax in return. Just like Trump. Lives 40kms away from where his ancestors were unloaded as convicts. What a boofhead?
Benjanin Netanyhu - He really is a racist fossil. You think he would understand racism but he doesn't. Just keeps stealing land as if it was god-given.

12 Sept 2020

How Scott Morrison Let Communist China Grow Opium In Tasmania

A leaked Senate document proves the Communist Chinese take-over of the strategic Van Diemens Land Company is continually breaking Australian law.

After 4 years the Communists have only got 145 full time workers at VDL, 26% of them imported from China. We predicted this 4 years ago and also in 2018.

Incredibly, corrupt Liberals even allowed the Communist Chinese to grow opium poppies at Woolnorth starting in 2019. The Liberals then tried to cover this up. 

The sale of the strategically important North West tip of Tasmania was personally approved by current prime minister Scott Morrison.

Two vocal supporters at the time were far-right apparatchik Eric Abetz and confused local mayor Daryl Quilliam. 

So where is the opium really going? Is it China, Australian crime cartels or to big pharma? Do Scott Morrison or Eric Abetz even care? Nobody can trust a Maoist nation that has flooded Australia with ice and pretends to be a capitalist democracy when it suits them.

This story is a disgrace and emphasizes how Liberal politicians have been working against the national interest for decades. Morrison and Abetz must resign.

19 Aug 2020

Morrison's Ham-fisted Attack On A Search Engine

Murdoch And Morrison Take-On Facebook And Google Who Do You Think Will Win?


Fresh from bungling the COVIDSafe app, Morrison's 'team meathead' have turned their attention to forcing a search engine to pay his wealthy Liberal donors for showing media stories in Google searches. 

This retarded Liberal scheme doesn't make sense. Why? Because a lot of news stories (like all of News Corp) are behind a paywall. Google takes you to a subscribe page. Hasn't Morrison ever used a Google news alert? Probably not.  

Making a story public or subscriber only is a decision of the media company, not Google.

Journalists use Google search more than anyone, but remember, these Liberal buffoons tried to apply the Australian GST in other countries via online transactions. How much money did they make from that policy? It would cost twice as much to police as any revenue made. Why not just force the Murdoch clan to pay tax in Australia?

Is Theft Hard-Wired Into Scott Morrison's Brain?

Two of Scott Morrison's forebears were transported to Australia for theft and for once we agree with the British colonialists. It's time Scott Morrison was deported back to England. Morrison leads a party of criminals.

After 230 years, Scott Morison lives 40kms from where his ancestors were unloaded as convicts at Sydney Cove. Exploration and nation building could not be in the Morrison DNA.

Morrison needs to tell Australians how his family justify theft. Was it 'discretionary' theft or necessary to survive? If it was necessary then why did Morrison swear an oath of allegiance to the British crown - the same regime that deported his ancestors? Do the Morrison's actually believe 'crime pays'?

'Scotty From Propaganda' regularly uses religious props as a marketing tool even though the church he promotes was founded by a pedophile (google it). This is the sort of hypocrisy a post-COVID World does not need, but in the big picture Scott Morrison deserved the pandemic because he helped create it.

Maoist Morrison

He was a major enabler of China and dished-up as much of Australia as he could to the Maoists while making no animal rights and few human rights protests to the Chinese dictator. When has Scott ever complained about global overpopulation or even climate change for that matter? More than anyone else in Australia Morrison enabled the COVID-19 pandemic.

Murdoch and Stokes

Above are 2 conservative-aligned media moguls who Morrison hopes will freeload on the Google search engine. Stokes routinely breaches COVID quarantine laws. These people are total rogues in our view. Read more about these two here.

10 Aug 2020

Islamic Holy Site Run By A Brutal Criminal

 from The Guardian   Saudi ex-spy suing crown prince faces fresh death threat in Canada

A former senior Saudi intelligence official who has accused Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of trying to have him assassinated in 2018 has been placed under heightened security after a new threat on his life, a Canadian newspaper has reported.

The Globe and Mail said Canadian security services had been informed of a new attempted attack on Saad Aljabri, who lives at an undisclosed location in the Toronto region.

Aljabri served as a counterespionage chief under a rival prince, Mohammed bin Nayef, who was ousted in 2017 by Prince Mohammed.
The newspaper said its source – someone “with knowledge of the situation” – would provide no further details on the more recent threat by Saudi agents.

Aljabri is now under protection by “heavily armed” officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, as well as private guards, the news report said.

In a lawsuit filed Thursday with a court in Washington, Aljabri accused Prince Mohammed of having sent a hit squad to Canada to kill and dismember him in 2018, the same fate that two weeks earlier befell dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey.

Aljabri’s suit said he was wanted dead because he had intimate knowledge of Prince Mohammed’s activities that could sour the close relationship being fostered with the Trump administration in Washington.

Asked to comment on the Globe report, Mary-Liz Power, spokeswoman for minister of public safety Bill Blair, directed a reporter to an earlier comment by Blair about the 2018 attempt.

“While we cannot comment on specific allegations currently before the courts,” he said then, “we are aware of incidents in which foreign actors have attempted to monitor, intimidate or threaten Canadians and those living in Canada.

“It is completely unacceptable and we will never tolerate foreign actors threatening Canada’s national security or the safety of our citizens and residents.”

Aljabri was already abroad in June 2017 when Prince Mohammed seized power, removing Prince Nayef as crown prince and placing him under house arrest.

After his children in Riyadh were hit with travel restrictions, Aljabri refused entreaties to return, fearing for his life, and moved to Canada, where a son lives.

In March his children in Saudi Arabia were taken away. They haven’t been heard from since.

The suit against Prince Mohammed and several others was filed as a claim of attempted extrajudicial killing under the Torture Victim Protection Act. Aljabri asked the court for unspecified damages.

29 Jul 2020

Grand Theft Malaysia. The Razak Najib Verdict

credits go to Sarawak Report

Never has a more pampered fellow expressed so much self-pity.

After a lowly fence hopper had been by contrast unceremoniously grabbed, cuffed and dragged off to police custody outside his trial, Najib himself emerged grandiose and walking free as ever despite his guilt, clad in his smart suit, with no handcuffs, no restraints, stopping to speak to the cameras on his way to his usual police escorted chauffeur-driven limo cavalcade.

He lectured the assembled journalists, who for years have lived in terror of his oppressive threats against critics of 1MDB or UMNO’s rampant corruption, that they should all feel sorry for him after he had done so much for Malaysia promoting liberalism.

Razak left Shaffee right
Next, his lawyer Shaffee Abdullah (who himself also faces charges for money laundering 1MDB cash) chipped in to say that Najib’s only failing had been to be ‘too trusting’ of his juniors – no crime at all!

Smugly, Najib suggested that he had no doubts at all that the larger number of senior judges at appeal would all see his innocence and dismiss the judgement of the High Court judge who has listened to this case for two full years and just delivered the most uncompromising verdict of guilt on every charge.

This chap was wrong, chimed Shaffee, who himself reversed a NOT guilty verdict against Najib’s opponent Anwar in yesteryear by driving an outrageous and unprecedented appeal against an acquittal through the higher courts that was later dismissed as a miscarriage of justice by the Agong the moment Najib was turfed from office.

Shafee had been brought in as a freelancer by Najib to do the dirty job, presumably because no self-respecting prosecutor would defy convention (against double-jeopardy) in such a way. He pretended he was doing it for free (‘for the nation’) but Sarawak Report later showed that Najib secretly paid Shaffee RM9.5 million of stolen cash from 1MDB for his services – money the lawyer apparently failed to declare and will have to eventually answer to in court.

It was this noble agent of the law who then set about pompously and deceitfully denigrating his senior judge on the steps of the court. He would not call the judge dishonest, said Shaffee disingenuously, because that would ‘get me into trouble’ – in other words he called the judge dishonest.

Shaffee then listed his reasons why the ‘not dishonest because I would get into trouble if I said he was’ judge was instead simply not up to the task he had been given and plainly lacking in understanding of the law.

Patronisingly, Shaffee explained the judge plainly didn’t understand the difference between a civil and a criminal trial when it came to the burden of guilt. He also claimed the judge was simply plain wrong to suggest that Najib as sole shareholder and signatory of 1MDB and as Minister of Finance employing everyone involved, could be calling the shots over and above the board he had appointed to the company. Of course the board was responsible and in charge, said Shaffee, the all powerful prime minister was utterly subservient to the plans of others to steal billions and shove them into his own personal accounts.

In contrast to such nonsense, Judge Mohamad Nazlan Ghazali had stated perfectly clearly in his precise and factual judgement that on each count on which he’d been charged there could be no reasonable doubt but that Najib was as guilty as night follows day and that Shaffee’s months of incredulity busting bluster had simply failed to make a case for the defence.

After all, delaying tactics, stunts, changing stories and ludicrous excuses do not add up to evidence or a believable argument, as anyone who has followed the case knows full well. As the judge detailed it had emerged over the course of the trial that Najib had driven the entire theft, opened the accounts into which the money went, notified each time that he needed topping up before spending the cash, admitted to his signature on all the documents before retracting his admission but then ducked out of testing the handwriting after all and dropping his denial.

Najib’s defence had first claimed the money was a ‘donation’ and then claimed that he had only thought the money was a donation, yet expected everyone including Judge Ghazali to believe that the prime minister cum finance minister hadn’t checked that a billion dollars landing in his account had indeed come from the Saudi King nor bothered to thank the King for the staggeringly generous gift!

Hence, the judge was left in no doubt that Najib was guilty. Yet there outside the court, Shaffee brazenly claimed that he had got it all wrong and implied the judge had identified reasonable doubt of Najib’s guilt, meaning that only in a civil case could he rule against his client. “It must be beyond reasonable doubt in a criminal case” Shaffee gravely explained, as if the judge were a first week student of the law.

In fact, in his summing up Judge Ghazali made clear he was in not doubt at all. And nor should the Appeal Court be either when Shaffee finally concocts his grounds for contesting the ruling in this case. The higher judges in fact could do no better than reject the appeal outright and end this expensive charade once and for all.

Alternatively, why not prosecute the guilty party and his flagrant lawyer for such and open act of contempt on the very steps of the court, as they stood belittling and accusing a hardworking and effective judge?

Najib himself (and now the new coalition of which he forms a part) has never hesitated to go after anyone who criticises judgements or suggests corruption of any kind when a court has judged in his favour. So he and Shaffee should be done by as they did and face the same penalty.

Journalists and bloggers are at this very moment facing charges of contempt having allegedly criticised the system of justice or allegedly allowed it to be by others. A critic of Shaffee’s now discredited prosecution of Anwar was also prosecuted for contempt.  And yet this pair appear to think they should be allowed themselves to rile up trusting political followers with talk of corruption in the courts with impunity.

Given this honourable and brave judge has now predictably this very evening started to become the target of a growing deluge of vitriol and attacks, thanks to Shaffee’s ungracious undermining of his honesty and his verdict, action should be taken right away to issue proceedings for contempt and to super-fast track this appeal so the country can move on from this poisonous episode and the pampered individual at the heart of all of it.