16 Jan 2022

Brian Houston Ordered The Deportation Of Novak Djokovic

No Separation Of Church And State 


Australia's borders are notionally controlled by PM Morrison and Minister Alex Hawke both of the Hillsong Church. They are both disciples of Brian Houston. Hillsong doesn't believe in science but Houston uses it selectively when it suits him. If God created viruses why should Brian Houston believe in vaccines? We would love to see a spreadsheet of Brian Houston's brain. Maybe a flowchart that goes round and round like a vortex into irrationality.

* Hillsong co-founder believes unvaccinated star shouldn't be allowed in Australia
* Brian Houston hopes 'Australia will learn from it and toughen up the rules'
* Sparked divided reacation when he weighed into Novak Djokovic visa saga
* Footage has since gone viral of Hillsong followers singing and dancing at camp

Houston tweeted this on the day of the first Djokovic hearing January 10

Compare that to the Djokovic timeline.

Houston is a man currently charged with concealing sex crimes, Why is he advising the Australian Prime Minister and Immigration Minister on border security? Will Morrison ensure the court is lenient? Only in the Pentecostal Fascist dictatorship of Australia.

Hillsong must be taxed at the corporate rate, so the rest of Australia can move beyond the $trillion crippling Liberal debt. Debt inflicted by complete idiots locked in a Neanderthal version of reality.


Liberal Donors Can Skip Hotel Quarantine

Things would be very different for the World number 1 if he had donated to the LIberal Party of Australia. More from here.

Morrison used the World number one to spin a 'tough on borders' fairytale and as a distraction from the fact he failed to order rapid antigen tests.

Morrison is as tough on borders as Mary Poppins. He let in the Ruby Princess. He let in the FedEx Delta strain air freight. The person 100% responsible for Australia's borders is Scott Morrison. Two months ago Morrison allowed the Qatar Air carrying Omicon to land in Australia after pretending to shut the borders. Scott Morrison's borders are as porous as his non-existent moral values. Morrison thinks he will dupe the alcohol-dependent Aussie voters with a fake tough on borders stance by arresting a tennis player?


A Flaw In The Morrison Government Logic

Djokovic could have legally entered Australia with just 2 shots of the Astra Zeneca vaccine in use since late 2020.

Instead Djokovic caught COVID-19 last month (December 2021). The government maintains an old vaccine that is only 61% effective against the Delta variant, is superior to natural immunity conferred from having caught the virus 4 weeks ago.

The governments position is that immunity or 'fully vaccinated' is only possible with a manufactured vaccine, and not from a recent viral infection. Doesn't that prove COVID was engineered in a lab? 

This is huge 'own goal' for the Morrison government. The have been China's slavish supplier for decades and have failed to act on all or any human and animal rights abuses in the dictatorship.

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