Morrison Invented Robodebt
Morrison absolutely had to be out of the country when they revealed the total cost of his childish and incompetent Robodebt scheme. So he fled to the G7 in Cornwall even though he doesn't represent a G7 nation. Morrison really did invent Robodebt look at the Wikipedia page?
Friday June 11 (it absolutely had to be on a Friday before a long weekend) the Federal Court approved a A$1.872 billion settlement incorporating
repayment of A$751 million, wiping of all remaining debts, and the legal
costs running to A$8.4 Million. The biggest Centrelink stuff-up in Australia's history.
Christian Porter Implements Robodebt
Morrison invented Robodebt but ex-attorney general Christian Porter implemented it "In December 2016, Minister for Social Services Christian Porter publicly announced the implementation of this new automated debt recovery scheme".
Scott Morrison's big blunder when inventing Robodebt is that income tax is paid annually and unemployment benefits are paid fortnightly. Apparently that was beyond Morrison's microscopic mental capacity.
Morrison lives off the public purse and obviously has no concept of how the tax system works. He does know how to steal tax in very large amounts. With Robodebt, Morrison assumed a lot of unemployed people were rorting the system. Morrison was wrong.
Robodebt is the biggest government social security stuff-up in our history. So why was it covered-up by the mainstream media this June long weekend?
We are convinced Morrison and the media work on a mutual backscratching arrangement. That's how corrupt politicians operate.
Well said IT. But you should also mention the 1000+ people who committed suicide due to being harassed by debt collectors, chasing none existing robodebts! Surely a criminal act by Morrison and Porter. Not reported by our foreign owned press, what a surprise.
ReplyDeleteForeign interference in our politics. So corrupt. Wake up Australia.