3 Aug 2019

Petition - Royal Commission Into Dishonesty At The ASX


Stop dishonest practices on the Australian Stock Exchange and demand a Royal Commission.

Currently, amongst many other dishonest or dubious practices, ASIC allows
  1. Short selling, including during capital raises
  2. Exclusive after-hours trading for select parties
  3. Algorithmic trading that manipulates prices
  4. Collusive trading and coordinated shorting by Investment Banks
  5. Privately owned servers located preferentially inside the ASX
  6. Liquidators  under-selling company assets, price gouging, and aiding their demise for the benefit of other parties
  7. Coordinated pump and dump operations using well known investor forums
  8. Manipulated private equity buyouts of iconic companies, looting them and then relisting the gutted shells with inflated valuations
  9. Rampant and blatant insider trading that never leads to prosecution or conviction.
Every experienced investor knows about these dishonest and disgraceful practices that have seen the ASX openly described as a ‘Cowboy Bourse’ and the ‘Wild West’, yet ASIC continues to turn a blind eye to it. Whether through under-funding or corruption, ordinary investors are not being represented by the body charged explicitly with that duty. Only a Royal Commission will have the power and gravitas to bring about the root and stem changes required to give ordinary investors a level playing field and stop the ripping off of billions of dollars by white collar criminals.

sign the petition at Change.org

19 Jul 2019

Blind Allegiance To Unsustainable Asian Populations Is Destroying Australia

Ever wondered why the 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch' is in the North Pacific but not in the South Pacific, North or South Atlantic or the Indian Ocean?

population cartogram 2018

The reason is Asia. The Asian population explosion is slowly but surely destroying the planet. It's happening everywhere, the weather, mass extinctions, ecological destruction, over fishing and over timber harvesting. And nobody is doing anything about it, including Australia's 'costume christian' Scott Morrison.
ScuMo has decided to keep feeding the monster. As a result, Australia is now economically controlled by China. Lifetime dictator Xi Jinping has used trade imbalances and debt to manipulate Australia's economy. He also uses agents like the entire Australian Liberal-National Parties. (China would have Labor as a back-up)

Try to break your dependence on imported Chinese consumer goods, especially electronics. Totalitarian Chinese manufactured product is often rubbish and is the result of human rights violations and the worst forms of 'crony capitalism'.

Morrison wants us to buy more Chinese products because that keeps the iron ore price high. (as if iron miners pay tax) Because Scott Morrison has never known what ethics and integrity are, he actually represents the interests of totalitarian China which he pretends are the same as the interests of Australia. He is wrong.

The Australian Government is $700 billion dollars in debt. Like all bankrupts, the smartest thing you can do is minimise your exposure to them. They have an incomprehensible tax system but will use any broken rules to smash their opponents while they grovel at the public trough.

The Federal Government are a dysfunctional rabble, controlled by ideologues who pretend to be 'representative' while exploiting a perverse and broken system. Many of them are not even Australians and were not elected democratically. They are products of the disproportional Senate scam and the systematic brainwashing of low IQ Australians.

Prime Minister ScuMo declared Tasmania is 'the battery of the nation'.
Why should Australia's poorest state be the battery for a whole continent as well as supplying wood chips to make toilet paper for literally billions of Asians? If Asians can't keep themselves in toilet paper why are they breeding like rabbits? Did ScuMo ask Tasmanians if they wanted to be a battery? He didn't. 

Most Tasmanians can't afford electric heating and have to use firewood. Why are we being ripped-off by Morrison and why do we need so much more renewable energy capacity when we already had a 100% renewable hydro electricity supply? No, people had to get solar panels so they had double renewable electricity because they couldn't afford the 'cheap' hydro electricity created by their forefathers. Now we are told we need more wind farms but who are the real beneficiaries? Certainly not Tasmania or even the Federal Government. Australians now have to run miles just to stay ahead of the creeping climate-changing Asian hordes.

China has been hacking Australian government computers for years. BoM, ANU, Census and Statistics and even Parliament House Canberra. The reason they do this is population expansionism. That's why they have got Australia in a debt spiral using dumb local politicians as their agents.

India is catching-up to China's obscene population and are also expanding into Australia and anywhere else they can. The LNP's India double-agents want Adani to manage groundwater in Queensland when major Indian cities of millions of people have run out of water completely. That's how corrupt and dumb Australian politicians are.

Ever wondered why you always pay for fuel from an Indian in Australia? It's because fuel retail is a closed shop and Indians are employed as a block - a block of unlimited size.
Joyce claimed he didn't know Angus Taylor

Fact. Australian politicians are not on your side if you are an Australian. They support unlimited and open-ended population explosions which puts them on a collision course with the national interest. They constantly use Australians to subsidise obscene population explosions in Asia.

Many so-called 'conservative' Australian politicians are dangerous psychopaths, deeply involved in graft, bribery, cronyism and tax evasion. Mathias Conman, Barnaby Joyce and Angus Taylor have all been implicated in corruption, yet 'costume christian' Scott Morrison fosters and protects them.
Above right. Photos taken in August 2015. In April 2019 Joyce claimed he  'wouldn’t have known Taylor if he stood up in my Corn Flakes'

2 Jul 2019

Majority Government - A Public Deprogramming Initiative

Remember Willie Hodgman's 'majority government'? So what happened? Was it really the speakers fault or was it caused by Rene Hidding?

Anyway biology rules right?

Primary industries, forests, racing or health. What is Sarah minister of this week?

17 Jun 2019

Hong Kong Forced Extraditions - What Side Is Scott Morrison On?

We are seeing absolutely massive pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong but what side is Australia's 'costume Christian morality' Prime Minister Scott Morrison on?

Inside Tasmania is sure ScuMo is on the side of the undemocratic, totalitarian communist thugs that rule China.
Go on Morrison you gutless yes-man, tell us who you support?

11 Jun 2019

Advance Australia White WTF?

There are problems with Australia's racist national anthem. See what they are?


Britain must compensate Tasmania for genocide and convict transportation
Every time I watch TV or Newsradio I hear a Pommy accent telling Aussies how it's done. They run the police forces, transport, unions and the government. Poms must be fleeing Britain in record numbers. No wonder so many Australian politicians had dual citizenship? Meanwhile real Aussies can't get a job in this neo-colonial penal colony.

Brexit is just a symptom of whats wrong with Britain. The Brits always stole whatever they wanted from the 'colonies'. They are leaving the EU but why did an 'empire' have to join the EU? The Brits just want to leave with more than they came with.

Britain spent 200 years bashing Aboriginals to death in prison cells, but it always takes 6 to 10 of the slobs to do. After the Tasmanian genocide and the attempted genocide and ethnic cleansing on mainland Australia, an 80,000 year old culture is being replaced with Africans, Arabs and Pacific Islanders who predictably start killing each other. Fair dinkum! British are total half-wits.

Look at how they established Hong Kong as a result of the Opium Wars when the British were trafficking narcotics to the Chinese? The Brits have a fake royal family and most males are hopelessly addicted to alcohol which is the waste product of fungi. (yeast is a fungi).

Obviously, Brits have made Britain unlivable so they are fleeing to Australia, but when you arrive how about treating Aussies with respect? Especially the Aboriginals that you spent centuries trying to destroy. You gave us your human waste and we built a country out of it but we have to go a lot further.

Democracy doesn't work because it is the will of the average. It gave us Advance Australia Fair, The British Empire instead of an Australian republic and it gave us ScuMo.  Feel very sorry for ScuMo - he is confusion and delusion personified.

When you have people descended from the oldest culture on Earth as well as  people from the opposite side of the Earth, you get the maximum possible genetic diversity. This is the real reason Britain spent centuries bashing Aboriginals to death. Deep down the British invaders know Australians of Aboriginal descent are far superior to the inbred, retarded and psychologically crippled British overlords.

7 Jun 2019

Why Did The AFP Stop The Largest Ever Ice Haul Being Substituted With Fake Drugs?

July 16 2019 AFP commissioner Andrew Colvin has resigned possibly due to political interference in the Australian Federal Police.

Today we read the Australian Border Force intercepted the 'The largest ever ice haul discovered on Australian soil'. The drugs were hidden in speakers from Thailand.

'The 1.596 tonnes of ice equates to about 16 million drug deals, with an estimated street value of $1.197 billion.
Another 37 kilograms of heroin was also found, which has a street value of about $18.5 million.' Notice that's in the thousands of millions of dollars?

At the same time the Border Force and the AFP announced this massive drug haul the Federal Police 'pleaded with anyone with information to come forward.'
'Anyone with information should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000' Fair Dinkum!

But isn't it good policing practice to replace intercepted drugs with decoy drugs in order to arrest the crooks taking delivery of the shipping containers?
Why wasn't this done with this massive bust? The AFP arrested a mountain of drugs but no drug traffickers. Why?

Were the AFP too busy raiding journalists to substitute the drugs and put the containers under surveillance? Isn't organised crime more important than the neo-Stalinist raids on the media just to track leaks from the same government that pays the AFP's wages?

Isn't it time the Australian Federal Police stopped being Scott Morrison's personal KGB agency and actually caught high level criminals without pleading for the public's help?

Inside Tasmania will update this story as more information comes to light. In the meantime we have a lot of drugs in custody while the traffickers are free to 'have another go'. Why is the Australian public being held to ransom by what is effectively a 'secret police' force?

29 May 2019

Australians Wanted A Climate Change Alternative That Labor Couldn't Deliver

The May 18 Federal election was being called the 'climate change election'. With Clive Palmer and all of the conservatives campaigning on a platform of coal mining, people looked to Labor to provide an alternative. Sadly it wasn't there.

Incredibly, the Labor half-wits have still not clicked they could have been an alternative government.

These idiots deserve a long time in opposition.

There are no points for cloning the policy of the other major party.

As a result our intelligence's are insulted by the appointment of Warren Stench as 'Great Barrier Reef Envoy' for plastics not climate change.

I heard Stench on NewsRadio refusing to link climate change with the death of the reef many times in one short interview.
Stench, like most Liberals has corruption history
but corruption is mandatory in the Liberal Party. Look at Sinodinos, Mathias Conman and Angus Taylor to name a few.

Right - Warren Stench the Great Barrier Reef Envoy responsible for destroying the largest living structure on the planet.

Warren's handler ScuMo smirks in the background.

Labor could have saved Australia from this garbage but were too retarded.

27 May 2019

Stopping Conservatives From Dragging Australia Into A New Dark Age

Introducing The ScuMo 'Enlightenment Meme'
It was Scott Morrison and nobody else that bought religion into the 2019 Federal election campaign. So we turned his propaganda into a meme.

The World doesn't need populist opportunists undoing centuries of scientific research and presenting a suit of hand-crafted myths as 'reality'.
Science made huge strides in the 20th and 21st centuries but that knowledge is being systematically degraded and replaced by sedimentary layers of ignorance.

Dragging these self-serving hypocrites into the 21st century is in the national interest. Why not personalise the meme with your own message of enlightenment for ScuMo?

25 May 2019

Morrison Is Using Coal To Grow India's Population

Drowning in debt, Morrison has no choice regarding the Adani coal mine and India knows it. They will mine the coal, grow India's obscene population and degrade more of the planet. When they have gone Morrison and his proxies will be left with an even bigger debt.

Why Can't Scott Morrison tell the truth?

Why doesn't he declare Australia is debt crippled? How can Morrison lie that another party caused Australia's $700 billion debt when Morrison has a budget surplus. The lies are just compounding for this hapless fool.

We saw Morrison invite cameras into his Pentecostal Church during his election campaign.

Of course Morrison has the power to invite cameras into his church because his church is just a prop to win his election campaign.

So what values does Morrison really have? His endless campaign was a spin-fest of social manipulation. Take Frydenberg's budget?
On the day after April fools day Frydenberg announced "the first budget surplus in more than a decade."

Which is a complete lie because the Australian Federal Government has a $700 billion debt. 
Morrison didn't argue with the lie which makes Frydenberg, Morrison and Mathias Conman all liars. We have a government of liars.

So what other immoral activities do these accomplished liars condone? Raping and killing woman? Well they are in the right country for that aren't they? Raping and killing Australians doesn't translate too well in the media but raping and killing the entire planet is something Morrison and his team of hand-picked liars think will slip under the radar. Fake Christian Scott Morrison will be under the microscope for the next 3 years because everybody knows he is a liar.

20 May 2019

ScuMo Wins A $700 Billion Debt With No Chance To Repay

After the muted jubilation of ScuMo's 'miraculous' election victory we can turn to what this means for the country.

With federal debt soaring to over $700 billion ScuMo wants to hand-out tax cuts.
Imbecile, actually.
Australia is already broke but this is the bloke who re-opened an immigration detention centre just to hold a press conference.

Shyster treasurer Frydenberg and his 'budget surpluses' are from the mythical land of unicorns.
In any other business like tax accountancy his surpluses would be labelled 'fraud'.

Murdoch's News Ltd will remain a tax-exempt religious charity under ScuMo, as will scores of multinationals who avoid all tax in Australia simply by taking-out imaginary loans from a parent company in a tax haven. ScuMos LNPs love tax havens more than they love their own mothers.
Meanwhile ScuMo and the Shyster will oil the rusty RoboDebt generator so they can abuse the battered housewives of struggle street.

Someone said ScuMo went into this election with no front bench and no policy but he did have one policy. He's going to let an Indian scrap metal dealer dig-up coal to supply the Indian electricity market so India can produce billions of baby Indians and take-down whats left of the planet's biodiversity. (Note to ScuMo. Worshiping nature and the universe is infinitely more powerful than your quaint man-made 'beliefs'.)

And that's where ScuMo's logic is revealed as the work of an imbecile. Destroying the Earth's ecology can never be transformed into an asset. The liabilities will just keep piling-up. Agricultural output will continue to plummet. Likewise tourism revenue from the Barrier Reef or the whole of Queensland for that matter. Why visit some redneck paradise built on global coastal flooding? Even Liberal nutter John Alexander said 'move to higher ground'.
Does ScuMo agree with Alexander or not?
Luckily Australia has some thinkers in the Senate to block these nutjobs.

Meanwhile, we get 3 years of low-lifes like Barnaby Joyce, Mathias Conman, Angus Taylor and the ultra-weird Michaelia Cash. But 3 years goes by very quickly. The cartoonists and bloggers of Australia will have some excellent Neanderthal material to work with 👽

Angus Taylor - tax haven, tax haven, tax haven, tax haven,

Why ScuMo is forced to hold down interest rates. Because the government owes $700 billion, any rate rise means all the tax you pay goes straight to loan repayments and none of your taxes goes to running the country.

So ScuMo leans on the Reserve Bank which is actually a government department. (They always lie about it being 'independent'.)  
The government is punishing all Australians who are debt-free for the government's debt crisis. There is no reason for Australians to save money. You may as well buy gold. The actual situation is explained here.