14 Feb 2017

Turnbull Government Celebrate Worst Ever Heatwave With Group Coal Fondling Event

Here we observe a new level of cognitive dissonance in the Turnbull minority government of rabid psychopaths.
On February 9, 2017 Australia's treasurer Scott Morrison entered parliament with a lump of coal. The coal was lovingly stroked by many of the Turnbull front bench. Two days later on Saturday 11 February, Richmond on the outskirts of Sydney recorded 47 degrees (116.6F) in a heatwave that smashed all previous records and made NSW the 'hottest place on Earth' according to climate reanalyzer.
As NSW and Eastern Australia endured a catastrophic heatwave, bushfires broke-out and 30 homes were destroyed. During this heatwave their highly-paid 'representatives' stroked a lump of coal as the catastrophe unfolded. This is worse than Nero fiddling while Rome burned because for Nero it was just Italy, for these yokels it's the planet.

The heat stats are mind-blowing. The town of Walgett hit 47.9 and is close to breaking the record for the highest number of consecutive days over 35 degrees. The record is more than 50 days over 35 degrees.

Back to the Turnbull ministers. Morrison is off with the fairies if he thinks coal will drag Australia out of debt. It's digging us deeper into debt and the fact he is blind to this reality is a tragedy for the nation. Mannequin environment minister Josh Fryemburnt also stroked the coal in a symbolic gesture that the environment means shite in his micro-brain. Barnaby Joyce has recovered from skin cancer long enough to stroke the coal, while Social inSecurity Minister Christian Porter wants a pregnant-looking Minister for revenue Kelly O'Dwyer to look at his chunk.
By Tuesday 14 February thousands of bats were dropping out of trees and dying of heat stress in NSW.
Man-made climate alteration is serious but the Liberal politicians appear to be surgically lobotomised from comprehending science and reality.
Lets be clear? The NSW heatwave was not natural.

Stay tuned for the next Liberal reverie, but it looks like they are not going to to be in government for much longer.

The 'Angry Summer'. 205 Records Broken In 90 Days.
The final word on the Turnbull psychopaths. 

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