15 Jan 2025

The Queen Of Greenland Is Australian - Let's Unite To Keep Dumps Dirty Hands Off It

Queen Mary of Denmark is Tasmanian. How many Australians, members of the EU and other enlightened nations would be ready to defend Greenland against a convicted criminal, rapist and fascist with dementia?


Russia Forged A Letter Claiming The US Wanted to Buy Greenland

This is hitting the internet right now and blows-up the story Dump wants Greenland for national security. In 2022, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service determined that the 2019 letter was a forgery, likely orchestrated by Russia. 

Again Vladimir Putin trying to destabilize NATO to rebuild his sh1t empire. Putin made Donald Dump a traitor to the United States and a Kremlin asset.

Putin can stick his 'Soviet Union 2.0' up his butt. The phuker killed 700,000 Russians to gain 25kms of Ukraine? Russians couldn't  manage a 2 week military operation without crippling their entire nation.

We got the screengrab from here.  As Jake Broe points out 'name one country that poses a security threat to the US '? The answer is none. Every radical dictatorship on Earth is a friend of Musk and Dump.

We're sick of over-entitled billionaires that live in palaces making this planet unlivable for everybody else. People like Dump and his social media, space junk oligarchs and Putin. When the meet president Dump should make a citizen's arrest of Putin for thousands of crimes against humanity.

If Dump shows one ounce of leniency towards Putin it proves Melania is a KGB agent and Dump works for Putin. Dumps last term could be a nightmare for him as Americans realize they have been scammed by a Kremlin agent posing as their president.

Is that 'Occupy Trump' or 'Keep Trump Occupied'? The geriatric half-wit needs to be kept entertained.

Check-out The Shovel.


Why only 3 ambassadors and why no females? There were females in movies what happened?  'Duties remain unclear' like Dump's brain.

Who watches these rubbish movies anyway? You would have to call them B-Grade Actors.

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