Dutton and Albanese are amplifying religious extremism by kicking religious fraud down the road for another 4
years. Each too scared to lose a few unhinged religious votes at the
next election. Instead of an evolving society the rest of us have to live in an idiocy of imaginary pseudo-facts mixed with science and presented as a functioning civilisation. We have to compete with Israel to elect our government, because Israel manipulate foreign politicians into supporting their iron age brainwashing.
Both Dutton and Albanese
are almost at the point of outlawing all theological debate just to
protect the religious extremist vote. The fact is, most of us have
evolved to atheism. Also, Australian Aborigines pre-dated Abrahamic
religions by 55,000 years and today we share the same continent.
If Albanese and Dutton really believe god gave Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir Palestine (Canaan in Genesis) then prove it. Every other Australian has to prove their income is sourced legally and their goods and services are advertised honestly.
Not religions. They can promote any imaginary theory, monetize it and it's 100% tax-free. Albanese and Dutton are actually enabling fraud on a massive scale in Australia and they think nobody will notice. They are also enabling extremism by making it tax-exempt. Albanese and Dutton should decide if they want to live in reality or stay in the dark ages.
Dutton and Albanese need to explain why evidence and proof presented to an Australian criminal court is the opposite of the apparitions presented to the Australian Tax Office to gain tax-exempt religious status? Are Albanese and Dutton happy standing for election in a childish and dysfunctional system?
Fact-Checking Social Media But Not The Tax System
Both Albanese and Dutton support fact-checking social media but not fact-checking thousands of churches scamming the tax system. Our position is that religion is an ideological product and must meet the same requirements as any other product. The amount of tax-free money flowing thru thousands of churches marketing imaginary products must be astronomical? No wonder it has bankrupted the Australian economy and left the major parties to focus on debt, interest rates and their personal careers over the 4 year electoral cycle?
Theocracies Can Easily Manipulate Australian Elections
Colonial Britain is a theocracy with the King head of the church. Israel is also a theocracy with the boundaries between church and state moved as required. If Judaism is 100% tax-free in Australia it means Israel is 100% tax-free as well. Money can flow seamlessly from church to state in Britain and Israel. It's interesting Britain played a role in the creation of Israel isn't it? No wonder King Charles studiously ignores the Palestinian genocide?
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