9 Jan 2025

Donald Dump's Dementia - The Biggest Story Of 2025

As the second largest city in the US burns, president-elect 'Word Salad' makes a list of countries to invade.

Notice Dump's face now looks gaunt but vacant? This is typical of people suffering dementia a disease that runs in his family. This will be the biggest story of 2025, how self-serving billionaires pandered to Dump's mental illness to extract even more money from the US taxpayer. Dementia is progressive and everything will get worse for the US if Dump even makes it the end of his term.

Yesterday Dump was planning to annex Canada, Greenland and Panama but today he 'sympathises with the Russia that Ukraine should not be part of Nato' and 'he understands Moscow’s feelings about having somebody right on their doorstep'. This is delusional because Ukraine was a peaceful country before Russia committed multiple war crimes attempting to destroy it. Russia is the largest land mass on Earth containing 11% of  the planet and they are winging about a country on their doorstep? Alaska is also on their doorstep so when will Dump return Alaska to Russia? 

The real question is 'why is a US president supporting convicted war criminals like Putin and Assad?

Melania Was Born And Raised In The Soviet Union

While Donald rails against the 'radical left' his wife is a product of the USSR, her father a member of the local communist party.

We want to understand why Dump is so important to Vladimir Putin. Putin is trying to re-build the USSR and his failed invasion of Ukraine is part of that crazy plan. Now in 2025 the future of Putin's Soviet empire depends on a New York felon who conned his way into the White House. How did that happen?

Melania was born in Slovenia then part of Yugoslavia in 1970.
When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 she was 19. Today she is 55 years old. Melania's father was a member of the Yugoslav communist party. Apparently he looked like Donald Trump.

In 1989 Putin was working for the Soviet KGB in East Berlin. His job was to use terror and violence to enforce the Soviet Union. Putin was distraught when the Soviet empire collapsed. He was lucky to get out of East Germany alive.

After the Soviet Union collapsed state-owned assets (like oil and gas) were sold to oligarchs and Russia became a kleptocracy. The KGB became the Russian Mafia. All the while Putin dreamed of re-creating the Soviet Union. He is backed by Russian ultra-nationalists who are some of the worst fascists and psychopaths anywhere on Earth. The same human scum that supported Hitler in WW2.

Putin's war is going badly. The Ukrainians have out maneuvered him at every turn and today are invading more Russian territory. The fact Putin was forced to use North Korean slave soldiers in his dirty war proves how divorced from reality Putin has become. An example is the North Korean propagandists who agreed that Putin was waging a 'sacred' war in Ukraine, although all religion is banned in North Korea. The 'hermit kingdom' is only allowed to worship the Kim family.

Russia has lost over 3/4 of a million soldiers in Ukraine with 430,000 in 2024 alone. Putin's 'meat assaults' have been catastrophic for Russia and he has also destroyed the Russian economy. For some strange reason Putin has to steal as much territory as possible by the time Dump gets back in the White House. Is Melania part of this bizarre plan by Putin? Is she still a Soviet asset? Does she control Donald? We will find out soon.

Melania and Putin in Helsinki 2017

Another Soviet Bride?

“Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!”

28 Dec 2024

The Inside Tasmania Mass Murderer Of The Year For 2024

The winner of this awful award is based on the number of children killed by a dictator in the previous 12 months. According to the UN more than 14,500 youngsters have been reportedly killed in Gaza. Meanwhile, Putin has killed or injured at least 2,406 children since he tried to invade Ukraine nearly 1,000 days ago

The Finalists

Netanyahu. Inhabits a bronze age world view believing against all evidence that a fictional god promised Jews a lot of real estate in the Middle East. Fact is Jews invented this promise and failed to prove god even exists.

Netanyahu has nuclear weapons and possibly biological weapons. He also used modified communication devices to blow people's limbs off. People who don't accept Netanyahu's extremely selective version of reality. In a nutshell, Netanyahu uses science to deny science. He uses modern weapons systems to kill those who don't accept his unsubstantiated and non-scientific dogma. A dogma the self-serving Jews simply wrote down and then lied about it's origins.

Netanyahu grabbed the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas and turned it into Israel's genocide of Palestine. Had the Israelis not spent decades systematically 'settling' Palestinian land the World would hold a different view.

Netanyahu leads a Judaist theocracy that pretends to be an open democracy. Possibly 'Jewish dictatorship' describes Israel. This is why Jewish religious thought such as Zionism is Israeli policy.

Putin. A dangerous small d1ck psychopath who claims to embody nationalist Russian aspirations of controlling a very big empire that they can loot and exploit. Except Russians are the people least able to manage an empire because they have never been able to manage Russia. Look at the massive bloodbaths the half-wits unleashed on each other in the 20th Century under nutjobs like Stalin? Russians are so stupid they sold Alaska to the USA then claimed to be 'empire deprived'.

Putin's World view is based entirely around the United States president, who Putin worships as the enabler of Russian empire building. Putin has now inflicted untold misery on millions of innocent lives and that includes Russians. He is an evil, manipulative and murderous dictator and the Russians will end his reign eventually.

On the numbers alone Benjamin Netanyahu murdered more children in 2024 than anybody else on Earth. Benjamin Netanyayu is the Mass Murderer of the Year for 2024. 

22 Dec 2024

Elon Occupies The Oval Office

 Looks like Dump wont be running America after-all. Elon will be.

9 Dec 2024

If Dump Really Won The 2020 Election He Could Not Be President Now

Why we call him 'Dump'? Donald's family name is Drumpf. 'Trump' is not a German name but the Drumpf's are German. 'Donald's paternal grandfather Frederick changed his name from Drumpf to Trump, possibly to avoid anti-German sentiment'.

The word 'trump' means in card games to play a trump on a card of another suit. 'Why did you trump my ace?' and to 'surpass something by saying or doing something better'. When you consider they named Dump's last child 'Barron Trump' you can see they are using their adopted language to dominate people.

The Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution limits the number of times a person can be elected to the office of President of the United States to two terms. Incredibly, Dump does not realize he is undermining this presidency by claiming he has been elected president 3 times.

Today, December 9 2024 Dump still maintains he won the 2020 Presidential election that was won by Biden. Dump's also going to let a lot of fascists out of prison, some of who are killers. Dump's internal confusion (or dementia) is so profound he is contradicting his own presidency. It's for reasons like this that we are 100% certain Dump will inflict pain on the American people. 

He's already admitted costs of everything will rise because Dump is so dumb he's going to apply sanctions to his own country. Sanctions in the form of tariffs. But the US is not really Dump's country. His real allegiance is to Hitler and he admitted that. 

There are few Americans today with life experience of fascism. Dump will force all Americans to re-learn why fascism was a pathetic evolutionary dead end. Good luck America, you are going to need it getting trumped by the Drumpf's.

8 Dec 2024

Election Interference By Israel

We think convicted war criminals should keep out of Australian politics. Is Netanyahu saying if Australia had not called for an end to Israel's occupation of Palestine then this arson attack would not have happened? How could he possibly know that? Does Netanyahu actually know who carried-out this attack?

big rise in anti-albaneseism

On October 7 2023 Hamas killed 1,139 people. Israel responded by killing 44,000 Palestinians. They call that  'an eye for an eye'. Except it's one Israeli eye for thirty eight Palestinian eyes. Israelis are no good at maths but like all religions they use science to deny science. That is why we think they are corrupt.

How much money has Israel wasted on killing Palestinian civilians and aid workers before loudly complaining how Australians should pay to protect synagogues?

Notice at least one person making these demands is a convicted war criminal? Notice this is the same religion that fictionalized land grabs of other people's countries? Notice none of the Old Testament is scientifically verified? Notice their entire belief system is imaginary and unsubstantiated?

All churches in Australia pay no tax at all so why can't they afford to protect their synagogues? Do they contribute to buy arms and ammunition for the IDF or not? If they do, Israel is actually demanding Australians fund their religious wars by offsetting the cost of security to the Australian taxpayer.

A reminder for Netanyahu and Josh Frydenberg. The Australian Aboriginals were on Earth 55,000 years before Abraham was born. You are recent arrivals on Earth and are pushing an unverified, self-serving dogma. How often does Judaism care about anybody else?

We don't support religious intolerance of any kind so don't tell us who or what to believe in. 

Jews Caused The Slave Trade By Fabricating Genesis

We've done the research and discovered Jews caused the slave trade and the American Civil War by claiming in Genesis that god accepts slaves as long as they are circumcised. We are angry with the primitive hate speech in the Old Testament. Get you costumed rabbis onto it, fact check it and bring it into the 21st century. Do it now, then we may be prepared to take you seriously.

As atheists we are 'pro-semitic'. We found it is actually Israel that is anti-semitic.

3 Dec 2024

Why It's A Smart Move By Biden To Pardon His Son

Americans put a convicted felon in the White House so they like felons and believe in rewarding them

We have a contrary position to most media on Biden's pardon for his son Hunter. Our main reason is incoming president Dump is about to pardon murderers and traitors who attempted to overthrow a democratically elected US government. And that's just the beginning.

In our view Hunter Biden did fill out a gun license form incorrectly and did owe tax but many people do that every day. Dump on the other hand is going to free the killers of US public servants. Dump is also a convicted felon himself and has promoted other felons to key positions. He also believes that it's OK to bribe Supreme Court judges like Clarence Thomas.

No rehabilitation possible for the corrupt Supreme Court judges

 We accept Hunter Biden is five and a half years sober and is trying to turn his life around. Many intelligent people fall victims to addictions of all kinds. There is a word for it and the justice system is supposed to be based on it 'rehabilitation'.

22 Nov 2024

Putin Admits He Is A Pathetic Strategist Who Turns Rubles Into Rubble

Putin built an extravagant and luxurious palace on the Black Sea that took decades to finish and wasted over a billion dollars worth of stolen rubles. For many years Putin tried to hide this grand theft autocracy by claiming the palace was owned by other people.

'In 2021 Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's Anti Corruption Foundation (FBK) released a documentary film about it which detailed a corruption scheme headed by Putin and claimed that the palace was built for the president's personal use.'

A Navalny Group droneshot of Putins palace

Outstanding media group Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty covered this story in 2021 with images supplied by the Navalny group. It is a must see.

Little Vlads big buried ice hockey rink.

Little Vlad needs to get his little rocks off sometimes.

Little Vlad is a mass-murderer who needs to pray a lot.

So what happened to all this stolen luxury? Little Vlad's ambitions of re-creating the USSR was based on fantasy. The USSR collapsed because it was corrupt and dysfunctional, not because of it's supposed foreign enemies. Seriously, Russia only ever had enemies it invented for propaganda purposes. Nobody would invade a country that is mentally in the Neanderthal era.

Stage one of Putin's fantasy was the invasion of Ukraine. Putin estimated it would take 2 weeks. Three years later and Putin has killed 3/4 of a million Russian soldiers and is still trying to invade Ukraine. Sometime in the last 3 years Putin realized his dream palace was within drone range of Ukraine and to save embarrassment Putin had it completely demolished. This is what it looks like today.

People like Hungary's Viktor Orban and Belarusian dictator Lukashenko know Putin is a total phukwit who can't even retain his own palace, yet they are too gutless to call him out. 

Inside Tasmania would like to thank Alexei Navalny for his incredible work exposing Russia's worst living criminal. Sadly this story probably cost Navalny's life.


15 Nov 2024

The British Monarchy Me Too Movement

We predict this image will be airbrushed from history as a monarchist cult launders it's reputation.

Fake clergy Justin Welby - in closing speech he fails to mention the abuse of children by the church.

Justin Welby's friend one of Britains worst serial pedophiles.

King Charles friend one of Britains worst serial pedophiles. 

The coronation of King Charles in May 2023 cost taxpayers at least £72m, official figures have revealed.  No wonder the propaganda-obsessed royals are always showing-up at food banks to make it appear they care about everyday people?

Musk Advertises For Autistic Males To Run The US Government 

He calls them 'high IQ revolutionaries but why is running the American government now a voluntary role and how will they survive? Do they forage in parks or dumpster dive for food? Are they already on government support due to the 'autism epidemic' caused by the plastic Biphenol A?

Make America Garbage Again Now Running On Phases Of The Moon

It's reassuring the see the flurry of tin foil hatters announced by Donald Dump have all been made approaching a full moon.

Robert F Kennedy

Where the ivermectin came from - now we know

 At first we didn't believe RFK when he said he had a worm in his brain which “ate a portion of it and then died”. Looking at him taking a selfie it's obvious he has suffered from worm damage in the brain area.

Why Did Dump Bypass Marc As Incoming Secretary of Housing?

Marc Caputo (Brickman) has shown-up at many Dump rallies but when the Dump-Musk billionaires were picking national secretary positions Marc was overlooked. Why are only multi-millionaire sex criminals being picked for important roles?

Should Dump Appoint El Chapo Head of the Drug Enforcement Agency?


You will never see him in a 'Make America Garbage Again' cap because they are unobtainium in prison. El Chapo could be a Dump loyalist because many criminals look-up to anyone who has allegedly raped a woman in the lingerie section of a department store. Is that what you have to do to win the Christian vote?

How Dumb Are Christians?

In their own bible it says god made man and woman in his own image. So god is dual-sex. Why did a dual-sex entity have to procreate with somebody else's wife to put his/her child on Earth? Why did the dual-sex god break his own commandments? Why are Christians blind to the biblical lies?

8 Nov 2024

Come Along For The Ride...

Isolating America and Managing Dump

The US has forced the civilized World to isolate them. When voters chose a lawbreaker to sign every law into existence, they chose to became a lawless badlands. Dump convinced voters the US criminal justice system is applied politically. Dump's damage should be contained to only the US and specifically the Republican states. 

Although there are many good Americans, their system protects dangerous criminals. Why was a criminal even in this election? It is Dumps last term and last chance to inflict more damage on innocent people. He's already old and senile. After about a  year, MAGA will cluster around younger influencers. Dump's billionaires got an election fix but soon inflation will devalue their wealth.

Dump 2.0 'Make America Garbage Again' or MAGA

Voters believed the lie that all solutions are simple, like slapping tariffs on imports. Those countries will just slap tariffs back onto US exports. (what does the US export anyway?)

Nobody does well in an ecological, climatic and economic collapse. And that's what happened. Career criminals destroyed the quality of life everywhere on Earth. Dump has never cared about the land because he only knows about penthouses. US voters got so desperate they elected a simplistic criminal. With 'no guard rails' and no brains Dump will end-up hurting himself. He already almost took himself out by making semi-automatic weapons available to every other nutjob. 

The Republicans Elected An Imbecile...

A six times corporate bankrupt, convicted felon, and convicted rapist with dementia was chosen to manage the largest debt in the history of the human race. This will be the Republicans biggest phuk-up since they group-thought WMD in Iraq.

One Of Dump's Failed Casinos - More Red Square Than Temple Of Love 

Dump built 3 failed casinos in Atlantic City as Russian Mafia money-laundering operations but he left their fingerprints on one of them. Do you think it looks more like St Basil's in Red Square or the Taj Mahal in India?

St Basils Cathedral Red Square Moscow

Taj Mahal India

You can see President Dump's 'onion domes' in Atlantic City are very similar to ones in Red Square Moscow. Dump left an architectural clue to show investigators he is a Russian Mafia money launderer.

Dump's goal was to profit from the misery of gambling by exploiting his fellow Americans. He failed at that.

"A new study by a Temple University professor shows that Donald Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City lost more jobs and money than competitors’ casinos, while also going through more bankruptcies than any other major business in America."

Jake Broe Processes The Dump Victory

Tasmania is a long way from the US and we don't have to deal with an elected fascist dictator. Americans are forced to re-set and give Dump the benefit of the doubt. We recon they are wasting their time. Dump should have faced jail time for trying to overthrow the US government and prevent the inauguration of an incoming president on January 6 2021. Dump even killed public servants that day and faced no consequences at all. How many people are in jail for lesser offenses in any country you'd like to mention?

screengrab from Jake after the election

What do we think? Russia and the US are like countries that have never taken out the intellectual trash. Russia has a pet Orthodox church that blesses any blood-soaked killing orgy the current dictator wants to hold. 

The US is entirely crippled by the Jewish text that said God is fine with slavery as long as the slaves are circumcised. Dump even re-published this fossilized fat berg in his own Bible even though slaves are emancipated. President Donald Dump represents trailer trash in clown costumes who think the color white is the same color as God before he applies spray tan to mostly his face.

That means the leaders of these countries are so mentally disabled that everything they say is meaningless. What's not meaningless is the people they murder. Both of them are criminals but Putin is worse. Then again we don't know how many people Dump has killed. We suspect his close friend Jeffrey Epstein had to go and his followers somehow knew that somebody wanted Nancy Pelosi attacked with a hammer. That's what we are dealing with here. Of course Dump's next (and last) administration will be a re-run of his last.

Except now everything is more complex and Dump is much less able to deal with AI, globalized fascism, a crippled economy and Elon Musk. Whats Musk going to do in Dumps administration? Manage space junk?

We Are Confident About This

Dump's big intellectual legacy is 'the left is corrupt and bad and the right is not'. The left also contains a conscience and far-right psychopaths have none. They don't even accept mistakes. In his first election Dump had zombies chanting 'lock her up' because Hillary Clinton had 2 email addresses. Dumps ally Putin has murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people including tens of thousands of Russian soldiers. Putin has bombed children's hospitals and Dump has never called for him to be locked-up or face justice. Dump obviously admires the scale of Putin's crimes. Because evil always destroys itself Dump and Putin will destroy themselves in time.

6 Nov 2024

Get Your Money Out Of The US Now - They Elected A Kleptocracy That Will Collapse

From Now On We Call Him 'Dump'

Because we respect women we will be opposing Dump.

He will be 82 when his next term ends and his dementia is getting worse every day.  On day one Dump will have a $36 trillion debt that the nutjob has never even mentioned. 

Dump Claims He Will Stop Russia’s War on Ukraine ‘in 24 Hours’ by today - what a lying bastard?

We will not be calling this president by his name during this term. We will be calling him President Dump. 'Dump' sums-up a continuously lying, criminal, female abusing retard that the rest of the World has left behind. 

We will not let Republicans forget they elected a rapist fraudster. Dump threatened to shoot American women multiple times in the face. Republicans can never be allowed to forget that. The Republicans deserve every bit of misery this fraudster is going it unleash on the United States.

We feel sorry for Ukraine today because Americans elected a convicted rapist, fraudster and career criminal. In full knowledge of the implications, they put a Russian Mafia asset into the White House. The US already has a $36 trillion government debt and soon it will be impossible to service that debt. Already nobody is showing-up to buy government bonds. America is close to being a failed state. We are acting immediately to limit any financial exposure to the US.

Once a nation loses it's moral and spiritual values is loses it's reason for being. America only exists so Americans can scam Americans. The more stars and stripes behind him means the more he hates America. America has no future. We no longer call the president elect by name because frankly, it makes us sick.

NATO and the EU have already moved to insulate themselves from the US. The US deserves the same sanctions applied to Russia. After all, the US and Russia are both controlled by Putin.

Making Another Government Greater Obviously Treason - baseball cap signalling

Forget the stars & stripes - Dump represents the Russian Mafia

The Russian Mafia and the KGB are the same entity. The Dump started money laundering for them 30 years ago and they rescued him from bankruptcy 7 times. He still works for them today and takes his orders from Putin.

The Russian Mafia is President Dump's real electorate and somehow they got him eating bird seed out of Putin's hand. Dump is 100% a Russian Mafia asset.

If you find a single link showing Dump criticizing Putin drop it in the comments. We criticize Putin all the time because he is a short-assed 'small man syndrome' psychopath who blows-up women and children for absolutely no reason. If Ukraine really was part of Russia then why would Putin murder Ukrainians? No answer eh?

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes


5 Nov 2024

Admit It: Israel Is A Terrorist Organization Carrying Out Genocide

We've been watching Australia pussy-footing around the blatant obvious for years. Some politicians like Dutton can't escape the brainwash and parrot the cool aid that Jews have a right to 'defend themseleves' which is code for 'slaughter anybody that gets in their way'. Other's like 'Catholic' Albanese are too scared to deconstruct their childhood programming to see the truth about Jewish colonialism also called Zionism.

The October 7 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel was a direct response to the systematic spread of Jewish settlements and the relentless colonization of Palestine. It was not random terrorism, it was a fight for survival by Palestinians.

image from Reuters these are actual human beings contrary to what Netanyahu says

The religious state of Israel chases-down anybody on the planet who tells the truth about the colonization and genocide of the Palestinians. What is Israel going to do  - start murdering Australians for telling the truth about genocide? Tasmanians have history with the British genocide of our indigenous people and we don't expect Israel to keep quite about that. 

Barbaric Israelis started a Middle East War if not a World War, all based on an imaginary account of a fictitious God reaching-out to a 90 year old shepherd about having a foreskin. Really?

The 'Promised Land Grab' 

Why didn't 'God' give the Jews British Columbia, Argentina or Upper Volta as their 'promised land'? Because the novelists writing the Old Testament didn't know most of the World existed. There is no Australia in their clay tablets, everything in their Bible is all they knew at the time. That proves it's not the word of God but the work of Jewish fraudsters. If the fake Bible didn't know Australia exists, how can they force Australians to keep quiet about their genocide of Palestinians? After all, our culture is 55,000 years older than the Abrahamic brainwash. Respect your elders!

Netanyahu and his evil cohorts know they can never substantiate Jewish ideology. They can only try to intimidate anybody who questions the lie. Go on Australia, move into the 21 Century and list Israel as a state sponsor of terrorism. Religion has already crippled the Australian economy. We don't have to watch these clowns destroy it for ever.