He will be president when the $36 trillion debt defaults
Chinas Toilet Roll - Tasmania
Islam as a mental illness
Liberals Love Communism
Koala Massacre By FSC
mentally crippled by religion

21 Apr 2024

Humanity Has Moved Past The Faked Abrahamic Religions

The 'Abrahamic religions' are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They share the ancient patriarch Abraham and other similarities. Genesis in the Hebrew Bible is the foundation of these ideologies but fails 21st century fact checking. Genesis was written by primitive tribesmen with no knowledge of science, while trying to make sense of an infinite universe.

Why Genesis is a car wreck

Early in the 'creating the universe in a week' myth, God makes males and females look like him-herself.

Let's look at the fabrications?

God makes woman in his own image although 'he' is never depicted as androgynous in any Abrahamic religion. Is God a dual sex entity or not? Can God 'self-fertilize'? If God is androgynous why did he conceive a 'son' with a human partner who was someone else's wife? ('he' broke most of his own commandments doing so)

God put humans in a management role of all other living things on Earth and told humans to 'subdue' them. This is so self-serving it could only have been written by a human not a god. 

Today it's accepted that thousands of other organisms like bacteria and viruses share the human body, but the stone age writers of Genesis didn't know that. The 'subdue everything' clause has caused the destruction of biological diversity and degraded all aspects of life on Earth including the climate. What an 'own goal' for brain-washing?

God creates man in his own image but God doesn't have a foreskin and man does. A few centuries later God realizes he bungled the 'own image' project and orders a 99 year old Abraham to self-circumcise. God is forced to do a penis recall but for reasons unknown can't circumcise retrospectively. He imposes a DIY operation on herdsmen and shepherds and claims to be having a relationship with them via their penises.

The 'creator' of an infinite number of galaxies centered around massive black holes slips-up on foreskins and has to get the repairs done outside of warranty. This makes as much sense as all the other junk science in the Abrahamic religions.

God only 'appears' to herdman like Abraham while they are alone to ensure the entire scam remains unsubstantiated.

Because of Genesis, 'God' crippled human existence for eons by only revealing what was already known by the primitive people who wrote it. Look how the Abrahamic religions are slaughtering each other all over the World today and ask yourself 'would we be better off without them'? Imagine if we took Inca and Mayan human sacrifices seriously in 2024? Sadly the Abrahamic religions were carrying-out human sacrifices to god. 

Modern man could be looking at other cultures like the Australian Aborigines for inspiration.

10 Apr 2024

Tasmania - A Psuedo-Right Minority Government With Baggage

Life-long trade unionist David O'Byrne and The Jacquie Lambie Network To Sit With The Liberals

What a joke if thy sat on the cross benches?

The results are in and the automatons who ran a campaign based on a set of traffic lights are stuck on the amber light of the Jacqui Lambie Network waiting for it to go green WTF? The Liberals actually claimed traffic lights cause car accidents and they will be running transport?

Rockliff appointed Howard-era ultra-conservative Eric Abetz minister for baiting the Greens and kept quiet about the speaker. Mark Shelton will be Speaker. That means Rockliff is relying on Sheldon to cast a deciding vote. We will be watching how this dodgy government manages Tasmania in the post economic meltdown.

Why Can't They All Be Like Kristie Johnston?

"Concerningly, the JLN have given away their ability to vote on their conscience as they see fit to represent their community," Johnston said. We think she has a lot of heart and integrity. Something the Liberals  are devoid of.

There seems to be a lack of real Australians in this government. We have found the Tasmania haters are the people with no spiritual connection to this place. They want to convert Tasmania into Europe or even a desert. Anyone can arrive in post-genocide Tasmania, declare they hate the environment and get a portfolio in a Liberal government.

Spud farmer Jeremy Rockliff's ministry is made up of kennebecs and dutch creams. His cabinet reunites 2 ultra-conservative senators from the Howard government that invaded Iraq based on imaginary intelligence. War criminal John Howard thought Iraq was involved in the attack on the World Trade Center. These Howard fossils helped destabilized the entire Middle East. 

They went on to invade Afghanistan, achieving nothing yet draining the Australian economy of billions of dollars wasted on a failed religious war.

Thanks to the ABC for doing 90% of our compositing.


5 Apr 2024

How Jews Caused The American Civil War - New Research

Summary. In Genesis, Abraham claimed god 'appeared' and told him god endorses slavery but only if the slaves are circumcised. Ignorant and evil people accepted this ridiculous myth for thousands of years.*

As if the creator of the periodic table of elements and all the galaxies was limited to telling only one person this idiotic rule? Today, Jews must provide evidence this really happened, or declare the Old Testament a fraud. The entire Abrahamic narrative is unsubstantiated.

brainwashed conformists peddling ignorance

Judaeo-Christians Used The Old Testament To Justify Slavery

While investigating Jewish genital mutilation of babies we discovered their hypothetical god believes in slavery. Let's look at that for a moment?

Abraham, a herdsman imagines a god talking to him, and demands people circumcise their slaves. Over the centuries self-serving opportunists interpreted the Jewish bible as god's acceptance of slavery. They began kidnapping and transporting Africans to Europe and the Americas. Based on the lies in a corrupt Jewish manuscript about an imaginary god? Jews fail to prove that god even exists let alone endorses slavery.

How much untold, unspeakable misery over centuries did the evil Jewish bible bring to millions of innocent people? After realizing that horrendous truth, regarding Israel as a terrorist state is insignificant. By their own fake religion Jews should suffer like the slaves they created through history.

We demand Israel renounce the Old Testament as a fraud and evolve into the modern era. Jews must be held accountable for their perverse thinking and crimes against children. Child abuse is a criminal offense in all civilized countries so why are Jews still mutilating babies in Australia? 

Jews Really Did Cause The American Civil War 

You can't disprove this statement because it's 99.9% true. Have some evidence? We would love to see it. 

Looking at the screengrab above from Genesis you see how the faked word of God endorsed slavery. The text was written by ancient Jews not God.

The main slave trader was Britain

Christians and Jews were kidnapping and transporting Africans to the Americas for a 350 year period. This industrial-scale slave trade caused the American Civil War resulting in over 600,000 dead soldiers. Total human rights abuses and death caused by the Jewish-endorsed slave trade is incomprehensible.

Palestine's Right To Defend Itself - Why They Never Mention It

Biden and Albanese often say 'Israel has a right to defend itself' but never 'Palestine has a right to defend itself'. That's after Palestine was systematically subsumed by Israel starting in 1947. If Hamas is a terrorist organization then so is Israel. Probably more so because Israel was parachuted into Palestine by brainwashed Judaeo-Christians biased against Palestine, who they thought of as lesser than Israelis.

from the Guardian

Today Anthony Albanese and Joe Biden are hand-wringing over the murder of aid workers during Israel's genocide and invasion of Palestine. Biden is still arming Israel to commit genocide. Too many politicians are too soft on Israel because of Jewish retaliation. Rather than reform their corrupt lies, Jews go after their critics.

If Israel was based on rational thought and not a stone age circumcision cult they would be taken seriously. Intellectually, Judaism is a joke. Today Israel runs entirely on propaganda yet tries to use artificial intelligence to defend it's lies. They claim god promised them land? Tell that to the Australian Aborigines, or the Tasmanian Aborigines who were obliterated by English Christians who wanted to graze sheep and build prisons on their land. We know all about genocide here.

Disclaimer. As recently as 2023 we regarded Judaism as another science-denying cartel exploiting a tax-exempt charity status. Interestingly, while paying no tax in Australia Israel demands tax on income made anywhere on the planet. After discovering the truth about Genesis we were changed for ever. We will never look at Jewish people the same again and will not buy their products or services for the rest of our lives.

* We intend to look at this insane myth in the future. God 'appeared' and told the 99 year Abraham to perform a self circumcision, even though he was a 'herdsman' with no medical knowledge and god gave no reason why he had to do it. 

Unbelievably, this set-up Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the so-called 'Abrahamic religions'. If you wonder about any of this then welcome to the dumbest species of mammals anywhere in the universe :)

24 Mar 2024

Channel 7 Wins The Tasmanian Election


They had an election here in the last couple of weeks (yawn) and we contributed nothing. That's because Tasmania is totally corrupt (convicts) and the electoral act is applied selectively. Rockliff threw a tantrum when his image was published in the a juice media video above.

On Kerry Stokes Channel 7 Jeremy Rockliff's image was broadcast non-stop throughout the election with no complaints.

Channel 7 and the Libs are in a mutually dependent relationship and with a Tasmanian AFL team it's a conflict of interest. (convicts). Channel 7's media operations have gone feral. Look at this?

Labor leader Rebecca White pushed-out by Channel 7 on March 24.

Actually everybody else won this election not the Libs

If you want to see the 'everybody else' look at the results? So far it's 18 everybody else's against the Libs 13 minority government. So Jeremy Rockcliff would lose a no confidence vote in parliament. Hard to believe that's 'winning'?

If you want to keep-up with those last 4 seats this is the results page.

Is Channel 7 A Political Party In Tasmania?

Ex- 7 employees make-up as many members of Tasmania's parliament as the Jacquie Lambie Network. Channel 7's policy of growing AFL and farming advertisers is identical to the Liberals. The Liberal Party hide big donors so we don't know how much 7 spends on palm-greasing the Liberals. The Libs are also big advertisers on 7 so they probably don't even issue invoices.

 Upper house member for Rosevears and ex-7 reporter Jo Palmer.

New member for Bass and ex-7 reporter Rob Fairs.

Member for Windermere
and ex-7 fishing host Nick Duigan.
Kerry Stokes Channel 7 is a blatant LNP mouthpiece. That makes their reporting compromised. WA oligarchs like Stokes and Rinehart trade with Communist China while pretending to support democracy and free trade. 
Channel 7 has been enabling defamation proceedings against rival media networks. It's one way to destroy your competition but is it legal?    

12 Mar 2024

Putin's Puppet

Trump owned by a mass murderer who has evidence that would destroy Trump

'Big Butt' Viktor Orban Gives The US A Policy Update

According to 'Big Butt' Orban Trump will not give a penny to Ukraine. Trump and Orban are Putin allies and Trump is a controlled KGB asset.

Interesting what Orban didn't say after visiting Mar-a-Lago. Like the fact Russia's next election will be a dwarf mass murderer standing against an empty space of dead opposition leaders? What's breath-taking here is that Trump and Orban both think that slaughtering your opponents is routine and acceptable. This is the danger of networked psychopaths - they normalize the most barbaric behavior. We can't wait for Belorussian psycho Alexander Lukashenko to get a Mar-a-Lago invite.

And what of the rest of Russia? They got into space first and are not so stupid they didn't notice their entire opposition fell out of windows. Unbelievable that Orban and Trump have no issue with eliminating opposition candidates?

Pope Francis head of the Catholic pedophile cult, has called on Ukraine to surrender to Russia so that a mass murderer can escape the law and get re-elected in his clown election. Putin was found guilty of war crimes yet this corrupt Pope thinks mass murder is acceptable? The criminal Catholic Church supported fascism in WW2 and now the rotund Argentinian thinks they will do it again.

This evil Pope spent decades covering-up child sexual abuse.


The Alliance Of Corrupt Dictatorships

Just looked at the dictators that congratulated Putin on 'winning" a sham election by removing HIS ENTIRE OPPOSITION. 

Xi Jinping of course, the dirty snake of Communist China and Norendra Modi the current Indian dictator. Do they kill their opponents as well? Probably.

get a backbone you sycophant, corrupt morons!

We hold all Indians responsible for their corrupt, opportunistic prime minister 

Name One Software Product Made In India?

India is over-hyped in our opinion. Their population is an unsustainable catastrophe yet Indians dominate the global IT industry as they exploit Western democracies. Indians are at the apex of the biggest software companies yet tolerate a domestic dictator who mindlessly supports war criminals. Do they need to kill Ukrainians to help India survive? 

These IT leaders are all pushing AI as if we need machines to tell us humans are stupid and corrupt. Indian nationals are mainly information aggregators and historically have not produced anything to advance the human race. We predict they mostly advance Indian interests....

...Indian interests like the oppression of women, rape, blind allegiance to brutal and murderous dictators such as Putin, normalized corruption like Adani and the promotion of unsubstantiated belief systems.

After failing to clean-up their own back yard, they appear in management roles in US computer companies and political parties.

We are not racist one bit and have roots that go back to the subcontinent. We also have friends from India. As humanists we say 'fix India first then try to fix the World'. We predict they will fail to fix India, preferring to attack anybody who says India needs fixing. They will also use their positions to suppress the truth about India.

Calling all Indian nationals. If you don't agree with the above drop a comment below. Because nobody has the guts to disagree with us we believe we onto the truth. 👍

27 Feb 2024

The Reign Of The Psychopaths Is Nearing It's End

Today we see encouraging signs the terrible reign of the psychopaths could be nearing it's end.

Sweden and Finland are now in NATO and ready to stare-down short man syndrome psychopath Vladimir Putin. Macron hosted an EU meeting where the idea of buying arms for Ukraine on the World market was floated.

That would sideline the terrorist US Republican Party. Today they are sacrificing Ukrainian women and children as pawns in their quest to elevate Vladimir Putin to World Dictator.

The US Republican Party are allied to North Korea and Iran as they emulate classic psychopath and Russian asset Donald Trump. There is evidence Melania Trump is Donald's Russian connection. Trump had 2 wives from communist countries and both their fathers were communist party members. It's no coincidence Trump has turned the Republicans anti-NATO and pro-Putin. Trump is Putin's number 1 asset.


We are calling-out Netanyahu as 'psychopath' for his 26:1 death toll in Gaza. And all based on biblical delusion, lies and compulsory male circumcision. What a deluded and evil piece of work? 

Today Australia's own baby Trump Scott Morrison had his last day in parliament. It was 16 years too late. Morrison was so unhinged he made Tony Abbott seem coherent. Abbott actually gave the eulogy at a convicted pedophiles funeral. Can you believe how retarded these people are?

Morrison was an easy target for the non-mainstream media in Australia. His ambition far exceeded his skill set and RoboDebt is testament of that. Morrison reached Australian PM yet had no idea how the tax system worked and was unable to tell the difference between lies and truth. His valedictory speech said something about serving god. Isn't that an imaginary entity that doesn't exist? These dropkicks are so brainwashed they think everybody talks to cloud fairies and fiddles with the congregation. BTW we didn't waste a second watching Morrison's last day.

25 Feb 2024

Judaism Is A Male Genital Mutilation Cult

Hamas killed 1,139 Israelis on October 7 2023. Israel had killed 29,692 Palestinians by February 26 2024. A ratio of 26:1

Netanyahu has an imaginary god, an imaginary religion and lives in an imaginary country. Netanyahu has zero proof this fantasy even exists yet constantly accuses Palestinians of being delusional.


The Israeli flag is 'The Star Of David' so who was David? In c.1000bc David was a shepherd and became a hero by killing a 9' 9" Philistine giant called Goliath. David became a favorite of Saul, the first king of Israel. Saul gave his younger daughter Michal to David upon David's payment to Saul of 200 Philistine foreskins*. David is forced to go into hiding when Saul suspects David is trying to take his throne.

Saul is killed in battle and David is chosen as king by the tribe of Judah and eventually by other tribes of Israel. He conquers Jerusalem, makes it the capital of a united Israel, and brings the Ark of the Covenant (clay tablets) to the city. He then commits adultery with Bathsheba and arranges the death of her husband, Uriah the Hittite. David's own son Absalom later attempts to overthrow him. 

Comment. Jewish hero David ignored the commandments but hoarded the box they were stored in. Today Israel pretends their religious wars are sanctioned by an imaginary god.

But how would Michal have felt? Sold by her father for a bag of foreskins and then abandoned for another woman. She was as valueless as those killed for their foreskins. Does Israel think it will win a propaganda war in 2024 when their nation is based on the theft and a tallying-up of stolen foreskins in some ghoulish accountancy operation?

Israel's Star Of Stone Age Circumcision

David is honored as an ideal king and the forefather of the future Hebrew Messiah in Jewish literature.

So their 'ideal king' was a barbaric killer, adulterer and pervert? Today this circumcision cult is bombing hospitals and killing babies under the flag of a foreskin thief. The Star of David is based on a depraved criminal.

All Jewish Males Are Forcibly Circumcised At 8 Days Old 

Getting circumcised as a baby is the basis of Judaism. Originally, God commanded Abraham to circumcise himself and his descendants in a deal with god. They were meant to feel that god is having a relationship with them due to their penis modification. It makes so much sense even intellectuals like Trump get involved.

Comment. God parted the Red Sea for Moses but forced Abraham to DIY penis surgery. How compassionate of the sky fairy?

Think about this for a minute? The creator of the entire universe, the periodic table of elements and nuclear energy becomes obsessed with skin on the penis of one species of mammal in one tribe in a Middle East backwater? And that's assuming God even exists?  It's a blatant scam.

This stone age reasoning is now used by a nuclear power to terrorize and program babies who are unable to consent to being mutilated. They are circumcised without anesthetics and without their permission. The Jewish genital mutilation of babies is barbaric and they know it.

Israel's current male circumcision rate is 91.7% right up there with Yemen and Sudan.

Areas with the most genital mutilation are areas with continuous religious wars. This practice obviously has a catastrophic psychological effect on it's victims. We think genital mutilation is done to support the clergy and is totally self-serving on their part.
Jewish men should sue their rabbis for genital mutilation without consent and they should do it all over the World.  
They were not cut because god has chosen them but because corrupt rabbis want to live off them and scam the tax system.
Jewish men should choose whether they want to be circumcised or not. If they followed their own commandments there would be no STD's at all. Of course they ignore their commandments because god doesn't exist and they get a different group of STD's.

Why Is The US Israel's Only Supporter?

Strange 2 US presidents were exposed to Jewish sex trafficker and Israeli spy Jeffrey Epstein? Read more about the Epstein-MOSSAD connection here. Epstein met with Israeli PM Erhud Barak 36 times. Read about that here.

The US must take a look at itself and explain why it contributed to crimes against humanity in Palestine by getting manipulated by the Israeli genital mutilation cult. Of course the US has it's own cache of war crimes going back decades that they are still trying to cover-up. 

'Conquering Jerusalem' appears a dominant theme in Judaism and later it's sister dogma Christianity. Interesting that when England's insane dictator and infant-male psychopath Henry Vlll started his own fake religion and made Britain the totalitarian theocracy it is today, they also adopted the 'conquering Jerusalem' dogma.

Britain was a big player in this current blood bath by organizing the parachuting of Israel into the British colony of Palestine in 1947 based on superstition, corruption and racism. Have a nice day Britain you thieving bastards.

* New International Version
David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king’s son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage.

Jews Believe In Slavery

Check Genesis 17:10 God orders Jews to circumcise their sons and their slaves.

If you've wondered why Christians and Jews kidnapped human beings in Africa and sold them in the Americas it's because it's in the Jewish bible. 

10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. 11 You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. 12 For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring. 13 Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant".


17 Feb 2024

15 Feb 2024

Candidate To Hold A $34 Trillion Debt Wants A Mass Murderer To Attack Countries That Live Within Their Means

The US Republican Party Is A Terrorist Organization

So 35% of NATO members fail to meet optional targets? If the US has a $34 trillion debt who is really paying their NATO dues because it's obviously not the US taxpayer?

Trump booked-up the 3rd highest debt increase of any president yet now wants a psychopathic mass-murderer to attack NATO countries who 'pay too little'. The 'terrorist' Republican Party are OK with that because they see Putin's friends North Korea and Iran as their allies.

While threatening NATO countries with a KGB-trained psychopath, Trump wants to be president of a $34 trillion dollar debt that's rising by the minute. Trump failed to lower US National debt, is a convicted fraudster, insurrectionist, rapist and election interferer yet the 'terrorist' Republican Party are OK with all that?

The US Republican Party Is A Terrorist Organization

14 Feb 2024

12 Feb 2024

Judaism Is Tax-Exempt In Australia - Killing Children In Palestine Funded By Australia

Israel Is A Terrorist State 

The biggest tax scam in Australia is laundering income tax by religious scammers pretending to be charities

Israel is a functional theocracy. That means it's the same as the tax-free religion of Judaism. They are at war with another religion that is also tax-exempt in Australia. So all donations flowing to charities on both sides are funded by the Australian tax payer. Israelis are killing civilians over unscientific sky fairy nonsense yet all Australian tax payers are forced to fund it. This is the biggest scam of the millennium.

Next time you hear an Australian whinging about our massive debt and our broken tax system remind them it's set-up to drain the nation using religious scams. Religion has economically crippled Australia while our politicians lie in the street and abuse pot plants.

Netanyahu kills another child but this time the World is watching. Israel is carrying-out the systematic genocide of Palestine's children but why? 

Jews claim they believe in Adam and Eve and the garden of Eden so why are they killing children? Maybe their 'beliefs' are a huge scam and they are only interested in real estate? Killing all the Palestinian children to claim their real estate is what Netanyahu is actually doing.

 Israel Hate The Maps Because They Hate The Truth

The Israel disinformation machine hate the maps. They prove Israel has stolen an entire nation while the international community stood bye and fondled their bibles.

Once they have consumed Palestine Israel will look for another victim. Nothing can satisfy greed on this scale. Our position is clear. We are atheists and don't accept unsubstantiated scam religions of any kind. Show us the science? Israel is so corrupt they use science to kill children but not to fact-check their brainwash.  They are not interested in documenting the genocide they have unleashed on Palestine.

Israeli hate the truth so we will keep presenting it.

Of course Palestine in the form of Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 2023 because there is almost nothing left of Palestine.

How often do you hear Netanyahu quote the ten commandments specifically 'though will not kill'? The World has been too weak with this serial killer.

Netanyahu is a child killer, a fascist and also very stupid. He can never win this religious war because it is unwinnable. Unwinnable because it's based entirely on delusion.

 Israel Is A Terrorist State

The US Republican Party Are Allies of North Korea and Iran


The US Republican Party Is A Terrorist Organization

Trump and his half-wit supporters have put it on record they support Russia over NATO. Think about that for a moment? Russia's arms suppliers are Iran and North Korea, the same 'axis of evil' that previous Republican administrations opposed. Trump is a psychopath, there is no doubt about that. He attacks dead war veterans, US prisoners of war like John McCain who was tortured in Vietnam and now he has tried to undermine NATO. And all for his shitty little political aspirations.

The fact the US political system allowed a clinical psychopath to destroy America's social fabric is more than an indictment of a failed state. This could be the beginning of the end of human's brief reign on this planet.

The US Republican Party Is A Terrorist Organization