21 Aug 2013

FSC-AU Chairman Forced To Step Aside Over Dead Koalas

FSC Australia Chair of the Board of Directors has been forced to step aside after only a few weeks in the job. Mr Tony Price voluntarily stepped aside following an ABC 7:30 Report story  concerning the deaths of koala bears killed during harvesting of plantations owned by US company Australian Bluegum Plantations.
'Mr Price confirmed at the FSC Australia Board Meeting on Friday (16August) that he wished to stand down as Chair until the matters raised in the story had been resolved.' How does Mr Price expect the matters to be resolved? Maybe he will apologise to the dead koalas or more realistically just wait till the story blows over. Picture left is the past-previous FSC-AU Chair Jim Adams awarding Australian Bluegum Plantations Tony Price FSC 'Forest Manager of The Year' in 2012. Adams himself was recently found to be hiding-out on the FSC-AU board after the group he claimed to represent (TCA) was found to no longer exist. We understand Adams is still sitting on the 'Special Council' of the Tasmanian Forest Agreement. FSC-AU board minutes from May 2013 reveal Adams negotiated the half million dollar grant from the Federal Government to write the FSC Australian Forest Standard. The cash came with strings attached and given the corrupt nature of the logging industry, it is obviously a bribe to gain certification for Forestry Tasmania. FSC Australia has been asked constantly this year to clean-up the pathetic standards of integrity and the many conflicts of  interest concerning board members. FSC-AU has been very defensive in this regard and we think deserves this horrendous wake up call.

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