18 May 2022

Use Your Retirement Assets To Push House Prices Even Higher

Why does a 54 year old think he should play sport with 8 year olds? 

When the corrupt pentecostal ran out of election scams like sports rorts, he turned to your retirement assets to hang-on to power. The Liberals wrote-up a trillion dollar debt so how will they fund all the old age pensions now that super assets have been transferred to the overheated housing market?

This from the idiot who invented RoboDebt, sold the Port of Darwin, ignored Chinese military bases in the Pacific and thought there was a 'gas-fired recovery' from COVID-19.

Soon, Morrison's self indulgent 6 month long election campaign will draw to a close.....>

Morrison claims he is a bulldozer.

Presidential style field goal from you know who.

Deputy presidential-style alcohol-dependence from you know who.

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